fix: cleanup frontend .svelte-kit
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
// this file is generated — do not edit it
/// <reference types="@sveltejs/kit" />
* Environment variables [loaded by Vite]( from `.env` files and `process.env`. Like [`$env/dynamic/private`]($env-dynamic-private), this module cannot be imported into client-side code. This module only includes variables that _do not_ begin with [`config.kit.env.publicPrefix`]( _and do_ start with [`config.kit.env.privatePrefix`]( (if configured).
* _Unlike_ [`$env/dynamic/private`]($env-dynamic-private), the values exported from this module are statically injected into your bundle at build time, enabling optimisations like dead code elimination.
* ```ts
* import { API_KEY } from '$env/static/private';
* ```
* Note that all environment variables referenced in your code should be declared (for example in an `.env` file), even if they don't have a value until the app is deployed:
* ```
* ```
* You can override `.env` values from the command line like so:
* ```bash
* MY_FEATURE_FLAG="enabled" npm run dev
* ```
declare module '$env/static/private' {
export const TAURI_ENV_PLATFORM: string;
export const npm_package_dependencies__tauri_apps_plugin_shell: string;
export const USER: string;
export const npm_config_user_agent: string;
export const npm_package_dependencies__tauri_apps_api: string;
export const FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS: string;
export const npm_package_devDependencies__sveltejs_vite_plugin_svelte: string;
export const npm_package_devDependencies_vite: string;
export const npm_node_execpath: string;
export const SHLVL: string;
export const ASDF_DIR: string;
export const HOME: string;
export const LESS: string;
export const OLDPWD: string;
export const TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION: string;
export const LSCOLORS: string;
export const npm_package_dependencies_three: string;
export const npm_package_devDependencies__sveltejs_adapter_static: string;
export const FPATH: string;
export const PAGER: string;
export const npm_package_devDependencies_svelte_check: string;
export const npm_package_scripts_check: string;
export const npm_package_scripts_tauri: string;
export const P9K_TTY: string;
export const TAURI_ENV_TARGET_TRIPLE: string;
export const COLORTERM: string;
export const WSL_DISTRO_NAME: string;
export const npm_package_dependencies__sveltejs_kit: string;
export const npm_package_devDependencies_typescript: string;
export const WAYLAND_DISPLAY: string;
export const npm_package_scripts_dev: string;
export const LOGNAME: string;
export const npm_package_type: string;
export const npm_package_devDependencies__tauri_apps_cli: string;
export const NAME: string;
export const PULSE_SERVER: string;
export const WSL_INTEROP: string;
export const _P9K_SSH_TTY: string;
export const npm_package_private: string;
export const npm_config_registry: string;
export const TERM: string;
export const ASDF_CONFIG_FILE: string;
export const TAURI_ENV_DEBUG: string;
export const WASMTIME_HOME: string;
export const npm_config_node_gyp: string;
export const PATH: string;
export const NODE: string;
export const TAURI_ENV_PLATFORM_VERSION: string;
export const npm_package_name: string;
export const XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: string;
export const npm_package_dependencies__types_three: string;
export const npm_config_frozen_lockfile: string;
export const DISPLAY: string;
export const LANG: string;
export const MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET: string;
export const TAURI_ENV_ARCH: string;
export const LS_COLORS: string;
export const TERM_PROGRAM: string;
export const npm_lifecycle_script: string;
export const npm_package_devDependencies__tsconfig_svelte: string;
export const NODE_PATH: string;
export const SHELL: string;
export const npm_package_version: string;
export const npm_lifecycle_event: string;
export const npm_package_scripts_build: string;
export const npm_package_dependencies__threlte_core: string;
export const npm_package_devDependencies_svelte: string;
export const npm_package_devDependencies_tslib: string;
export const P9K_SSH: string;
export const ASDF_DATA_DIR: string;
export const TAURI_ENV_FAMILY: string;
export const npm_package_dependencies__threlte_extras: string;
export const FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND: string;
export const PWD: string;
export const npm_execpath: string;
export const _P9K_TTY: string;
export const npm_package_dependencies__threlte_flex: string;
export const PNPM_SCRIPT_SRC_DIR: string;
export const npm_package_devDependencies_internal_ip: string;
export const npm_package_devDependencies_vite_plugin_glsl: string;
export const npm_command: string;
export const npm_package_scripts_preview: string;
export const HOSTTYPE: string;
export const WSL2_GUI_APPS_ENABLED: string;
export const EDITOR: string;
export const INIT_CWD: string;
export const WSLENV: string;
export const NODE_ENV: string;
* Similar to [`$env/static/private`]($env-static-private), except that it only includes environment variables that begin with [`config.kit.env.publicPrefix`]( (which defaults to `PUBLIC_`), and can therefore safely be exposed to client-side code.
* Values are replaced statically at build time.
* ```ts
* import { PUBLIC_BASE_URL } from '$env/static/public';
* ```
declare module '$env/static/public' {
* This module provides access to runtime environment variables, as defined by the platform you're running on. For example if you're using [`adapter-node`]( (or running [`vite preview`](, this is equivalent to `process.env`. This module only includes variables that _do not_ begin with [`config.kit.env.publicPrefix`]( _and do_ start with [`config.kit.env.privatePrefix`]( (if configured).
* This module cannot be imported into client-side code.
* Dynamic environment variables cannot be used during prerendering.
