feat: switch from rofi to wofi
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ return require("packer").startup(function()
use "tpope/vim-fugitive"
use "tpope/vim-surround"
use "lambdalisue/suda.vim"
use "editorconfig/editorconfig-vim"
-- Code Navigation
@ -55,7 +56,8 @@ return require("packer").startup(function()
-- Syntax / Autocomplete
use "neovim/nvim-lspconfig"
use "terminalnode/sway-vim-syntax"
use "neovim/nvim-lspconfig"
use "github/copilot.vim"
use "hrsh7th/nvim-cmp"
use "hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp"
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
set -e
# - Doesn't show the sink that is already the default
# - Automatically switches all running input sinks when switching the default sink
# Get the current default sink
SINK_DEFAULT=$(pactl info | ag "Default Sink" | ag -o "(?!.*:)[^\s].*")
# Get the audio sink names
SINK_NAMES=$(pactl list sinks | ag Name | cut --complement -c 1-7)
# Get the index of the default sink
DEFAULT_INDEX=$(printf "%s" "$SINK_NAMES" | ag --number "$SINK_DEFAULT" | sed 's/:.*//' )
# Get the audio sink descriptions
SINK_DESCRIPTIONS=$(pactl list sinks | ag Description | cut --complement -c 1-13 | sed 's/^ \+//' | sed 's/ \+$//')
# Get all the programs that revieve the audio from the sinks
SINK_INPUTS=$(pactl list sink-inputs | ag "Sink Input #")
# Get the descriptions from the sinks without the default sink to display to the user and have the user pick a sink
SINK_DESCRIPTION=$(printf "%s" "$SINK_DESCRIPTIONS" | sed "${DEFAULT_INDEX}d" | dmenu -i -fn "Roboto Mono for Powerline-11" -p "Select sink:")
SINK_DESCRIPTION=$(printf "%s" "$SINK_DESCRIPTION" | sed 's/(/\\(/' | sed 's/)/\\)/')
# Get the index for the answer that the user wrote
DESCRIPTION_INDEX=$(printf "%s\n" "$SINK_DESCRIPTIONS" | ag --number "$SINK_DESCRIPTION" | sed 's/:.*//')
DESCRIPTION_INDEX=$((DESCRIPTION_INDEX - 1)) # Correct the index hihi
# Set the default sink
pactl set-default-sink $DESCRIPTION_INDEX
# Change all the ouputs for the programs that are using the default sink
printf "%s\n" "$SINK_INPUTS" | while read -r SINK_INPUT
# Get the index for the program
SINK_INPUT_INDEX=$(printf "%s" "$SINK_INPUT" | ag -o "(?!Sink Input#)[0-9]+")
pactl move-sink-input "$SINK_INPUT_INDEX" "$DESCRIPTION_INDEX"
