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2764 lines
110 KiB
2764 lines
110 KiB
import { d as defineComponent, c as computed, o as openBlock, q as createBlock, w as withCtx, f as createBaseVNode, b as createElementBlock, F as Fragment, p as renderList, aD as mergeProps, aF as renderSlot, z as createTextVNode, t as toDisplayString, e as createVNode, g as unref, I as Icon, aG as Dropdown, aH as clone, aI as omit, j as useStorage, J as onMounted, r as ref, aJ as useTimeoutFn, aK as onClickOutside, x as resolveDirective, y as withDirectives, aL as withModifiers, aM as vModelText, h as createCommentVNode, v as isRef, m as withKeys, n as normalizeClass, P as applyState, aN as nextTick, aO as Mm, aP as gm, aQ as ym, aR as wm, aE as resolveDynamicComponent, k as watch, E as reactive, aS as toRefs, aT as useRouter, a as useRoute, aC as watchEffect, i as defineStore, l as resolveComponent, aB as markRaw, aU as shallowRef, aV as unindent, aW as getHighlighter, aX as Am, A as pushScopeId, B as popScopeId, T as Transition, aY as useResizeObserver, O as h, aZ as onBeforeUnmount, u as useCssVars, G as normalizeStyle, a_ as onUnmounted, a$ as VTooltip, b0 as createStaticVNode, s as useEventListener, b1 as toRaw } from "./vendor-BCKkA27H.js";
import { u as useStoryStore } from "./story--eZPzd9h.js";
import { _ as _export_sfc, b as BaseSplitPane, u as useScrollOnActive, B as BaseListItemLink, i as isMobile, a as _sfc_main$A } from "./MobileOverlay.vue2-BRmV4xb2.js";
import { B as BaseEmpty } from "./BaseEmpty.vue-C0i8tRal.js";
import { t as toRawDeep, _ as _sfc_main$z, g as getContrastColor, b as SANDBOX_READY, E as EVENT_SEND, S as STATE_SYNC, P as PREVIEW_SETTINGS_SYNC } from "./state-BFrY_pEm.js";
import { h as histoireConfig, d as clientSupportPlugins, i as isDark, e as base } from "./GenericMountStory.vue2-BX48YWx2.js";
const _hoisted_1$t = { class: "htw-cursor-pointer htw-w-full htw-outline-none htw-px-2 htw-h-[27px] -htw-my-1 htw-border htw-border-solid htw-border-black/25 dark:htw-border-white/25 hover:htw-border-primary-500 dark:hover:htw-border-primary-500 htw-rounded-sm htw-flex htw-gap-2 htw-items-center htw-leading-normal" };
const _hoisted_2$j = { class: "htw-flex-1 htw-truncate" };
const _hoisted_3$f = { class: "htw-flex htw-flex-col htw-bg-gray-50 dark:htw-bg-gray-700" };
const _hoisted_4$a = ["onClick"];
const _sfc_main$y = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "BaseSelect",
props: {
modelValue: {},
options: {}
emits: ["update:modelValue", "select"],
setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) {
const props = __props;
const emit = __emit;
const formattedOptions = computed(() => {
if (Array.isArray(props.options)) {
return Object.fromEntries( => [value, value]));
return props.options;
const selectedLabel = computed(() => formattedOptions.value[props.modelValue]);
function selectValue(value, hide) {
emit("update:modelValue", value);
emit("select", value);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(unref(Dropdown), {
class: "histoire-base-select",
"auto-size": "",
"auto-boundary-max-size": ""
}, {
popper: withCtx(({ hide }) => [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_3$f, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(formattedOptions.value, (label, value) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", mergeProps({ ..._ctx.$attrs, class: null, style: null }, {
key: label,
class: ["htw-px-2 htw-py-1 htw-cursor-pointer hover:htw-bg-primary-100 dark:hover:htw-bg-primary-700", {
"htw-bg-primary-200 dark:htw-bg-primary-800": props.modelValue === value
onClick: ($event) => selectValue(value, hide)
}), [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "option", {
}, () => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString(label), 1)
], 16, _hoisted_4$a);
}), 128))
default: withCtx(() => [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1$t, [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2$j, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", { label: selectedLabel.value }, () => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString(selectedLabel.value), 1)
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:chevron-sort",
class: "htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-flex-none htw-ml-auto"
_: 3
const _hoisted_1$s = { class: "histoire-state-presets htw-flex htw-gap-2 htw-w-full htw-items-center" };
const _hoisted_2$i = ["onUpdate:modelValue"];
const _hoisted_3$e = {
key: 1,
class: "htw-flex htw-items-center htw-gap-2"
const _hoisted_4$9 = { class: "htw-flex-1 htw-truncate" };
const _hoisted_5$6 = { class: "htw-flex htw-gap-2 htw-items-center" };
const _hoisted_6$4 = { class: "htw-flex-1 htw-truncate" };
const DEFAULT_ID = "default";
const _sfc_main$x = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "StatePresets",
props: {
story: {},
variant: {}
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const saveId = computed(() => `${}:${}`);
const omitKeys = ["_hPropDefs"];
const defaultState = clone(omit(toRawDeep(props.variant.state), omitKeys));
const selectedOption = useStorage(
const presetStates = useStorage(
/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()
const presetsOptions = computed(() => {
const options = { [DEFAULT_ID]: "Initial state" };
presetStates.value.forEach((value, key) => {
options[key] = value.label;
return options;
function resetState() {
selectedOption.value = DEFAULT_ID;
applyState(props.variant.state, clone(defaultState));
function applyPreset(id) {
if (id === DEFAULT_ID) {
} else if (presetStates.value.has(id)) {
applyState(props.variant.state, clone(toRawDeep(presetStates.value.get(id).state)));
onMounted(() => {
if (selectedOption.value !== DEFAULT_ID) {
const input = ref();
const select = ref();
const canEdit = computed(() => selectedOption.value !== DEFAULT_ID);
const isEditing = ref(false);
async function createPreset() {
const id = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime().toString();
presetStates.value.set(id, { state: clone(omit(toRawDeep(props.variant.state), omitKeys)), label: "New preset" });
selectedOption.value = id;
isEditing.value = true;
await nextTick();
const savedNotif = ref(false);
const savedTimeout = useTimeoutFn(() => {
savedNotif.value = false;
}, 1e3);
async function savePreset() {
if (!canEdit.value)
const preset = presetStates.value.get(selectedOption.value);
preset.state = clone(omit(toRawDeep(props.variant.state), omitKeys));
savedNotif.value = true;
function deletePreset(id) {
if (!confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this preset?")) {
if (selectedOption.value === id) {
async function startEditing() {
if (!canEdit.value) {
isEditing.value = true;
await nextTick();
function stopEditing() {
isEditing.value = false;
onClickOutside(select, stopEditing);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _directive_tooltip = resolveDirective("tooltip");
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$s, [