* ```ts
* import { env } from '$env/dynamic/private';
* ```
* > In `dev`, `$env/dynamic` always includes environment variables from `.env`. In `prod`, this behavior will depend on your adapter.
declare module '$env/dynamic/private' {
export const env: {
npm_package_dependencies__tauri_apps_plugin_shell: string;
USER: string;
npm_config_user_agent: string;
npm_package_dependencies__tauri_apps_api: string;
npm_package_devDependencies__sveltejs_vite_plugin_svelte: string;
npm_package_devDependencies_vite: string;
npm_node_execpath: string;
SHLVL: string;
ASDF_DIR: string;
HOME: string;
LESS: string;
OLDPWD: string;
LSCOLORS: string;
npm_package_dependencies_three: string;
npm_package_devDependencies__sveltejs_adapter_static: string;
FPATH: string;
PAGER: string;
npm_package_devDependencies_svelte_check: string;
npm_package_scripts_check: string;
npm_package_scripts_tauri: string;
P9K_TTY: string;
COLORTERM: string;
npm_package_dependencies__sveltejs_kit: string;
npm_package_devDependencies_typescript: string;
npm_package_scripts_dev: string;
LOGNAME: string;
npm_package_type: string;
npm_package_devDependencies__tauri_apps_cli: string;
NAME: string;
WSL_INTEROP: string;
_P9K_SSH_TTY: string;
npm_package_private: string;
npm_config_registry: string;
TERM: string;
npm_config_node_gyp: string;
PATH: string;
NODE: string;
npm_package_name: string;
npm_package_dependencies__types_three: string;
npm_config_frozen_lockfile: string;
DISPLAY: string;
LANG: string;
LS_COLORS: string;
npm_lifecycle_script: string;
npm_package_devDependencies__tsconfig_svelte: string;
NODE_PATH: string;
SHELL: string;
npm_package_version: string;
npm_lifecycle_event: string;
npm_package_scripts_build: string;
npm_package_dependencies__threlte_core: string;
npm_package_devDependencies_svelte: string;
npm_package_devDependencies_tslib: string;
P9K_SSH: string;
ASDF_DATA_DIR: string;
npm_package_dependencies__threlte_extras: string;
PWD: string;
npm_execpath: string;
_P9K_TTY: string;
npm_package_dependencies__threlte_flex: string;
npm_package_devDependencies_internal_ip: string;
npm_package_devDependencies_vite_plugin_glsl: string;
npm_command: string;
npm_package_scripts_preview: string;
HOSTTYPE: string;
EDITOR: string;
INIT_CWD: string;
WSLENV: string;
NODE_ENV: string;
[key: `PUBLIC_${string}`]: undefined;
[key: `${string}`]: string | undefined;
* Similar to [`$env/dynamic/private`]($env-dynamic-private), but only includes variables that begin with [`config.kit.env.publicPrefix`]( (which defaults to `PUBLIC_`), and can therefore safely be exposed to client-side code.
* Note that public dynamic environment variables must all be sent from the server to the client, causing larger network requests — when possible, use `$env/static/public` instead.
* Dynamic environment variables cannot be used during prerendering.
* ```ts
* import { env } from '$env/dynamic/public';
* ```
declare module '$env/dynamic/public' {
export const env: {
[key: `PUBLIC_${string}`]: string | undefined;
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
export { matchers } from './matchers.js';
export const nodes = [
() => import('./nodes/0'),
() => import('./nodes/1'),
() => import('./nodes/2')
export const server_loads = [];
export const dictionary = {
"/": [2]
export const hooks = {
handleError: (({ error }) => { console.error(error) }),
reroute: (() => {})
export { default as root } from '../root.svelte';
@ -1 +0,0 @@
export const matchers = {};
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
import * as universal from "../../../../src/routes/+layout.ts";
export { universal };
export { default as component } from "../../../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@sveltejs+kit@2.5.2_@sveltejs+vite-plugin-svelte@3.0.2_svelte@4.2.12_vite@5.1.4/node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/runtime/components/layout.svelte";
@ -1 +0,0 @@
export { default as component } from "../../../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@sveltejs+kit@2.5.2_@sveltejs+vite-plugin-svelte@3.0.2_svelte@4.2.12_vite@5.1.4/node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/runtime/components/error.svelte";
@ -1 +0,0 @@
export { default as component } from "../../../../src/routes/+page.svelte";
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
export { matchers } from './matchers.js';
export const nodes = [
() => import('./nodes/0'),
() => import('./nodes/1'),
() => import('./nodes/2')
export const server_loads = [];
export const dictionary = {
"/": [2]
export const hooks = {
handleError: (({ error }) => { console.error(error) }),
reroute: (() => {})
export { default as root } from '../root.svelte';
@ -1 +0,0 @@
export const matchers = {};
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
import * as universal from "../../../../src/routes/+layout.ts";
export { universal };
export { default as component } from "../../../../src/routes/+layout.svelte";
@ -1 +0,0 @@
export { default as component } from "../../../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@sveltejs+kit@2.5.2_@sveltejs+vite-plugin-svelte@3.0.2_svelte@4.2.12_vite@5.1.4/node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/runtime/components/error.svelte";
@ -1 +0,0 @@
export { default as component } from "../../../../src/routes/+page.svelte";
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
<!-- This file is generated by @sveltejs/kit — do not edit it! -->
import { setContext, afterUpdate, onMount, tick } from 'svelte';
import { browser } from '$app/environment';
// stores
export let stores;
export let page;
export let constructors;
export let components = [];
export let form;
export let data_0 = null;
export let data_1 = null;
if (!browser) {
setContext('__svelte__', stores);
let mounted = false;
let navigated = false;
let title = null;
onMount(() => {
const unsubscribe = => {
if (mounted) {
navigated = true;
tick().then(() => {
title = document.title || 'untitled page';