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
# vi: ft=conf
# Default config for sway
# Copy this to ~/.config/sway/config and edit it to your liking.
@ -8,19 +10,27 @@
# Logo key. Use Mod1 for Alt.
set $mod Mod4
# Home row direction keys, like vim
set $left h
set $down j
set $up k
set $right l
# Your preferred terminal emulator
set $term alacritty
set $menu "rofi -combi-modi window,drun,ssh,run -show combi -show-icons"
set $powermenu "rofi -show p -modi p:~/.dotfiles/configs/rofi/rofi-power-menu -lines 6"
# Some menus
set $wofi_scripts ~/.config/wofi
set $quickmenu wofi --show drun
# Screenshot section
set $screenclip slurp | grim -g - ~/Pictures/Screenshots/scrn-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S").png
set $screenshot grim ~/Pictures/screenshots/scrn-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S").png
set $windowshot swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.pid? and .visible?) | .rect | "\(.x),\(.y) \(.width)x\(.height)"' | $screenclip
# Default Programs
set $term alacritty
set $explorer nautilus
set $config_editor ~/.config/sway/config_editor.sh
set $settings gnome-control-center
set $toggle_layout ~/.config/sway/toggle_layout.sh
set $toggle_gaps ~/.config/sway/toggle_gaps.sh
@ -80,13 +90,15 @@ output * bg `find ~/.customization/background -type f | shuf -n 1` fill
# Basics:
bindsym $mod+q exec $powermenu
bindsym $mod+d exec $quickmenu
bindsym $mod+q kill
bindsym $mod+Shift+q exec $wofi_scripts/wofi-power-menu.sh
bindsym $mod+Return exec $term
bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill
bindsym $mod+d exec $menu
bindsym $mod+e exec nautilus
# Drag and resize floating windows with mouse right/left drag
bindsym $mod+e exec $explorer
bindsym $mod+Comma exec $settings
bindsym $mod+Shift+Comma exec $config_editor
# Drag and resize floating windows with mouse right/left drag
floating_modifier $mod normal
# Reload the configuration file
@ -181,7 +193,6 @@ output * bg `find ~/.customization/background -type f | shuf -n 1` fill
# Switch the current container between different layout styles
bindsym $mod+w exec $toggle_layout
bindsym $mod+g exec $toggle_gaps
bindsym $mod+Comma exec $settings
# Make the current focus fullscreen
bindsym $mod+f fullscreen
@ -204,7 +215,7 @@ output * bg `find ~/.customization/background -type f | shuf -n 1` fill
bindsym $mod+s exec $screenshot
bindsym Alt+Tab exec rofi -show window -modi window
bindsym $mod+Tab exec $wofi_scripts/sway-select-window.sh
# Scratchpad:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
alacritty -e zsh -c "/home/jim/.asdf/shims/nvim ~/.dotfiles"
@ -77,7 +77,8 @@
"custom/clock": {
"exec": "date +'%H:%M'",
"interval": 10
"interval": 10,
"on-click": "nm-applet"
"cpu": {
"format": "{usage}% ",
@ -1133,3 +1133,552 @@ __main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Initialize player: chromium
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new playback status
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ INFO Received new metadata
__main__ INFO Writing output
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ INFO Player has vanished
__main__ INFO Player has vanished
__main__ INFO Player has vanished
__main__ INFO Player has vanished
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Received signal to stop, exiting
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
__main__ DEBUG Arguments received {'verbose': 0, 'player': None}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Connect to VPN connections
# Starts a scan of available broadcasting SSIDs
# nmcli dev wifi rescan
export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
export LANGUAGE="en_US:en"
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
LIST=$(nmcli --fields "$FIELDS" connection show | awk \
-F "[ ]{2,}" \
'$2 ~ /vpn/ {
sub(/activated/, "");
sub(/activating/, "");
sub(/--/, "");
printf "<tt>%-30s\t</tt>%s\n", $1,$3 }')
# Dynamically change the height of the rofi menu
LINENUM=$(echo "$LIST" | wc -l)
CHENTRY=$(echo -e "$LIST" | uniq -u | \
wofi -i \
--dmenu \
-p "Choose a VPN connection: " \
--width "$WWIDTH" \
--height $WHEIGHT \
--cache-file ${CACHE} \
--location $LOC \
--xoffset $XOFF | \
sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g')
rm ${CACHE}
ACTIVE=$(echo $CHENTRY | awk -F "[ ]{2,}" '{print //}')
VPNID=$(echo "$CHENTRY" | awk -F "[ ]{2,}" '{print $1}')
# It is assumed that if the connection is in active, then
# the user wants to deactivate it
if [[ $ACTIVE =~ 1 ]]; then
nmcli connection down "$VPNID"
nmcli connection up "$VPNID"