createBaseVNode("div", {
ref_key: "select",
ref: select,
class: "htw-flex-1 htw-min-w-0"
}, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$y, {
modelValue: unref(selectedOption),
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => isRef(selectedOption) ? selectedOption.value = $event : null),
options: presetsOptions.value,
onDblclick: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => startEditing()),
onKeydown: [
_cache[4] || (_cache[4] = withKeys(($event) => stopEditing(), ["enter"])),
_cache[5] || (_cache[5] = withKeys(($event) => stopEditing(), ["escape"]))
onSelect: _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = (id) => applyPreset(id))
}, {
default: withCtx(({ label }) => [
isEditing.value ? withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("input", {
key: 0,
ref_key: "input",
ref: input,
"onUpdate:modelValue": ($event) => unref(presetStates).get(unref(selectedOption)).label = $event,
type: "text",
class: "htw-text-inherit htw-bg-transparent htw-w-full htw-h-full htw-outline-none",
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = withModifiers(() => {
}, ["stop", "prevent"]))
}, null, 8, _hoisted_2$i)), [
[vModelText, unref(presetStates).get(unref(selectedOption)).label]
]) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_3$e, [
createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_4$9, toDisplayString(label), 1),
canEdit.value ? withDirectives((openBlock(), createBlock(unref(Icon), {
key: 0,
icon: "carbon:edit",
class: "htw-flex-none htw-cursor-pointer htw-w-4 htw-h-4 hover:htw-text-primary-500 htw-opacity-50 hover:htw-opacity-100 dark:hover:htw-text-primary-400 htw-text-gray-900 dark:htw-text-gray-100",
onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = withModifiers(($event) => startEditing(), ["stop"]))
}, null, 512)), [
[_directive_tooltip, "Rename this preset"]
]) : createCommentVNode("", true)
option: withCtx(({ label, value }) => [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_5$6, [
createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_6$4, toDisplayString(label), 1),
value !== DEFAULT_ID ? withDirectives((openBlock(), createBlock(unref(Icon), {
key: 0,
icon: "carbon:trash-can",
class: "htw-flex-none htw-cursor-pointer htw-w-4 htw-h-4 hover:htw-text-primary-500 htw-opacity-50 hover:htw-opacity-100 dark:hover:htw-text-primary-400 htw-text-gray-900 dark:htw-text-gray-100",
onClick: withModifiers(($event) => deletePreset(value), ["stop"])
}, null, 8, ["onClick"])), [
[_directive_tooltip, "Delete this preset"]
]) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 1
}, 8, ["modelValue", "options"])
], 512),
withDirectives(createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: savedNotif.value ? "carbon:checkmark" : "carbon:save",
class: normalizeClass(["htw-cursor-pointer htw-w-4 htw-h-4 hover:htw-text-primary-500 dark:hover:htw-text-primary-400 htw-text-gray-900 dark:htw-text-gray-100", [
canEdit.value ? "htw-opacity-50 hover:htw-opacity-100" : "htw-opacity-25 htw-pointer-events-none"
onClick: _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = ($event) => savePreset())
}, null, 8, ["icon", "class"]), [
[_directive_tooltip, savedNotif.value ? "Saved!" : canEdit.value ? "Save to preset" : null]
withDirectives(createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:add-alt",
class: "htw-cursor-pointer htw-w-4 htw-h-4 hover:htw-text-primary-500 htw-opacity-50 hover:htw-opacity-100 dark:hover:htw-text-primary-400 htw-text-gray-900 dark:htw-text-gray-100",
onClick: _cache[8] || (_cache[8] = ($event) => createPreset())
}, null, 512), [
[_directive_tooltip, "Create new preset"]
withDirectives(createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:reset",
class: "htw-cursor-pointer htw-w-4 htw-h-4 hover:htw-text-primary-500 htw-opacity-50 hover:htw-opacity-100 dark:hover:htw-text-primary-400 htw-text-gray-900 dark:htw-text-gray-100",
onClick: _cache[9] || (_cache[9] = ($event) => resetState())
}, null, 512), [
[_directive_tooltip, "Reset to initial state"]
const _sfc_main$w = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "ControlsComponentPropItem",
props: {
variant: {},
component: {},
definition: {}
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const comp = computed(() => {
var _a;
switch ((_a = props.definition.types) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]) {
case "string":
return wm;
case "number":
return ym;
case "boolean":
return gm;
case "object":
return Mm;
const model = computed({
get: () => {
var _a;
return (_a = props.variant.state._hPropState[props.component.index]) == null ? void 0 : _a[];
set: (value) => {
if (!props.variant.state._hPropState[props.component.index]) {
props.variant.state._hPropState[props.component.index] = {};
props.variant.state._hPropState[props.component.index][] = value;
function reset() {
if (props.variant.state._hPropState[props.component.index]) {
delete props.variant.state._hPropState[props.component.index][];
const canReset = computed(() => {
var _a, _b;
return ((_b = (_a = props.variant.state) == null ? void 0 : _a._hPropState) == null ? void 0 : _b[props.component.index]) && in props.variant.state._hPropState[props.component.index];
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
var _a;
const _directive_tooltip = resolveDirective("tooltip");
return comp.value ? (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(comp.value), {
key: 0,
modelValue: model.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => model.value = $event),
placeholder: model.value === void 0 ? (_a = _ctx.definition) == null ? void 0 : _a.default : null,
class: "histoire-controls-component-prop-item",
title: `${}${canReset.value ? " *" : ""}`
}, {
actions: withCtx(() => [
withDirectives(createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:erase",
class: normalizeClass(["htw-cursor-pointer htw-w-4 htw-h-4 hover:htw-text-primary-500 dark:hover:htw-text-primary-400 htw-text-gray-900 dark:htw-text-gray-100", [
canReset.value ? "htw-opacity-50 hover:htw-opacity-100" : "htw-opacity-25 htw-pointer-events-none"
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = withModifiers(($event) => reset(), ["stop"]))
}, null, 8, ["class"]), [
[_directive_tooltip, "Remove override"]
_: 1
}, 8, ["modelValue", "placeholder", "title"])) : createCommentVNode("", true);
const _hoisted_1$r = { class: "histoire-controls-component-props" };
const _hoisted_2$h = { class: "htw-font-mono htw-p-2 htw-flex htw-items-center htw-gap-1" };
const _hoisted_3$d = /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "htw-opacity-30" }, "<", -1);
const _hoisted_4$8 = /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "htw-opacity-30" }, ">", -1);
const _sfc_main$v = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "ControlsComponentProps",
props: {
variant: {},
definition: {}
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _directive_tooltip = resolveDirective("tooltip");