mounted = true;
return unsubscribe;
{#if constructors[1]}
<svelte:component this={constructors[0]} bind:this={components[0]} data={data_0}>
<svelte:component this={constructors[1]} bind:this={components[1]} data={data_1} {form} />
<svelte:component this={constructors[0]} bind:this={components[0]} data={data_0} {form} />
{#if mounted}
<div id="svelte-announcer" aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; clip: rect(0 0 0 0); clip-path: inset(50%); overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; width: 1px; height: 1px">
{#if navigated}
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
import root from '../root.svelte';
import { set_building, set_prerendering } from '__sveltekit/environment';
import { set_assets } from '__sveltekit/paths';
import { set_manifest, set_read_implementation } from '__sveltekit/server';
import { set_private_env, set_public_env, set_safe_public_env } from '../../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@sveltejs+kit@2.5.2_@sveltejs+vite-plugin-svelte@3.0.2_svelte@4.2.12_vite@5.1.4/node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/runtime/shared-server.js';
export const options = {
app_dir: "_app",
app_template_contains_nonce: false,
csp: {"mode":"auto","directives":{"upgrade-insecure-requests":false,"block-all-mixed-content":false},"reportOnly":{"upgrade-insecure-requests":false,"block-all-mixed-content":false}},
csrf_check_origin: true,
embedded: false,
env_public_prefix: 'PUBLIC_',
env_private_prefix: '',
hooks: null, // added lazily, via `get_hooks`
preload_strategy: "modulepreload",
service_worker: false,
templates: {
app: ({ head, body, assets, nonce, env }) => "<!doctype html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n\t<head>\n\t\t<meta charset=\"utf-8\" />\n\t\t<link rel=\"icon\" href=\"" + assets + "/svelte.svg\" />\n\t\t<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\" />\n\t\t" + head + "\n\t</head>\n\t<body data-sveltekit-preload-data=\"hover\">\n\t\t<div style=\"display: contents\">" + body + "</div>\n\t</body>\n</html>\n",
error: ({ status, message }) => "<!doctype html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n\t<head>\n\t\t<meta charset=\"utf-8\" />\n\t\t<title>" + message + "</title>\n\n\t\t<style>\n\t\t\tbody {\n\t\t\t\t--bg: white;\n\t\t\t\t--fg: #222;\n\t\t\t\t--divider: #ccc;\n\t\t\t\tbackground: var(--bg);\n\t\t\t\tcolor: var(--fg);\n\t\t\t\tfont-family:\n\t\t\t\t\tsystem-ui,\n\t\t\t\t\t-apple-system,\n\t\t\t\t\tBlinkMacSystemFont,\n\t\t\t\t\t'Segoe UI',\n\t\t\t\t\tRoboto,\n\t\t\t\t\tOxygen,\n\t\t\t\t\tUbuntu,\n\t\t\t\t\tCantarell,\n\t\t\t\t\t'Open Sans',\n\t\t\t\t\t'Helvetica Neue',\n\t\t\t\t\tsans-serif;\n\t\t\t\tdisplay: flex;\n\t\t\t\talign-items: center;\n\t\t\t\tjustify-content: center;\n\t\t\t\theight: 100vh;\n\t\t\t\tmargin: 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t.error {\n\t\t\t\tdisplay: flex;\n\t\t\t\talign-items: center;\n\t\t\t\tmax-width: 32rem;\n\t\t\t\tmargin: 0 1rem;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t.status {\n\t\t\t\tfont-weight: 200;\n\t\t\t\tfont-size: 3rem;\n\t\t\t\tline-height: 1;\n\t\t\t\tposition: relative;\n\t\t\t\ttop: -0.05rem;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t.message {\n\t\t\t\tborder-left: 1px solid var(--divider);\n\t\t\t\tpadding: 0 0 0 1rem;\n\t\t\t\tmargin: 0 0 0 1rem;\n\t\t\t\tmin-height: 2.5rem;\n\t\t\t\tdisplay: flex;\n\t\t\t\talign-items: center;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t.message h1 {\n\t\t\t\tfont-weight: 400;\n\t\t\t\tfont-size: 1em;\n\t\t\t\tmargin: 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {\n\t\t\t\tbody {\n\t\t\t\t\t--bg: #222;\n\t\t\t\t\t--fg: #ddd;\n\t\t\t\t\t--divider: #666;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t</style>\n\t</head>\n\t<body>\n\t\t<div class=\"error\">\n\t\t\t<span class=\"status\">" + status + "</span>\n\t\t\t<div class=\"message\">\n\t\t\t\t<h1>" + message + "</h1>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</body>\n</html>\n"
version_hash: "42dd04"
export async function get_hooks() {
return {
export { set_assets, set_building, set_manifest, set_prerendering, set_private_env, set_public_env, set_read_implementation, set_safe_public_env };
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
// this file is generated — do not edit it
declare module "svelte/elements" {
export interface HTMLAttributes<T> {
'data-sveltekit-keepfocus'?: true | '' | 'off' | undefined | null;
'data-sveltekit-noscroll'?: true | '' | 'off' | undefined | null;
| true
| ''
| 'eager'
| 'viewport'
| 'hover'
| 'tap'
| 'off'
| undefined
| null;
'data-sveltekit-preload-data'?: true | '' | 'hover' | 'tap' | 'off' | undefined | null;
'data-sveltekit-reload'?: true | '' | 'off' | undefined | null;
'data-sveltekit-replacestate'?: true | '' | 'off' | undefined | null;
export {};
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
"../node_modules/.pnpm/@sveltejs+kit@2.5.2_@sveltejs+vite-plugin-svelte@3.0.2_svelte@4.2.12_vite@5.1.4/node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/runtime/client/entry.js": {
"file": "_app/immutable/entry/start.92os7lz4.js",
"src": "../node_modules/.pnpm/@sveltejs+kit@2.5.2_@sveltejs+vite-plugin-svelte@3.0.2_svelte@4.2.12_vite@5.1.4/node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/runtime/client/entry.js",
"isEntry": true,
"imports": [
".svelte-kit/generated/client-optimized/app.js": {
"file": "_app/immutable/entry/app.1QiIHMmL.js",
"src": ".svelte-kit/generated/client-optimized/app.js",
"isEntry": true,
"imports": [
"dynamicImports": [
".svelte-kit/generated/client-optimized/nodes/0.js": {
"file": "_app/immutable/nodes/0.COd8Lg7a.js",
"src": ".svelte-kit/generated/client-optimized/nodes/0.js",
"isEntry": true,
"isDynamicEntry": true,
"imports": [
".svelte-kit/generated/client-optimized/nodes/1.js": {
"file": "_app/immutable/nodes/1.CSd4wjwx.js",
"src": ".svelte-kit/generated/client-optimized/nodes/1.js",
