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Passive Voice
We use the passive to focus on what happened the action or process which takes place. Information about the agent (who or what does the ation) doesnt need to appear in the sentence. The passive is often used in formal writing contexts such as academic, business or legal texts and also when describing processes which consist of a series of stages. The choice between the use of the passive or active form of a verb depends on whether we want to emphasize the action (passive) or the agent (active).
We form the passive with the verb be+ the past participle of the main verb. We can use the verb be i all tenses and with modal verbs, although the present perfect continous and past perfect continuous form of the passive are not used very often.
Furthermore, we us be in the negative and question form to make negative passibel sentences.
Past Simple
Past Continuous
example Were the subjects in the trial being monitored during the trial
Present Perfect
example: Several market research surveys have been carried out so far.
When will the app be launched. The media can't be told until next week. Existing needs must be clearly identified. Results should be reviewed by peers in academic settings.