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$r, [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2$h, [
withDirectives(createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:flash",
class: "htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-text-primary-500 htw-flex-none"
}, null, 512), [
[_directive_tooltip, "Auto-detected props"]
createBaseVNode("div", null, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString(, 1),
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(_ctx.definition.props, (prop) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$w, {
variant: _ctx.variant,
component: _ctx.definition,
definition: prop
}, null, 8, ["variant", "component", "definition"]);
}), 128))
const _sfc_main$u = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "ControlsComponentStateItem",
props: {
variant: {},
item: {}
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const comp = computed(() => {
switch (typeof props.variant.state[props.item]) {
case "string":
return wm;
case "number":
return ym;
case "boolean":
return gm;
case "object":
return Mm;
const model = computed({
get: () => {
return props.variant.state[props.item];
set: (value) => {
props.variant.state[props.item] = value;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return comp.value ? (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(comp.value), {
key: 0,
modelValue: model.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => model.value = $event),
class: "histoire-controls-component-prop-item",
title: props.item
}, null, 8, ["modelValue", "title"])) : createCommentVNode("", true);
const _hoisted_1$q = { class: "histoire-controls-component-init-state" };
const _hoisted_2$g = { class: "htw-p-2 htw-flex htw-items-center htw-gap-1" };
const _hoisted_3$c = /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("div", null, " State ", -1);
const _sfc_main$t = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "ControlsComponentState",
props: {
variant: {}
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const stateKeys = computed(() => Object.keys(props.variant.state || {}).filter((key) => !key.startsWith("_h")));
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _directive_tooltip = resolveDirective("tooltip");
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$q, [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2$g, [
withDirectives(createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:data-vis-1",
class: "htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-text-primary-500 htw-flex-none"
}, null, 512), [
[_directive_tooltip, "Auto-detected state"]
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(stateKeys.value, (key) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$u, {
item: key,
variant: _ctx.variant
}, null, 8, ["item", "variant"]);
}), 128))
const _hoisted_1$p = {
"data-test-id": "story-controls",
class: "histoire-story-controls htw-flex htw-flex-col htw-divide-y htw-divide-gray-100 dark:htw-divide-gray-750"
const _hoisted_2$f = { class: "htw-h-9 htw-flex-none htw-px-2 htw-flex htw-items-center" };
const _hoisted_3$b = { key: 1 };
const _hoisted_4$7 = /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", null, "No controls available for this story", -1);
const _hoisted_5$5 = { key: 3 };
const _sfc_main$s = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "StoryControls",
props: {
variant: {
type: Object,
required: true
story: {
type: Object,
required: true
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const ready = ref(false);
watch(() => props.variant, () => {
ready.value = false;
const hasCustomControls = computed(() => props.variant.slots().controls || props.story.slots().controls);
const hasInitState = computed(() => Object.entries(props.variant.state || {}).filter(([key]) => !key.startsWith("_h")).length > 0);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
var _a, _b, _c, _d;
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$p, [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2$f, [
ready.value || !hasCustomControls.value ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$x, {
key: 0,
story: __props.story,
variant: __props.variant
}, null, 8, ["story", "variant"])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
hasCustomControls.value ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$z, {
key: `${}-${}`,
"slot-name": "controls",
variant: __props.variant,
story: __props.story,
class: "__histoire-render-custom-controls htw-flex-none",
onReady: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => ready.value = true)
}, null, 8, ["variant", "story"])) : hasInitState.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_3$b, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$t, {
class: "htw-flex-none htw-my-2",
variant: __props.variant
}, null, 8, ["variant"])
])) : !((_b = (_a = __props.variant.state) == null ? void 0 : _a._hPropDefs) == null ? void 0 : _b.length) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(BaseEmpty, { key: 2 }, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:audio-console",
class: "htw-w-8 htw-h-8 htw-opacity-50 htw-mb-6"
_: 1
})) : createCommentVNode("", true),
((_d = (_c = __props.variant.state) == null ? void 0 : _c._hPropDefs) == null ? void 0 : _d.length) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_5$5, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(__props.variant.state._hPropDefs, (def, index) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$v, {
key: index,
variant: __props.variant,
definition: def,
class: "htw-flex-none htw-my-2"
}, null, 8, ["variant", "definition"]);
}), 128))
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
const markdownFiles = reactive({});
const _hoisted_1$o = ["innerHTML"];
function useStoryDoc(story) {
const renderedDoc = ref("");
watchEffect(async () => {
var _a;
const mdKey = story.value.file.filePath.replace(/\.(\w*?)$/, ".md");
if (markdownFiles[mdKey]) {
const md = await markdownFiles[mdKey]();
renderedDoc.value = md.html;
let comp = (_a = story.value.file) == null ? void 0 : _a.component;
if (comp) {
if (comp.__asyncResolved) {
comp = comp.__asyncResolved;
} else if (comp.__asyncLoader) {
comp = await comp.__asyncLoader();
} else if (typeof comp === "function") {
try {
comp = await comp();
} catch (e) {
if (comp == null ? void 0 : comp.default) {
comp = comp.default;
renderedDoc.value = comp.doc;
return {
const _sfc_main$r = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "StoryDocs",
props: {
story: {
type: Object,
required: true
standalone: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
emits: ["scrollTop"],
setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) {
const props = __props;
const emit = __emit;
const { story } = toRefs(props);
const { renderedDoc } = useStoryDoc(story);
const router = useRouter();
const fakeHost = ``;
function onClick(e) {
const link ="a");