"isEntry": true,
"isDynamicEntry": true,
"imports": [
".svelte-kit/generated/client-optimized/nodes/2.js": {
"file": "_app/immutable/nodes/2.Yb2uPOo9.js",
"src": ".svelte-kit/generated/client-optimized/nodes/2.js",
"isEntry": true,
"isDynamicEntry": true,
"imports": [
"css": [
"_entry.DSCOgCkx.js": {
"file": "_app/immutable/chunks/entry.DSCOgCkx.js",
"imports": [
"_index.CtlmB4aM.js": {
"file": "_app/immutable/chunks/index.CtlmB4aM.js",
"imports": [
"_index.D-4GBzMI.js": {
"file": "_app/immutable/chunks/index.D-4GBzMI.js",
"imports": [
"_scheduler.DQZw9iDR.js": {
"file": "_app/immutable/chunks/scheduler.DQZw9iDR.js"
@ -1 +0,0 @@
canvas.svelte-o3oskp{display:block}body{overflow:hidden}.wrapper.svelte-1hhwi3t{position:absolute;z-index:100;width:0px;height:0px;transform:scale(calc(var(--cz) * .1))}.node.svelte-1hhwi3t:hover{background:red}.node.svelte-1hhwi3t{position:absolute;border-radius:2px;user-select:none!important;-webkit-user-select:none;cursor:pointer;width:50px;height:20px;background:green;transform:translate(var(--nx),var(--ny))}div.svelte-1mpqyj7{height:100vh}body{margin:0;position:relative;width:100vw;height:100vh;background:#0d1320;background:linear-gradient(180deg,#0d1320,#080c15)}
@ -1 +0,0 @@
canvas.svelte-o3oskp{display:block}body{overflow:hidden}.wrapper.svelte-1hhwi3t{position:absolute;z-index:100;width:0px;height:0px;transform:scale(calc(var(--cz) * .1))}.node.svelte-1hhwi3t:hover{background:red}.node.svelte-1hhwi3t{position:absolute;border-radius:2px;user-select:none!important;-webkit-user-select:none;cursor:pointer;width:50px;height:20px;background:green;transform:translate(var(--nx),var(--ny))}div.svelte-1mpqyj7{height:100vh}body{margin:0;position:relative;width:100vw;height:100vh;background:#0d1320;background:linear-gradient(180deg,#0d1320,#080c15)}
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1 +0,0 @@
import{n as f,s as w,a as m,r as q,i as x}from"./scheduler.DQZw9iDR.js";const a=[];function z(e,o){return{subscribe:A(e,o).subscribe}}function A(e,o=f){let n;const r=new Set;function u(t){if(w(e,t)&&(e=t,n)){const i=!a.length;for(const s of r)s[1](),a.push(s,e);if(i){for(let s=0;s<a.length;s+=2)a[s][0](a[s+1]);a.length=0}}}function l(t){u(t(e))}function b(t,i=f){const s=[t,i];return r.add(s),r.size===1&&(n=o(u,l)||f),t(e),()=>{r.delete(s),r.size===0&&n&&(n(),n=null)}}return{set:u,update:l,subscribe:b}}function E(e,o,n){const r=!Array.isArray(e),u=r?[e]:e;if(!u.every(Boolean))throw new Error("derived() expects stores as input, got a falsy value");const l=o.length<2;return z(n,(b,t)=>{let i=!1;const s=[];let d=0,p=f;const h=()=>{if(d)return;p();const c=o(r?s[0]:s,b,t);l?b(c):p=x(c)?c:f},,g)=>m(c,_=>{s[g]=_,d&=~(1<<g),i&&h()},()=>{d|=1<<g}));return i=!0,h(),function(){q(y),p(),i=!1}})}export{E as d,z as r,A as w};
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1 +0,0 @@
function y(){}function w(t,n){for(const e in n)t[e]=n[e];return t}function v(t){return t()}function D(){return Object.create(null)}function j(t){t.forEach(v)}function E(t){return typeof t=="function"}function F(t,n){return t!=t?n==n:t!==n||t&&typeof t=="object"||typeof t=="function"}function M(t){return Object.keys(t).length===0}function m(t,...n){if(t==null){for(const o of n)o(void 0);return y}const e=t.subscribe(...n);return e.unsubscribe?()=>e.unsubscribe():e}function S(t){let n;return m(t,e=>n=e)(),n}function A(t,n,e){t.$$.on_destroy.push(m(n,e))}function B(t,n,e,o){if(t){const r=x(t,n,e,o);return t[0](r)}}function x(t,n,e,o){return t[1]&&o?w(e.ctx.slice(),t[1](o(n))):e.ctx}function G(t,n,e,o){if(t[2]&&o){const r=t[2](o(e));if(n.dirty===void 0)return r;if(typeof r=="object"){const l=[],_=Math.max(n.dirty.length,r.length);for(let u=0;u<_;u+=1)l[u]=n.dirty[u]|r[u];return l}return n.dirty|r}return n.dirty}function H(t,n,e,o,r,l){if(r){const _=x(n,e,o,l);t.p(_,r)}}function I(t){if(t.ctx.length>32){const n=[],e=t.ctx.length/32;for(let o=0;o<e;o++)n[o]=-1;return n}return-1}function P(t){const n={};for(const e in t)e[0]!=="$"&&(n[e]=t[e]);return n}function U(t,n){const e={};n=new Set(n);for(const o in t)!n.has(o)&&o[0]!=="$"&&(e[o]=t[o]);return e}function J(t,n,e){return t.set(e),n}function K(t){return t&&E(t.destroy)?t.destroy:y}let f;function d(t){f=t}function i(){if(!f)throw new Error("Function called outside component initialization");return f}function L(t){i().$$.on_mount.push(t)}function N(t){i().$$.after_update.push(t)}function Q(t){i().$$.on_destroy.push(t)}function R(t,n){return i().$$.context.set(t,n),n}function T(t){return i().$$.context.get(t)}const a=[],b=[];let c=[];const p=[],k=Promise.resolve();let g=!1;function C(){g||(g=!0,k.then(q))}function V(){return C(),k}function O(t){c.push(t)}function W(t){p.push(t)}const h=new Set;let s=0;function q(){if(s!==0)return;const t=f;do{try{for(;s<a.length;){const n=a[s];s++,d(n),z(n.$$)}}catch(n){throw a.length=0,s=0,n}for(d(null),a.length=0,s=0;b.length;)b.pop()();for(let n=0;n<c.length;n+=1){const e=c[n];h.has(e)||(h.add(e),e())}c.length=0}while(a.length);for(;p.length;)p.pop()();g=!1,h.clear(),d(t)}function z(t){if(t.fragment!==null){t.update(),j(t.before_update);const n=t.dirty;t.dirty=[-1],t.fragment&&t.fragment.p(t.ctx,n),t.after_update.forEach(O)}}function X(t){const n=[],e=[];c.forEach(o=>t.indexOf(o)===-1?n.push(o):e.push(o)),e.forEach(o=>o()),c=n}export{T as A,S as B,K as C,i as D,U as E,w as F,P as G,W as H,J as I,m as a,G as b,B as c,A as d,N as e,b as f,I as g,D as h,E as i,q as j,M as k,O as l,X as m,y as n,L as o,f as p,d as q,j as r,F as s,V as t,H as u,v,a as w,C as x,R as y,Q as z};
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import{a as t}from"../chunks/entry.DSCOgCkx.js";export{t as start};
@ -1 +0,0 @@
