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# Empreserio 1
## T1 | Que es una Empresa? What is a business?
- [x] [Introducción a la empresa? *Introduction to business?*](Areas/upv/classes/empresario/01-overview/01-introduction.md)
- [x] [¿Qué es una empresa? *What is a business?*](02-what-is-a-business.md)
- [x] [Empresa como caja negra? *Business as a Black Box?*](03-business-as-black-box.md)
- [x] [Empresa como sistema *Business as a System*](04-business-as-system.md)
- [x] [Subsistemas de la empresa *Subsystems of businesses.*](05-business-subsystems.md)
## T2 | El entorno economico de la empresa, The economic environment of the company
- [x] [El entorno de la empresa *The environment of the company*](./02-economic-environment/01-company-environment.md)
- [x] [El entorno general *The environment in general*](./02-economic-environment/02-general-environment.md)
- [x] [El entorno específico *The specific environment*](./02-economic-environment/03-specific-environment.md)
- [x] [Análisis externo e interno: DAFO *External and internal Analysis: SWOT*](./02-economic-environment/04-swot.md)
## T3 | Conceptos generales de gestion, General management concepts
- [x] [Subsistema directivo *Management Subsystem*](./03-management-concepts/01-management-subsystem.md)
- [x] [Funciones de la gestión empresarial *Functions of bousiness managment*](./03-management-concepts/02-functions-of-management.md)
- [x] [Toma de decisiones *Decision Making*](./03-management-concepts/03-decision-making.md)
- [x] [Tipos de decisiones *Types of Decisions*](./03-management-concepts/04-decision-types.md)
- [x] [Niveles directivos *Management Levels*](./03-management-concepts/05-management-levels.md)
- [x] [Decisiones mas importantes en una empresa *Important decisions for a business*](./03-management-concepts/06-vision-mission-values.md)
## T4 | Planifications y control, Planning and control
- [x] [Visión general del directivo *Management Overview*](./04-planning-control/01-management-overview.md)
- [x] [Planificación *Planning*](./04-planning-control/02-planning-definition.md)
- [x] [Proceso de Planificación *The planning Process*](./04-planning-control/03-planning-process.md)
- [x] [Planificación: Objetivo, estrategia y plan *Planning, Objectives, Strategies and plans*](./04-planning-control/04-planning-objectives-plan)
- [x] [Control](./04-planning-control/05-controlling.md)
- [x] [Tipos de control *Types of control*](./04-planning-control/06-types-of-control.md)
- [x] [Control: Cuadro de Mando integral *control: integrated control panel*](./04-planning-control/07-control-dashboard.md)
## T5 | Organicazíon, Organisation
- [x] Introducción de la Organización *Introduction to Organisation*
- [x] Organización *Organisation*
- [x] Unidad organizativa *Organisational Units*
- [x] Departamentalización *Departmentalisation*
- [x] Estructura organizativa *Organisational Structures*
- [x] Organigrama *Organisation Chart*
## T6 | Dirección, Leading
- [x] Introducción: ¿dirigir o liderar? *Introduction, managing or leading*
- [x] Dirección *Direction*
- [x] Liderazgo *Leadership*
- [x] Motivación *Motivation*
- [x] Comunicación *Communication*
## T7 Marketing Fundamentals
- [x] Definir el mercado potencial en el que competir *Define the potential market in which to compete*
- [x] Segmentar el mercado potencial *Segment the potential market*
- [x] Cuantificar la demanda y su evolucion *Quantify demand and its evolution*
- [x] Analizar la competencia *Analyze the competetion*
- [x] Seleccionar el/los semento/s objetivo *Select the target segment(s)*
- [x] Posicionarse en el segmento/mercado *Position yourself in the market segment(s)*
## T8 Marketing Mix
- [ ] Marketing Operacional *Operational Marketing*
- [ ] Marketing Mix 4P's
- [ ] Producto *Product*
- [ ] Precio *Price*
- [ ] Promocion *Promotion*
- [ ] Plaza o Distribucion *Place/Distribution*
- [ ] Tendencias: Marketing extendido *Trends, extended marketing*