pkill -SIGRTMIN+2 waybar
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Connect to WIFI
# Modified from https://github.com/zbaylin/rofi-wifi-menu/blob/master/rofi-wifi-menu.sh
# export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
export LANGUAGE="en_US:en"
# Starts a scan of available broadcasting SSIDs
# nmcli dev wifi rescan
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
LIST=$(nmcli --fields "$FIELDS" device wifi list | sed '/^--/d' | \
awk -F "[ ]{2,}" '/SSID/ {next} {;
sub(/yes/, "", $3);
sub(/no/, "", $3);
if ($4 == "--") $4=""; else $4="";
printf "<tt>%-4s %-26s </tt>%s %s\n", $2,$1,$3,$4 }')
# Bluetooth connections
LISTB=$(nmcli --fields NAME,TYPE,ACTIVE con show | \
awk -F "[ ]{2,}" '/bluetooth/ {;
sub(/yes/, "", $3);
sub(/no/, "", $3);
printf "<tt> %-26s </tt>%s \n", $1,$3 }')
# Gives a list of known connections so we can parse it later
KNOWNCON=$(nmcli connection show | awk -F '[[:space:]][[:space:]]+' '{printf "%s\n", $1}')
# Really janky way of telling if there is currently a connection
CONSTATE=$(nmcli -fields WIFI g | awk '/enabled|disabled/ { print $0}')
CURRSSID=$(LANGUAGE=C nmcli -t -f active,ssid dev wifi | awk -F: '$1 ~ /^yes/ {print $2}')
if [[ ! -z $CURRSSID ]]; then
HIGHLINE=$(echo "$(echo "$LIST" | awk -F "[ ]{2,}" '{print $2}' | grep -Fxn -m 1 "$CURRSSID" | awk -F ":" '{print $1}') + 1" | bc )
LINENUM=$(echo -e "toggle\nmanual\n${LISTB}\n${LIST}" | wc -l)
# If there are more than 20 SSIDs, the menu will still only have 20 lines
if [ "$LINENUM" -gt 20 ] && [[ "$CONSTATE" =~ "enabled" ]]; then
elif [[ "$CONSTATE" =~ "disabled" ]]; then
if [[ "$CONSTATE" =~ "enabled" ]]; then
TOGGLE="toggle off"
elif [[ "$CONSTATE" =~ "disabled" ]]; then
TOGGLE="toggle on"
CHENTRY=$(echo -e "$TOGGLE\nmanual\n$LISTB\n$LIST" | uniq -u | \
wofi -i --dmenu -p "Wi-Fi SSID: " --width "$WWIDTH" --lines ${LINENUM} --cache-file /dev/null --location $LOC --xoffset $XOFF | awk -F "[ ]{2,}" '{gsub(/<[^>]*>/, ""); print $0}')
CHSSID=$(echo "$CHENTRY" | awk -F "[ ]{2,}" '{print $2}')
# If the user inputs "manual" as their SSID in the start window, it will bring them to this screen
if [ "$CHENTRY" = "manual" ] ; then
# Manual entry of the SSID and password (if appplicable)
MSSID=$(echo "enter the SSID of the network (SSID,password)" | wofi --dmenu -p "Manual Entry: ")
# Separating the password from the entered string
MPASS=$(echo "$MSSID" | awk -F "," '{print $2}')
# If the user entered a manual password, then use the password nmcli command
if [ "$MPASS" = "" ]; then
nmcli dev wifi con "$MSSID"
nmcli dev wifi con "$MSSID" password "$MPASS"
elif [ "$CHENTRY" = "toggle on" ]; then
nmcli radio wifi on
elif [ "$CHENTRY" = "toggle off" ]; then
nmcli radio wifi off
# If the connection is already in use, then this will still be able to get the SSID
if [ "$CHSSID" = "*" ]; then
CHSSID=$(echo "$CHENTRY" | sed 's/\s\{2,\}/\|/g' | awk -F "|" '{print $3}')
# Parses the list of preconfigured connections to see if it already contains the chosen SSID. This speeds up the connection process
if [[ $(echo "$KNOWNCON" | grep -w "$CHSSID") = "$CHSSID" ]]; then
nmcli con up "$CHSSID"
nmcli dev wifi con "$CHSSID"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
/* https://cloudninja.pw/docs/wofi.html */
window {
/* border: solid 1px white; */
background-color: black;
#input {
border: none;
border-radius: 0px;
background-color: white;
color: black;
font-size: 18px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
#img {
margin-right: 10px;
#outer-box {
margin: 10px;
#scroll {
margin: 5px 0px;
font-size: 16px;
color: #ccc;
#scroll label {
margin: 2px 0px;
background-color: white;
color: black;
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '
# descend to workspace or scratchpad
# save workspace name as .w
| {"w": .name} + (
if .nodes then # workspace
else # scratchpad
+ .floating_nodes
| .[]
# select nodes with no children (windows)
| select(.nodes==[])
| ((.id | tostring) + "\t "
# remove markup and index from workspace name, replace scratch with "[S]"
+ (.w | gsub("^[^:]*:|<[^>]*>"; "") | sub("__i3_scratch"; "[S]"))
+ "\t " + .name)
' | wofi --show dmenu -Ddynamic-lines=true --prompt=0 | {
read -r id name
swaymsg "[con_id=$id]" focus
@ -25,12 +25,11 @@
# obtain command to execute with swaymsg for selected window
if [ -z "$1" ]
# Obtain the avaliable windows' workspaces, names and IDs as strings
mapfile -t windows < <(
swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '[
@ -39,26 +38,12 @@ swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '[
| . as $workspace | recurse(.nodes[]?)