if (link && link.getAttribute("data-route") && !e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && !e.metaKey && !== `_blank`) {
const url = new URL(link.href, fakeHost);
const targetHref = url.pathname + + url.hash;
function getHash() {
const hash = location.hash;
if (histoireConfig.routerMode === "hash") {
const index = hash.indexOf("#", 1);
if (index !== -1) {
return hash.slice(index);
} else {
return void 0;
return hash;
async function scrollToAnchor() {
await nextTick();
const hash = getHash();
if (hash) {
const anchor = document.querySelector(decodeURIComponent(hash));
if (anchor) {
watch(renderedDoc, () => {
}, {
immediate: true
const renderedEl = ref();
const route = useRoute();
async function patchAnchorLinks() {
await nextTick();
if (histoireConfig.routerMode === "hash" && renderedEl.value) {
const links = renderedEl.value.querySelectorAll("a.header-anchor");
for (const link of links) {
const href = link.getAttribute("href");
if (href) {
link.setAttribute("href", `#${route.path + href}`);
watch(renderedDoc, () => {
}, {
immediate: true
computed(() => {
var _a, _b;
return ((_a = story.value.file) == null ? void 0 : _a.docsFilePath) ?? (props.standalone && ((_b = story.value.file) == null ? void 0 : _b.filePath));
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: "histoire-story-docs",
onClickCapture: onClick
}, [
createCommentVNode("", true),
!unref(renderedDoc) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(BaseEmpty, { key: 1 }, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:document-unknown",
class: "htw-w-8 htw-h-8 htw-opacity-50 htw-mb-6"
createTextVNode(" No documentation available ")
_: 1
})) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 2,
ref_key: "renderedEl",
ref: renderedEl,
class: "htw-prose dark:htw-prose-invert htw-p-4 htw-max-w-none",
"data-test-id": "story-docs",
innerHTML: unref(renderedDoc)
}, null, 8, _hoisted_1$o))
], 32);
const useEventsStore = defineStore("events", () => {
const storyStore = useStoryStore();
const events = reactive([]);
const unseen = ref(0);
function addEvent(event) {
function reset() {
events.length = 0;
unseen.value = 0;
watch(() => {
var _a;
return (_a = storyStore.currentVariant) == null ? void 0 :;
}, () => {
return {
const _hoisted_1$n = {
key: 0,
class: "htw-text-xs htw-opacity-50 htw-truncate"
const _hoisted_2$e = { class: "htw-overflow-auto htw-max-w-[400px] htw-max-h-[400px]" };
const _hoisted_3$a = { class: "htw-p-4" };
const _sfc_main$q = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "StoryEvent",
props: {
event: {}
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const formattedArgument = computed(() => {
switch (typeof props.event.argument) {
case "string":
return `"${props.event.argument}"`;
case "object":
return `{ ${Object.keys(props.event.argument).map((key) => `${key}: ${props.event.argument[key]}`).join(", ")} }`;
return props.event.argument;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _component_VDropdown = resolveComponent("VDropdown");
return openBlock(), createBlock(_component_VDropdown, {
class: "histoire-story-event htw-group",
placement: "right",
"data-test-id": "event-item"
}, {
default: withCtx(({ shown }) => [
createBaseVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["group-hover:htw-bg-primary-100 dark:group-hover:htw-bg-primary-700 htw-cursor-pointer htw-py-2 htw-px-4 htw-flex htw-items-baseline htw-gap-1 htw-leading-normal", [
shown ? "htw-bg-primary-50 dark:htw-bg-primary-600" : "group-odd:htw-bg-gray-100/50 dark:group-odd:htw-bg-gray-750/40"
}, [
createBaseVNode("span", {
class: normalizeClass({
"htw-text-primary-500": shown
}, toDisplayString(, 3),
_ctx.event.argument ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_1$n, toDisplayString(formattedArgument.value), 1)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 2)
popper: withCtx(() => [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2$e, [
createBaseVNode("pre", _hoisted_3$a, toDisplayString(_ctx.event.argument), 1)
_: 1
const _hoisted_1$m = { key: 1 };
const _sfc_main$p = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "StoryEvents",
setup(__props) {
const eventsStore = useEventsStore();
const hasEvents = computed(() =>;
watch(() => eventsStore.unseen, resetUnseen);
async function resetUnseen() {
if (eventsStore.unseen > 0) {
eventsStore.unseen = 0;
await nextTick();
eventsElement.value.scrollTo({ top: eventsElement.value.scrollHeight });
const eventsElement = ref();
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
ref_key: "eventsElement",
ref: eventsElement,
class: "histoire-story-events"
}, [
!hasEvents.value ? (openBlock(), createBlock(BaseEmpty, { key: 0 }, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:event-schedule",
class: "htw-w-8 htw-h-8 htw-opacity-50 htw-mb-6"
createTextVNode(" No event fired ")
_: 1
})) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$m, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(eventsStore).events, (event, key) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$q, {
}, null, 8, ["event"]);
}), 128))
], 512);
const _withScopeId$2 = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-f7d2e46a"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n);
const _hoisted_1$l = { class: "histoire-story-source-code htw-bg-gray-50 dark:htw-bg-gray-750 htw-h-full htw-overflow-hidden htw-flex htw-flex-col" };
const _hoisted_2$d = {
key: 0,
class: "htw-h-10 htw-flex-none htw-border-b htw-border-solid htw-border-gray-500/5 htw-px-4 htw-flex htw-items-center htw-gap-2"
const _hoisted_3$9 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$2(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("div", { class: "htw-text-gray-900 dark:htw-text-gray-100" }, " Source ", -1));
const _hoisted_4$6 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$2(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("div", { class: "htw-flex-1" }, null, -1));
const _hoisted_5$4 = { class: "htw-flex htw-flex-none htw-gap-px htw-h-full htw-py-2" };
const _hoisted_6$3 = {
key: 1,
class: "htw-text-red-500 htw-h-full htw-p-2 htw-overflow-auto htw-font-mono htw-text-sm"
const _hoisted_7$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$2(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", null, "Not available", -1));
const _hoisted_8$2 = ["value"];
const _hoisted_9$1 = ["innerHTML"];
const _sfc_main$o = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "StorySourceCode",
props: {
story: {},
variant: {}
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const generateSourceCodeFn = ref(null);
watchEffect(async () => {
var _a;
const clientPlugin = clientSupportPlugins[(_a = props.story.file) == null ? void 0 : _a.supportPluginId];
if (clientPlugin) {
const pluginModule = await clientPlugin();
generateSourceCodeFn.value = markRaw(pluginModule.generateSourceCode);
const highlighter = shallowRef();
const dynamicSourceCode = ref("");
const error = ref(null);
watch(() => [props.variant, generateSourceCodeFn.value], async () => {