import{s as l,c as r,u as i,g as u,b as f}from"../chunks/scheduler.DQZw9iDR.js";import{S as _,i as c,t as p,a as m}from"../chunks/index.D-4GBzMI.js";const d=!0,$=!1,v=Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({__proto__:null,prerender:d,ssr:$},Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}));function g(n){let s;const a=n[1].default,e=r(a,n,n[0],null);return{c(){e&&e.c()},l(t){e&&e.l(t)},m(t,o){e&&e.m(t,o),s=!0},p(t,[o]){e&&e.p&&(!s||o&1)&&i(e,a,t,t[0],s?f(a,t[0],o,null):u(t[0]),null)},i(t){s||(p(e,t),s=!0)},o(t){m(e,t),s=!1},d(t){e&&e.d(t)}}}function b(n,s,a){let{$$slots:e={},$$scope:t}=s;return n.$$set=o=>{"$$scope"in o&&a(0,t=o.$$scope)},[t,e]}class h extends _{constructor(s){super(),c(this,s,b,g,l,{})}}export{h as component,v as universal};
@ -1 +0,0 @@
import{s as S,n as _,d as x}from"../chunks/scheduler.DQZw9iDR.js";import{S as j,i as k,e as d,b as f,s as q,c as g,d as h,f as v,g as l,h as y,j as m,k as $,l as E}from"../chunks/index.D-4GBzMI.js";import{s as C}from"../chunks/entry.DSCOgCkx.js";const H=()=>{const s=C;return{page:{},navigating:{subscribe:s.navigating.subscribe},updated:s.updated}},P={subscribe(s){return H().page.subscribe(s)}};function w(s){var b;let t,r=s[0].status+"",o,n,i,c=((b=s[0].error)==null?void 0:b.message)+"",u;return{c(){t=d("h1"),o=f(r),n=q(),i=d("p"),u=f(c)},l(e){t=g(e,"H1",{});var a=h(t);o=v(a,r),a.forEach(l),n=y(e),i=g(e,"P",{});var p=h(i);u=v(p,c),p.forEach(l)},m(e,a){m(e,t,a),$(t,o),m(e,n,a),m(e,i,a),$(i,u)},p(e,[a]){var p;a&1&&r!==(r=e[0].status+"")&&E(o,r),a&1&&c!==(c=((p=e[0].error)==null?void 0:p.message)+"")&&E(u,c)},i:_,o:_,d(e){e&&(l(t),l(n),l(i))}}}function z(s,t,r){let o;return x(s,P,n=>r(0,o=n)),[o]}let F=class extends j{constructor(t){super(),k(this,t,z,w,S,{})}};export{F as component};
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export const env={}
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const tracked_url_properties = (
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function make_trackable(url, callback, search_params_callback) {
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value: new Proxy(tracked.searchParams, {
get(obj, key) {
if (key === "get" || key === "getAll" || key === "has") {
return (param) => {
return obj[key](param);
const value = Reflect.get(obj, key);
return typeof value === "function" ? value.bind(obj) : value;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
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Object.defineProperty(tracked, property, {
get() {
return url[property];
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
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return inspect(url, opts);
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function disable_hash(url) {
Object.defineProperty(url, "hash", {
get() {
throw new Error(
"Cannot access event.url.hash. Consider using `$page.url.hash` inside a component instead"
function disable_search(url) {
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Object.defineProperty(url, property, {
get() {
throw new Error(`Cannot access url.${property} on a page with prerendering enabled`);
function allow_nodejs_console_log(url) {
url[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")] = (depth, opts, inspect) => {
return inspect(new URL(url), opts);
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if (pathname.endsWith(".html"))
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return pathname.replace(/\/$/, "") + DATA_SUFFIX;
function strip_data_suffix(pathname) {
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return pathname.slice(0, -HTML_DATA_SUFFIX.length) + ".html";
return pathname.slice(0, -DATA_SUFFIX.length);
function validator(expected) {
function validate(module, file) {
if (!module)
for (const key in module) {
if (key[0] === "_" || expected.has(key))
const values = [...expected.values()];
const hint = hint_for_supported_files(key, file?.slice(file.lastIndexOf("."))) ?? `valid exports are ${values.join(", ")}, or anything with a '_' prefix`;
throw new Error(`Invalid export '${key}'${file ? ` in ${file}` : ""} (${hint})`);
return validate;
function hint_for_supported_files(key, ext = ".js") {
const supported_files = [];
if (valid_layout_exports.has(key)) {
if (valid_page_exports.has(key)) {
if (valid_layout_server_exports.has(key)) {
if (valid_page_server_exports.has(key)) {
if (valid_server_exports.has(key)) {
if (supported_files.length > 0) {
return `'${key}' is a valid export in ${supported_files.slice(0, -1).join(", ")}${supported_files.length > 1 ? " or " : ""}${}`;
const valid_layout_exports = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
const valid_page_exports = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...valid_layout_exports, "entries"]);
const valid_layout_server_exports = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...valid_layout_exports]);
const valid_page_server_exports = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...valid_layout_server_exports, "actions", "entries"]);
const valid_server_exports = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
const validate_layout_exports = validator(valid_layout_exports);
const validate_page_exports = validator(valid_page_exports);
const validate_layout_server_exports = validator(valid_layout_server_exports);
const validate_page_server_exports = validator(valid_page_server_exports);
const validate_server_exports = validator(valid_server_exports);
export {
add_data_suffix as a,
decode_pathname as b,
decode_params as c,
disable_search as d,
validate_layout_exports as e,
validate_page_server_exports as f,
validate_page_exports as g,
has_data_suffix as h,
validate_server_exports as i,
make_trackable as m,
normalize_path as n,
resolve as r,
strip_data_suffix as s,
validate_layout_server_exports as v
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
import { n as noop, l as safe_not_equal, a as subscribe, r as run_all, p as is_function } from "./ssr.js";
const subscriber_queue = [];
function readable(value, start) {
return {
subscribe: writable(value, start).subscribe
function writable(value, start = noop) {
let stop;
const subscribers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function set(new_value) {