|select(.type=="con" and .name!=null)
|{workspace: $workspace.name, name: .name, id: .id, focused: .focused, app_id: .app_id, class: .window_properties.class}]
|{workspace: $workspace.name, name: .name, id: .id, focused: .focused, app_id: .app_id}]
|sort_by(.workspace, .name)[]
|.workspace + if .focused then "* " else " " end + if .app_id then .app_id else .class end + " - " + .name + " " + (.id|tostring)'
|.workspace + if .focused then "* " else " " end + .app_id + " - " + .name + " " + (.id|tostring)'
rm $HOME/.cache/wofi-dmenu
# Obtain window list index of last active window
# todo
for index_window in "${!windows[@]}"
# obtain index of the active window
if [ "${window:1:1}" == "*" ]
# get window list to display
colors=(blue green orange red magenta)
@ -96,36 +81,11 @@ do
# TODO: this breaks when using i3. Comment out for now. Should only execute if running sway.
HEIGHT=$(( $(printf '%s\n' "${windows_separators[@]}" | wc -l) * 30 ))
echo $HEIGHT
# Select window with rofi, obtaining ID of selected window
#screen_pos=$(swaymsg -t get_outputs \
# | jq -r \
# '.[] | select(.focused).rect | "\(.width)x\(.height)\\+\(.x)\\+\(.y)"')
# ripgrep
#xwayland_output=$(xrandr | rg -oP "[A-Z]+[0-9]+(?= [a-z]+ $screen_pos)")
#monitor_id=$(rofi --help | rg $xwayland_output -B1 \
# | sed -sr '/ID/!d;s/[^:]*:\s([0-9])/\1/')
# Select window with rofi, obtaining ID of selected window
# TODO: Use multiple columns while inserting appropriate empty lines
# and adjusting line number accordingly in order to visually
# separate the list by workspace
if [ -z "$monitor_id" ]
idx_selected=$printf '%s\n' "${windows_separators[@]}" | rofi -dmenu -i -p "$command_" -a "$index_workspace_active" -format i -selected-row "$index_window_last_active" -no-custom -s -width 80 -lines 30 -markup-rows)
idx_selected=$(printf '%s\n' "${windows_separators[@]}" | rofi -monitor $monitor_id -dmenu -i -p "$command_" -a "$index_workspace_active" -format i -selected-row "$index_window_last_active" -no-custom -s -width 80 -lines 30 -markup-rows)
# if no entry selected (e.g. user exitted with escape), end
if [ -z "$idx_selected" ]
exit 1
idx_selected=$(printf '%s\n' "${windows_separators[@]}" | wofi -d -p "$command_" -m -H $HEIGHT )
id_selected=$(echo $selected | awk '{print $NF}')
@ -155,7 +115,8 @@ do
# Tell sway to focus said window
# todo: do not execute if selected is the separator
if [ ! -z "$id_selected" ]
swaymsg "[con_id=$id_selected] $command_"
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Info:
# author: Miroslav Vidovic
# file: web-search.sh
# created: 24.02.2017.-08:59:54
# revision: ---
# version: 1.0
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Requirements:
# rofi
# Description:
# Use rofi to search the web.
# Usage:
# web-search.sh
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script:
query=$( wofi -d -p "Search: " -W 600 -H 100 -k ~/.cache/wofi-web)
if [[ -n "$query" ]]; then
xdg-open "$url"
exit 0
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
entries="⏻ Shutdown\n⭮ Reboot\n⇠ Logout\n⏾ Suspend"
selected=$(echo -e $entries|wofi --width 250 --height 210 --dmenu --cache-file /dev/null | awk '{print tolower($2)}')
case $selected in
swaymsg exit;;
exec systemctl suspend;;
exec systemctl reboot;;
exec systemctl poweroff -i;;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user