var _a, _b, _c, _d;
if (!generateSourceCodeFn.value)
error.value = null;
dynamicSourceCode.value = "";
try {
if (props.variant.source) {
dynamicSourceCode.value = props.variant.source;
} else if ((_b = (_a = props.variant).slots) == null ? void 0 : {
const source = (_d = (_c = props.variant).slots) == null ? void 0 :[0].children;
if (source) {
dynamicSourceCode.value = await unindent(source);
} else {
dynamicSourceCode.value = await generateSourceCodeFn.value(props.variant);
} catch (e) {
error.value = e.message;
if (!dynamicSourceCode.value) {
displayedSource.value = "static";
}, {
deep: true,
immediate: true
const staticSourceCode = ref("");
watch(() => {
var _a, _b;
return [props.story, (_b = (_a = props.story) == null ? void 0 : _a.file) == null ? void 0 : _b.source];
}, async () => {
var _a;
staticSourceCode.value = "";
const sourceLoader = (_a = props.story.file) == null ? void 0 : _a.source;
if (sourceLoader) {
staticSourceCode.value = (await sourceLoader()).default;
}, {
immediate: true
const displayedSource = ref("dynamic");
const displayedSourceCode = computed(() => {
if (displayedSource.value === "dynamic") {
return dynamicSourceCode.value;
return staticSourceCode.value;
onMounted(async () => {
highlighter.value = await getHighlighter({
langs: [
themes: [
const sourceHtml = computed(() => {
var _a;
return displayedSourceCode.value ? (_a = highlighter.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.codeToHtml(displayedSourceCode.value, {
lang: "html",
theme: isDark.value ? "github-dark" : "github-light"
}) : "";
let lastScroll = 0;
watch(() => props.variant, () => {
lastScroll = 0;
const scroller = ref();
function onScroll(event) {
if (sourceHtml.value) {
lastScroll =;
watch(sourceHtml, async () => {
await nextTick();
if (scroller.value) {
scroller.value.scrollTop = lastScroll;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _directive_tooltip = resolveDirective("tooltip");
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$l, [
!error.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$d, [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_5$4, [
withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("button", {
class: normalizeClass(["htw-flex htw-items-center htw-gap-1 htw-h-full htw-px-1 htw-bg-gray-500/10 htw-rounded-l htw-transition-all htw-ease-[cubic-bezier(0,1,.6,1)] htw-duration-300 htw-overflow-hidden", [
displayedSource.value !== "dynamic" ? "htw-max-w-6 htw-opacity-70" : "htw-max-w-[82px] htw-text-primary-600 dark:htw-text-primary-400",
dynamicSourceCode.value ? "htw-cursor-pointer hover:htw-bg-gray-500/30 active:htw-bg-gray-600/50" : "htw-opacity-50"
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => dynamicSourceCode.value && (displayedSource.value = "dynamic"))
}, [
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:flash",
class: "htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-flex-none"
createBaseVNode("span", {
class: normalizeClass(["transition-opacity duration-300", {
"opacity-0": displayedSource.value !== "dynamic"
}, " Dynamic ", 2)
], 2)), [
[_directive_tooltip, !dynamicSourceCode.value ? "Dynamic source code is not available" : displayedSource.value !== "dynamic" ? "Switch to dynamic source" : null]
withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("button", {
class: normalizeClass(["htw-flex htw-items-center htw-gap-1 htw-h-full htw-px-1 htw-bg-gray-500/10 htw-rounded-r htw-transition-all htw-ease-[cubic-bezier(0,1,.6,1)] htw-duration-300 htw-overflow-hidden", [
displayedSource.value !== "static" ? "htw-max-w-6 htw-opacity-70" : "htw-max-w-[63px] htw-text-primary-600 dark:htw-text-primary-400",
staticSourceCode.value ? "htw-cursor-pointer hover:htw-bg-gray-500/30 active:htw-bg-gray-600/50" : "htw-opacity-50"
onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => staticSourceCode.value && (displayedSource.value = "static"))
}, [
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:document",
class: "htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-flex-none"
createBaseVNode("span", {
class: normalizeClass(["transition-opacity duration-300", {
"opacity-0": displayedSource.value !== "static"
}, " Static ", 2)
], 2)), [
[_directive_tooltip, !staticSourceCode.value ? "Static source code is not available" : displayedSource.value !== "static" ? "Switch to static source" : null]
createVNode(unref(Am), {
content: displayedSourceCode.value,
class: "htw-flex-none"
}, null, 8, ["content"])
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
error.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_6$3, " Error: " + toDisplayString(error.value), 1)) : !displayedSourceCode.value ? (openBlock(), createBlock(BaseEmpty, { key: 2 }, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:code-hide",
class: "htw-w-8 htw-h-8 htw-opacity-50 htw-mb-6"
_: 1
})) : !sourceHtml.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("textarea", {
key: 3,
ref_key: "scroller",
ref: scroller,
class: "__histoire-code-placeholder htw-w-full htw-h-full htw-p-4 htw-outline-none htw-bg-transparent htw-resize-none htw-m-0",
value: displayedSourceCode.value,
readonly: "",
"data-test-id": "story-source-code",
}, null, 40, _hoisted_8$2)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 4,
ref_key: "scroller",
ref: scroller,
class: "htw-w-full htw-h-full htw-overflow-auto",
"data-test-id": "story-source-code",
}, [
createBaseVNode("div", {
class: "__histoire-code htw-p-4 htw-w-fit",
innerHTML: sourceHtml.value
}, null, 8, _hoisted_9$1)
], 544))
const StorySourceCode = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$o, [["__scopeId", "data-v-f7d2e46a"]]);
const _sfc_main$n = defineComponent({
inheritAttrs: false,
props: {
exact: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
matched: {
type: Boolean,
default: null
const _hoisted_1$k = ["href", "onClick"];
const _hoisted_2$c = {
key: 0,
class: "htw-absolute htw-bottom-0 htw-left-0 htw-w-full htw-h-[2px] htw-bg-primary-500 dark:htw-bg-primary-400"
function _sfc_render$4(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
const _component_router_link = resolveComponent("router-link");
return openBlock(), createBlock(_component_router_link, mergeProps({ class: "histoire-base-tab" }, _ctx.$attrs, { custom: "" }), {
default: withCtx(({ isActive, isExactActive, href, navigate }) => [
createBaseVNode("a", mergeProps(_ctx.$attrs, {
class: ["htw-px-4 htw-h-full htw-inline-flex htw-items-center hover:htw-bg-primary-50 dark:hover:htw-bg-primary-900 htw-relative htw-text-gray-900 dark:htw-text-gray-100", {
"htw-text-primary-500 dark:htw-text-primary-400": _ctx.matched != null ? _ctx.matched : _ctx.exact && isExactActive || !_ctx.exact && isActive
onClick: navigate
}), [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default"),
createVNode(Transition, { name: "__histoire-scale-x" }, {
default: withCtx(() => [