if (safe_not_equal(value, new_value)) {
value = new_value;
if (stop) {
const run_queue = !subscriber_queue.length;
for (const subscriber of subscribers) {
subscriber_queue.push(subscriber, value);
if (run_queue) {
for (let i = 0; i < subscriber_queue.length; i += 2) {
subscriber_queue[i][0](subscriber_queue[i + 1]);
subscriber_queue.length = 0;
function update(fn) {
function subscribe2(run, invalidate = noop) {
const subscriber = [run, invalidate];
if (subscribers.size === 1) {
stop = start(set, update) || noop;
return () => {
if (subscribers.size === 0 && stop) {
stop = null;
return { set, update, subscribe: subscribe2 };
function derived(stores, fn, initial_value) {
const single = !Array.isArray(stores);
const stores_array = single ? [stores] : stores;
if (!stores_array.every(Boolean)) {
throw new Error("derived() expects stores as input, got a falsy value");
const auto = fn.length < 2;
return readable(initial_value, (set, update) => {
let started = false;
const values = [];
let pending = 0;
let cleanup = noop;
const sync = () => {
if (pending) {
const result = fn(single ? values[0] : values, set, update);
if (auto) {
} else {
cleanup = is_function(result) ? result : noop;
const unsubscribers =
(store, i) => subscribe(
(value) => {
values[i] = value;
pending &= ~(1 << i);
if (started) {
() => {
pending |= 1 << i;
started = true;
return function stop() {
started = false;
export {
derived as d,
readable as r,
writable as w
@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
import { c as create_ssr_component, s as setContext, v as validate_component, m as missing_component } from "./ssr.js";
let base = "";
let assets = base;
const initial = { base, assets };
function override(paths) {
base = paths.base;
assets = paths.assets;
function reset() {
base = initial.base;
assets = initial.assets;
function set_assets(path) {
assets = initial.assets = path;
let public_env = {};
let safe_public_env = {};
function set_private_env(environment) {
function set_public_env(environment) {
public_env = environment;
function set_safe_public_env(environment) {
safe_public_env = environment;
function afterUpdate() {
let prerendering = false;
function set_building() {
function set_prerendering() {
prerendering = true;
const Root = create_ssr_component(($$result, $$props, $$bindings, slots) => {
let { stores } = $$props;
let { page } = $$props;
let { constructors } = $$props;
let { components = [] } = $$props;
let { form } = $$props;
let { data_0 = null } = $$props;
let { data_1 = null } = $$props;
setContext("__svelte__", stores);
if ($$props.stores === void 0 && $$bindings.stores && stores !== void 0)
if ($$ === void 0 && $$ && page !== void 0)
if ($$props.constructors === void 0 && $$bindings.constructors && constructors !== void 0)
if ($$props.components === void 0 && $$bindings.components && components !== void 0)
if ($$props.form === void 0 && $$bindings.form && form !== void 0)
if ($$props.data_0 === void 0 && $$bindings.data_0 && data_0 !== void 0)
if ($$props.data_1 === void 0 && $$bindings.data_1 && data_1 !== void 0)
let $$settled;
let $$rendered;
let previous_head = $$result.head;
do {
$$settled = true;
$$result.head = previous_head;
$$rendered = ` ${constructors[1] ? `${validate_component(constructors[0] || missing_component, "svelte:component").$$render(
{ data: data_0, this: components[0] },
this: ($$value) => {
components[0] = $$value;
$$settled = false;
default: () => {
return `${validate_component(constructors[1] || missing_component, "svelte:component").$$render(
{ data: data_1, form, this: components[1] },
this: ($$value) => {
components[1] = $$value;
$$settled = false;
)}` : `${validate_component(constructors[0] || missing_component, "svelte:component").$$render(
{ data: data_0, form, this: components[0] },
this: ($$value) => {
components[0] = $$value;
$$settled = false;
)}`} ${``}`;
} while (!$$settled);
return $$rendered;
function set_read_implementation(fn) {
function set_manifest(_) {
const options = {
app_dir: "_app",
app_template_contains_nonce: false,
csp: { "mode": "auto", "directives": { "upgrade-insecure-requests": false, "block-all-mixed-content": false }, "reportOnly": { "upgrade-insecure-requests": false, "block-all-mixed-content": false } },
csrf_check_origin: true,
embedded: false,
env_public_prefix: "PUBLIC_",
env_private_prefix: "",
hooks: null,
// added lazily, via `get_hooks`
preload_strategy: "modulepreload",
root: Root,
service_worker: false,
templates: {
app: ({ head, body, assets: assets2, nonce, env }) => '<!doctype html>\n<html lang="en">\n <head>\n <meta charset="utf-8" />\n <link rel="icon" href="' + assets2 + '/svelte.svg" />\n <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />\n ' + head + '\n </head>\n <body data-sveltekit-preload-data="hover">\n <div style="display: contents">' + body + "</div>\n </body>\n</html>\n",
error: ({ status, message }) => '<!doctype html>\n<html lang="en">\n <head>\n <meta charset="utf-8" />\n <title>' + message + `</title>
body {
--bg: white;
--fg: #222;
--divider: #ccc;
background: var(--bg);
color: var(--fg);
'Segoe UI',
'Open Sans',
'Helvetica Neue',
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
height: 100vh;
margin: 0;
.error {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
max-width: 32rem;
margin: 0 1rem;
.status {
font-weight: 200;
font-size: 3rem;
line-height: 1;
position: relative;
top: -0.05rem;
.message {
border-left: 1px solid var(--divider);
padding: 0 0 0 1rem;
margin: 0 0 0 1rem;
min-height: 2.5rem;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.message h1 {
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 1em;
margin: 0;
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
body {
--bg: #222;
--fg: #ddd;
--divider: #666;
<div class="error">
<span class="status">` + status + '</span>\n <div class="message">\n <h1>' + message + "</h1>\n </div>\n </div>\n </body>\n</html>\n"