(_ctx.matched != null ? _ctx.matched : _ctx.exact && isExactActive || !_ctx.exact && isActive) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$c)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 2
}, 1024)
], 16, _hoisted_1$k)
_: 3
}, 16);
const BaseTab = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$n, [["render", _sfc_render$4]]);
const _hoisted_1$j = {
role: "button",
class: "htw-cursor-pointer hover:htw-bg-primary-50 dark:hover:htw-bg-primary-900 htw-w-8 htw-h-full htw-flex htw-items-center htw-justify-center htw-absolute htw-top-0 htw-right-0"
const _hoisted_2$b = { class: "htw-flex htw-flex-col htw-items-stretch" };
const overflowButtonWidth = 32;
const _sfc_main$m = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "BaseOverflowMenu",
setup(__props) {
const el = ref();
const availableWidth = ref(0);
useResizeObserver(el, (entries) => {
const containerWidth = entries[0].contentRect.width;
availableWidth.value = containerWidth - overflowButtonWidth;
const children = ref(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
const visibleChildrenCount = computed(() => {
let width = 0;
const c = [...children.value.values()].sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index);
for (let i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
width += c[i].width;
if (width > availableWidth.value) {
return i;
return c.length;
const ChildWrapper = {
name: "ChildWrapper",
props: ["index"],
setup(props, { slots }) {
const el2 = ref();
const state = reactive({ width: 0, index: props.index });
useResizeObserver(el2, (entries) => {
const width = entries[0].contentRect.width;
if (!children.value.has(el2.value)) {
children.value.set(el2.value, state);
state.width = width;
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
const visible = computed(() => visibleChildrenCount.value > state.index);
return () => h("div", { ref: el2, style: { visibility: visible.value ? "visible" : "hidden" } }, slots.default());
function ChildrenRender(props, { slots }) {
const [fragment] = slots.default();
return, index) => h(ChildWrapper, { index }, () => [vnode]));
function ChildrenSlice(props, { slots }) {
const [fragment] = slots.default();
return fragment.children.slice(props.start, props.end);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _component_VDropdown = resolveComponent("VDropdown");
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
ref_key: "el",
ref: el,
class: "histoire-base-overflow-menu htw-flex htw-overflow-hidden htw-relative"
}, [
createVNode(ChildrenRender, null, {
default: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
_: 3
visibleChildrenCount.value < children.value.size ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_VDropdown, { key: 0 }, {
popper: withCtx(() => [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2$b, [
createVNode(ChildrenSlice, { start: visibleChildrenCount.value }, {
default: withCtx(() => [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "overflow")
_: 3
}, 8, ["start"])
default: withCtx(() => [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1$j, [
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:caret-down",
class: "htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-opacity-50 group-hover:htw-opacity-100"
_: 3
})) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 512);
const _sfc_main$l = defineComponent({
inheritAttrs: false,
props: {
exact: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
matched: {
type: Boolean,
default: null
const _hoisted_1$i = ["href", "onClick"];
const _hoisted_2$a = {
key: 0,
class: "htw-absolute htw-top-0 htw-left-0 htw-h-full htw-w-[2px] htw-bg-primary-500 dark:htw-bg-primary-400"
function _sfc_render$3(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
const _component_router_link = resolveComponent("router-link");
return openBlock(), createBlock(_component_router_link, mergeProps({ class: "histoire-base-overflow-tab" }, _ctx.$attrs, { custom: "" }), {
default: withCtx(({ isActive, isExactActive, href, navigate }) => [
createBaseVNode("a", mergeProps(_ctx.$attrs, {
class: ["htw-px-4 htw-h-10 htw-min-w-[150px] htw-inline-flex htw-items-center hover:htw-bg-primary-50 dark:hover:htw-bg-primary-900 htw-relative htw-text-gray-900 dark:htw-text-gray-100", {
"htw-text-primary-500 dark:htw-text-primary-400": _ctx.matched != null ? _ctx.matched : _ctx.exact && isExactActive || !_ctx.exact && isActive
onClick: navigate
}), [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default"),
createVNode(Transition, { name: "__histoire-scale-y" }, {
default: withCtx(() => [
(_ctx.matched != null ? _ctx.matched : _ctx.exact && isExactActive || !_ctx.exact && isActive) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$a)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 2
}, 1024)
], 16, _hoisted_1$i)
_: 3
}, 16);
const BaseOverflowTab = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$l, [["render", _sfc_render$3]]);
const _sfc_main$k = {};
const _hoisted_1$h = { class: "histoire-base-tag htw-text-center htw-text-xs htw-mx-1 htw-px-0.5 htw-h-4 htw-uppercase htw-min-w-4 htw-rounded-full htw-bg-primary-500 htw-text-white dark:htw-text-black" };
function _sfc_render$2(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_1$h, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
const BaseTag = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$k, [["render", _sfc_render$2]]);
const _sfc_main$j = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "PaneTabs",
props: {
story: {},
variant: {}
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const { story } = toRefs(props);
const { renderedDoc } = useStoryDoc(story);
const eventsStore = useEventsStore();
const hasEvents = computed(() =>;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$m, { class: "histoire-pane-tabs htw-h-10 htw-flex-none htw-border-b htw-border-gray-100 dark:htw-border-gray-750" }, {
overflow: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(BaseOverflowTab, {
to: { ..._ctx.$route, query: { ..._ctx.$route.query, tab: "" } },
matched: !_ctx.$
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(" Controls ")
_: 1
}, 8, ["to", "matched"]),
createVNode(BaseOverflowTab, {
to: { ..._ctx.$route, query: { ..._ctx.$route.query, tab: "docs" } },
matched: _ctx.$ === "docs",
class: normalizeClass({
"opacity-50": !unref(renderedDoc)
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(" Docs ")
_: 1
}, 8, ["to", "matched", "class"]),
createVNode(BaseOverflowTab, {
to: { ..._ctx.$route, query: { ..._ctx.$route.query, tab: "events" } },
matched: _ctx.$ === "events",
class: normalizeClass({
"htw-opacity-50": !hasEvents.value
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(" Events "),
unref(eventsStore).unseen ? (openBlock(), createBlock(BaseTag, { key: 0 }, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString(unref(eventsStore).unseen <= 99 ? unref(eventsStore).unseen : "99+"), 1)
_: 1
})) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 1
}, 8, ["to", "matched", "class"])
default: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(BaseTab, {
to: { ..._ctx.$route, query: { ..._ctx.$route.query, tab: "" } },
matched: !_ctx.$
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(" Controls ")
_: 1
}, 8, ["to", "matched"]),
createVNode(BaseTab, {
to: { ..._ctx.$route, query: { ..._ctx.$route.query, tab: "docs" } },
matched: _ctx.$ === "docs",
class: normalizeClass({
"htw-opacity-50": !unref(renderedDoc)
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(" Docs ")
_: 1
}, 8, ["to", "matched", "class"]),
createVNode(BaseTab, {
to: { ..._ctx.$route, query: { ..._ctx.$route.query, tab: "events" } },
matched: _ctx.$ === "events",
class: normalizeClass({
"htw-opacity-50": !hasEvents.value
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(" Events "),
unref(eventsStore).unseen ? (openBlock(), createBlock(BaseTag, { key: 0 }, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString(unref(eventsStore).unseen <= 99 ? unref(eventsStore).unseen : "99+"), 1)
_: 1
})) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 1
}, 8, ["to", "matched", "class"])
_: 1
const _hoisted_1$g = /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", null, "Select a variant", -1);
const _hoisted_2$9 = /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", null, "Loading...", -1);
const _hoisted_3$8 = { class: "htw-flex htw-flex-col htw-h-full" };
const _sfc_main$i = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "StorySidePanel",
setup(__props) {
const storyStore = useStoryStore();
const route = useRoute();
const panelContentComponent = computed(() => {
switch ( {
case "docs":
return _sfc_main$r;
case "events":
return _sfc_main$p;
return _sfc_main$s;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return !unref(storyStore).currentVariant ? (openBlock(), createBlock(BaseEmpty, {
key: 0,
class: "histoire-story-side-panel histoire-selection"
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
_: 1
})) : !unref(storyStore).currentVariant.configReady || !unref(storyStore).currentVariant.previewReady ? (openBlock(), createBlock(BaseEmpty, {
key: 1,
class: "histoire-story-side-panel histoire-loading"
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
_: 1
})) : (openBlock(), createBlock(BaseSplitPane, {
key: 2,
"save-id": "story-sidepane",
orientation: "portrait",
class: "histoire-story-side-panel histoire-loaded htw-h-full",
"data-test-id": "story-side-panel"
}, {
first: withCtx(() => [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_3$8, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$j, {
story: unref(storyStore).currentStory,
variant: unref(storyStore).currentVariant
}, null, 8, ["story", "variant"]),
(openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(panelContentComponent.value), {
story: unref(storyStore).currentStory,
variant: unref(storyStore).currentVariant,
class: "htw-h-full htw-overflow-auto"
}, null, 8, ["story", "variant"]))
last: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(StorySourceCode, {
story: unref(storyStore).currentStory,
variant: unref(storyStore).currentVariant,
class: "htw-h-full"
}, null, 8, ["story", "variant"])
_: 1
function useCurrentVariantRoute(variant) {
const route = useRoute();
const isActive = computed(() => route.query.variantId ===;
const targetRoute = computed(() => ({
query: {
return {
const _hoisted_1$f = { class: "htw-truncate" };
const _sfc_main$h = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "StoryVariantListItem",
props: {
variant: {
type: Object,
required: true
setup(__props) {
useCssVars((_ctx) => ({
"2762f67a": unref(variant).iconColor
const props = __props;
const { variant } = toRefs(props);
const { isActive, targetRoute } = useCurrentVariantRoute(variant);
const el = ref();
useScrollOnActive(isActive, el);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
ref_key: "el",
ref: el,
class: "histoire-story-variant-list-item",
"data-test-id": "story-variant-list-item"
}, [
createVNode(BaseListItemLink, {
to: unref(targetRoute),
"is-active": unref(isActive),
class: "htw-px-2 htw-py-2 md:htw-py-1.5 htw-m-1 htw-rounded-sm htw-flex htw-items-center htw-gap-2"
}, {
default: withCtx(({ active }) => [
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: unref(variant).icon ?? "carbon:cube",
class: normalizeClass(["htw-w-5 htw-h-5 sm:htw-w-4 sm:htw-h-4 htw-flex-none", {
"htw-text-gray-500": !active && !unref(variant).iconColor,
"bind-icon-color": !active && unref(variant).iconColor
}, null, 8, ["icon", "class"]),
createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_1$f, toDisplayString(unref(variant).title), 1)
_: 1
}, 8, ["to", "is-active"])
], 512);
const StoryVariantListItem = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$h, [["__scopeId", "data-v-f8e09a03"]]);
const usePreviewSettingsStore = defineStore("preview-settings", () => {
const currentSettings = useStorage("_histoire-sandbox-settings-v3", {
responsiveWidth: 720,
responsiveHeight: null,
rotate: false,
backgroundColor: "transparent",
checkerboard: false,
textDirection: "ltr"
return {
const _hoisted_1$e = { class: "htw-text-white htw-w-[16px] htw-h-[16px] htw-relative" };
const _hoisted_2$8 = {
width: "16",
height: "16",
viewBox: "0 0 24 24",
class: "htw-relative htw-z-10"
const _hoisted_3$7 = ["stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset"];
const _sfc_main$g = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "BaseCheckbox",
props: {
modelValue: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
emits: {
"update:modelValue": (_newValue) => true
setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) {
const props = __props;
const emit = __emit;
function toggle() {
emit("update:modelValue", !props.modelValue);
animationEnabled.value = true;
const path = ref();
const dasharray = ref(0);
const progress = computed(() => props.modelValue ? 1 : 0);
const dashoffset = computed(() => (1 - progress.value) * dasharray.value);
const animationEnabled = ref(false);
watch(path, () => {
var _a, _b;
dasharray.value = ((_b = (_a = path.value).getTotalLength) == null ? void 0 : ?? 21.21;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
role: "checkbox",
tabindex: "0",
class: "histoire-base-checkbox htw-flex htw-items-center htw-gap-2 htw-select-none htw-px-4 htw-py-3 htw-cursor-pointer hover:htw-bg-primary-100 dark:hover:htw-bg-primary-700",
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => toggle()),
onKeydown: [
_cache[1] || (_cache[1] = withKeys(withModifiers(($event) => toggle(), ["prevent"]), ["enter"])),
_cache[2] || (_cache[2] = withKeys(withModifiers(($event) => toggle(), ["prevent"]), ["space"]))
}, [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1$e, [
createBaseVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["htw-border group-active:htw-bg-gray-500/20 htw-rounded-sm htw-box-border htw-absolute htw-inset-0 htw-transition-border htw-duration-150 htw-ease-out", [