version_hash: "tics2f"
async function get_hooks() {
return {};
export {
assets as a,
base as b,
options as c,
set_private_env as d,
prerendering as e,
set_public_env as f,
get_hooks as g,
set_safe_public_env as h,
set_assets as i,
set_building as j,
set_manifest as k,
set_prerendering as l,
set_read_implementation as m,
override as o,
public_env as p,
reset as r,
safe_public_env as s
@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
function noop() {
function run(fn) {
return fn();
function blank_object() {
return /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
function run_all(fns) {
function is_function(thing) {
return typeof thing === "function";
function safe_not_equal(a, b) {
return a != a ? b == b : a !== b || a && typeof a === "object" || typeof a === "function";
function subscribe(store, ...callbacks) {
if (store == null) {
for (const callback of callbacks) {
callback(void 0);
return noop;
const unsub = store.subscribe(...callbacks);
return unsub.unsubscribe ? () => unsub.unsubscribe() : unsub;
function get_store_value(store) {
let value;
subscribe(store, (_) => value = _)();
return value;
function compute_rest_props(props, keys) {
const rest = {};
keys = new Set(keys);
for (const k in props)
if (!keys.has(k) && k[0] !== "$")
rest[k] = props[k];
return rest;
let current_component;
function set_current_component(component) {
current_component = component;
function get_current_component() {
if (!current_component)
throw new Error("Function called outside component initialization");
return current_component;
function onDestroy(fn) {
function setContext(key, context) {
get_current_component().$$.context.set(key, context);
return context;
function getContext(key) {
return get_current_component().$$.context.get(key);
function ensure_array_like(array_like_or_iterator) {
return array_like_or_iterator?.length !== void 0 ? array_like_or_iterator : Array.from(array_like_or_iterator);
const ATTR_REGEX = /[&"]/g;
const CONTENT_REGEX = /[&<]/g;
function escape(value, is_attr = false) {
const str = String(value);
const pattern = is_attr ? ATTR_REGEX : CONTENT_REGEX;
pattern.lastIndex = 0;
let escaped = "";
let last = 0;
while (pattern.test(str)) {
const i = pattern.lastIndex - 1;
const ch = str[i];
escaped += str.substring(last, i) + (ch === "&" ? "&" : ch === '"' ? """ : "<");
last = i + 1;
return escaped + str.substring(last);
function each(items, fn) {
items = ensure_array_like(items);
let str = "";
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i += 1) {
str += fn(items[i], i);
return str;
const missing_component = {
$$render: () => ""
function validate_component(component, name) {
if (!component || !component.$$render) {
if (name === "svelte:component")
name += " this={...}";
throw new Error(
`<${name}> is not a valid SSR component. You may need to review your build config to ensure that dependencies are compiled, rather than imported as pre-compiled modules. Otherwise you may need to fix a <${name}>.`
return component;
let on_destroy;
function create_ssr_component(fn) {
function $$render(result, props, bindings, slots, context) {
const parent_component = current_component;
const $$ = {
context: new Map(context || (parent_component ? parent_component.$$.context : [])),
// these will be immediately discarded
on_mount: [],
before_update: [],
after_update: [],
callbacks: blank_object()
set_current_component({ $$ });
const html = fn(result, props, bindings, slots);
return html;
return {
render: (props = {}, { $$slots = {}, context = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() } = {}) => {
on_destroy = [];
const result = { title: "", head: "", css: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set() };
const html = $$render(result, props, {}, $$slots, context);
return {
css: {
code: Array.from(result.css).map((css) => css.code).join("\n"),
map: null
head: result.title + result.head
function add_attribute(name, value, boolean) {
if (value == null || boolean && !value)
return "";
const assignment = boolean && value === true ? "" : `="${escape(value, true)}"`;
return ` ${name}${assignment}`;
export {
subscribe as a,
set_current_component as b,
create_ssr_component as c,
current_component as d,
escape as e,
get_store_value as f,
getContext as g,
add_attribute as h,
get_current_component as i,
compute_rest_props as j,
each as k,
safe_not_equal as l,
missing_component as m,
noop as n,
onDestroy as o,
is_function as p,
run_all as r,
setContext as s,
validate_component as v
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
import { g as getContext, c as create_ssr_component, a as subscribe, e as escape } from "../../chunks/ssr.js";
import "../../chunks/exports.js";
function get(key, parse = JSON.parse) {
try {
return parse(sessionStorage[key]);
} catch {
const SNAPSHOT_KEY = "sveltekit:snapshot";
const SCROLL_KEY = "sveltekit:scroll";
get(SCROLL_KEY) ?? {};
get(SNAPSHOT_KEY) ?? {};
const getStores = () => {
const stores = getContext("__svelte__");
return {
/** @type {typeof page} */
page: {
/** @type {typeof navigating} */
navigating: {
subscribe: stores.navigating.subscribe
/** @type {typeof updated} */
updated: stores.updated
const page = {
subscribe(fn) {
const store = getStores().page;
return store.subscribe(fn);
const Error$1 = create_ssr_component(($$result, $$props, $$bindings, slots) => {
let $page, $$unsubscribe_page;
$$unsubscribe_page = subscribe(page, (value) => $page = value);
return `<h1>${escape($page.status)}</h1> <p>${escape($page.error?.message)}</p>`;
export {
Error$1 as default
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
import { c as create_ssr_component } from "../../chunks/ssr.js";
const Layout = create_ssr_component(($$result, $$props, $$bindings, slots) => {
return `${slots.default ? slots.default({}) : ``}`;
export {
Layout as default
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
const prerender = true;
const ssr = false;
export {
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
import { g, c, i, j, k, l, d, f, m, h } from "./chunks/internal.js";
export {
g as get_hooks,
c as options,
i as set_assets,
j as set_building,
k as set_manifest,
l as set_prerendering,
d as set_private_env,
f as set_public_env,
m as set_read_implementation,
h as set_safe_public_env
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
export const manifest = (() => {
function __memo(fn) {
let value;
return () => value ??= (value = fn());
return {
appDir: "_app",
appPath: "_app",
assets: new Set(["svelte.svg","tauri.svg","vite.svg"]),
mimeTypes: {".svg":"image/svg+xml"},
_: {
client: {"start":"_app/immutable/entry/start.92os7lz4.js","app":"_app/immutable/entry/app.1QiIHMmL.js","imports":["_app/immutable/entry/start.92os7lz4.js","_app/immutable/chunks/entry.DSCOgCkx.js","_app/immutable/chunks/scheduler.DQZw9iDR.js","_app/immutable/chunks/index.CtlmB4aM.js","_app/immutable/entry/app.1QiIHMmL.js","_app/immutable/chunks/scheduler.DQZw9iDR.js","_app/immutable/chunks/index.D-4GBzMI.js"],"stylesheets":[],"fonts":[],"uses_env_dynamic_public":false},
nodes: [
__memo(() => import('./nodes/0.js')),
__memo(() => import('./nodes/1.js')),
__memo(() => import('./nodes/2.js'))
routes: [
id: "/",
pattern: /^\/$/,
params: [],
page: { layouts: [0,], errors: [1,], leaf: 2 },
endpoint: null
matchers: async () => {
return { };
server_assets: {}
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
export const manifest = (() => {
function __memo(fn) {
let value;
return () => value ??= (value = fn());
return {
appDir: "_app",
appPath: "_app",
assets: new Set(["svelte.svg","tauri.svg","vite.svg"]),
mimeTypes: {".svg":"image/svg+xml"},
_: {
client: {"start":"_app/immutable/entry/start.92os7lz4.js","app":"_app/immutable/entry/app.1QiIHMmL.js","imports":["_app/immutable/entry/start.92os7lz4.js","_app/immutable/chunks/entry.DSCOgCkx.js","_app/immutable/chunks/scheduler.DQZw9iDR.js","_app/immutable/chunks/index.CtlmB4aM.js","_app/immutable/entry/app.1QiIHMmL.js","_app/immutable/chunks/scheduler.DQZw9iDR.js","_app/immutable/chunks/index.D-4GBzMI.js"],"stylesheets":[],"fonts":[],"uses_env_dynamic_public":false},
nodes: [
__memo(() => import('./nodes/0.js')),
__memo(() => import('./nodes/1.js'))
routes: [
matchers: async () => {
return { };
server_assets: {}
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
import * as universal from '../entries/pages/_layout.ts.js';
export const index = 0;
let component_cache;
export const component = async () => component_cache ??= (await import('../entries/fallbacks/layout.svelte.js')).default;
export { universal };
export const universal_id = "src/routes/+layout.ts";
export const imports = ["_app/immutable/nodes/0.COd8Lg7a.js","_app/immutable/chunks/scheduler.DQZw9iDR.js","_app/immutable/chunks/index.D-4GBzMI.js"];
export const stylesheets = [];
export const fonts = [];
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
export const index = 1;
let component_cache;
export const component = async () => component_cache ??= (await import('../entries/fallbacks/error.svelte.js')).default;
export const imports = ["_app/immutable/nodes/1.CSd4wjwx.js","_app/immutable/chunks/scheduler.DQZw9iDR.js","_app/immutable/chunks/index.D-4GBzMI.js","_app/immutable/chunks/entry.DSCOgCkx.js","_app/immutable/chunks/index.CtlmB4aM.js"];
export const stylesheets = [];
export const fonts = [];
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
export const index = 2;
let component_cache;
export const component = async () => component_cache ??= (await import('../entries/pages/_page.svelte.js')).default;
export const imports = ["_app/immutable/nodes/2.Yb2uPOo9.js","_app/immutable/chunks/scheduler.DQZw9iDR.js","_app/immutable/chunks/index.D-4GBzMI.js","_app/immutable/chunks/index.CtlmB4aM.js"];
export const stylesheets = ["_app/immutable/assets/2.CkmNU14M.css"];
export const fonts = [];
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"$lib": [
"$lib/*": [
"rootDirs": [
"verbatimModuleSyntax": true,
"isolatedModules": true,
"lib": [
"moduleResolution": "bundler",
"module": "esnext",
"noEmit": true,
"target": "esnext"
"include": [
"exclude": [
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
"/": [
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
import type * as Kit from '@sveltejs/kit';
type Expand<T> = T extends infer O ? { [K in keyof O]: O[K] } : never;
// @ts-ignore
type MatcherParam<M> = M extends (param : string) => param is infer U ? U extends string ? U : string : string;
type RouteParams = { };
type RouteId = '/';
type MaybeWithVoid<T> = {} extends T ? T | void : T;
export type RequiredKeys<T> = { [K in keyof T]-?: {} extends { [P in K]: T[K] } ? never : K; }[keyof T];
type OutputDataShape<T> = MaybeWithVoid<Omit<App.PageData, RequiredKeys<T>> & Partial<Pick<App.PageData, keyof T & keyof App.PageData>> & Record<string, any>>
type EnsureDefined<T> = T extends null | undefined ? {} : T;
type OptionalUnion<U extends Record<string, any>, A extends keyof U = U extends U ? keyof U : never> = U extends unknown ? { [P in Exclude<A, keyof U>]?: never } & U : never;
export type Snapshot<T = any> = Kit.Snapshot<T>;
type PageParentData = EnsureDefined<LayoutData>;
type LayoutRouteId = RouteId | "/" | null
type LayoutParams = RouteParams & { }
type LayoutParentData = EnsureDefined<{}>;
export type PageServerData = null;
export type PageData = Expand<PageParentData>;
export type LayoutServerData = null;
export type LayoutLoad<OutputData extends OutputDataShape<LayoutParentData> = OutputDataShape<LayoutParentData>> = Kit.Load<LayoutParams, LayoutServerData, LayoutParentData, OutputData, LayoutRouteId>;
export type LayoutLoadEvent = Parameters<LayoutLoad>[0];
export type LayoutData = Expand<Omit<LayoutParentData, keyof LayoutParentData & EnsureDefined<LayoutServerData>> & OptionalUnion<EnsureDefined<LayoutParentData & EnsureDefined<LayoutServerData>>>>;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user