__props.modelValue ? "htw-border-primary-500 htw-border-8" : "htw-border-black/25 dark:htw-border-white/25 htw-delay-150"
}, null, 2),
(openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", _hoisted_2$8, [
createBaseVNode("path", {
ref_key: "path",
ref: path,
d: "m 4 12 l 5 5 l 10 -10",
fill: "none",
class: normalizeClass(["htw-stroke-white htw-stroke-2 htw-duration-200 htw-ease-in-out", [
animationEnabled.value ? "htw-transition-all" : "htw-transition-none",
"htw-delay-150": __props.modelValue
"stroke-dasharray": dasharray.value,
"stroke-dashoffset": dashoffset.value
}, null, 10, _hoisted_3$7)
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 32);
const _hoisted_1$d = { class: "htw-cursor-pointer hover:htw-text-primary-500 htw-flex htw-items-center htw-gap-1 htw-h-full htw-px-2 htw-group" };
const _hoisted_2$7 = { class: "bind-preview-bg htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-rounded-full htw-border htw-border-black/50 dark:htw-border-white/50 htw-flex htw-items-center htw-justify-center htw-text-xs" };
const _hoisted_3$6 = { key: 0 };
const _hoisted_4$5 = {
class: "htw-flex htw-flex-col htw-items-stretch",
"data-test-id": "background-popper"
const _hoisted_5$3 = ["onClick"];
const _hoisted_6$2 = { class: "htw-mr-auto" };
const _hoisted_7$2 = { class: "htw-ml-auto htw-opacity-70" };
const _hoisted_8$1 = { key: 0 };
const _sfc_main$f = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "ToolbarBackground",
setup(__props) {
useCssVars((_ctx) => ({
"627bec82": unref(settings).backgroundColor,
"35068428": contrastColor.value
const settings = usePreviewSettingsStore().currentSettings;
const contrastColor = computed(() => getContrastColor(settings));
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _component_VDropdown = resolveComponent("VDropdown");
const _directive_tooltip = resolveDirective("tooltip");
return unref(histoireConfig).backgroundPresets.length ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_VDropdown, {
key: 0,
placement: "bottom-end",
skidding: 6,
class: "histoire-toolbar-background htw-h-full htw-flex-none",
"data-test-id": "toolbar-background"
}, {
popper: withCtx(({ hide }) => [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_4$5, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$g, {
modelValue: unref(settings).checkerboard,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => unref(settings).checkerboard = $event)
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(" Checkerboard ")
_: 1
}, 8, ["modelValue"]),
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(histoireConfig).backgroundPresets, (option, index) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("button", {
key: index,
class: normalizeClass(["htw-px-4 htw-py-3 htw-cursor-pointer htw-text-left htw-flex htw-items-baseline htw-gap-4", [
unref(settings).backgroundColor === option.color ? "htw-bg-primary-500 hover:htw-bg-primary-600 htw-text-white dark:htw-text-black" : "htw-bg-transparent hover:htw-bg-primary-100 dark:hover:htw-bg-primary-700"
onClick: ($event) => {
unref(settings).backgroundColor = option.color;
}, [
createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_6$2, toDisplayString(option.label), 1),
option.color !== "$checkerboard" ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, [
createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_7$2, toDisplayString(option.color), 1),
createBaseVNode("div", {
class: "htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-rounded-full htw-border htw-border-black/20 dark:htw-border-white/20 htw-flex htw-items-center htw-justify-center htw-text-xs",
style: normalizeStyle({
backgroundColor: option.color,
color: option.contrastColor
}, [
option.contrastColor ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_8$1, "a")) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 4)
], 64)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 10, _hoisted_5$3);
}), 128))
default: withCtx(() => [
withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$d, [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2$7, [
contrastColor.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_3$6, "a")) : createCommentVNode("", true)
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:caret-down",
class: "htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-opacity-50 group-hover:htw-opacity-100"
])), [
[_directive_tooltip, "Background color"]
_: 1
})) : createCommentVNode("", true);
const ToolbarBackground = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$f, [["__scopeId", "data-v-c48fb2b2"]]);
const _sfc_main$e = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "ToolbarTextDirection",
setup(__props) {
const settings = usePreviewSettingsStore().currentSettings;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _directive_tooltip = resolveDirective("tooltip");
return withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("a", {
class: "histoire-toolbar-text-direction htw-flex htw-items-center htw-gap-1 htw-h-full htw-px-2 hover:htw-text-primary-500 htw-opacity-50 hover:htw-opacity-100 dark:hover:htw-text-primary-400 htw-text-gray-900 dark:htw-text-gray-100",
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => unref(settings).textDirection = unref(settings).textDirection === "ltr" ? "rtl" : "ltr")
}, [
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: unref(settings).textDirection === "ltr" ? "fluent:text-paragraph-direction-right-16-regular" : "fluent:text-paragraph-direction-left-16-regular",
class: "htw-w-4 htw-h-4"
}, null, 8, ["icon"])
])), [
[_directive_tooltip, `Switch to text direction ${unref(settings).textDirection === "ltr" ? "Right to Left" : "Left to Right"}`]
async function getSourceCode(story, variant) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d;
if (variant.source) {
return variant.source;
} else if ((_a = variant.slots) == null ? void 0 : {
const source = (_b = variant.slots) == null ? void 0 :[0].children;
if (source) {
return unindent(source);
} else {
const clientPlugin = clientSupportPlugins[(_c = story.file) == null ? void 0 : _c.supportPluginId];
if (clientPlugin) {
const pluginModule = await clientPlugin();
return pluginModule.generateSourceCode(variant);
const sourceLoader = (_d = story.file) == null ? void 0 : _d.source;
if (sourceLoader) {
return (await sourceLoader()).default;
function getSandboxUrl(story, variant) {
const url = new URLSearchParams();
return `${base}__sandbox.html?${url.toString()}`;
const _hoisted_1$c = ["href"];
const _sfc_main$d = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "ToolbarNewTab",
props: {
variant: {},
story: {}
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const sandboxUrl = computed(() => {
return getSandboxUrl(props.story, props.variant);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _directive_tooltip = resolveDirective("tooltip");
return withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("a", {
href: sandboxUrl.value,
target: "_blank",
class: "histoire-toolbar-new-tab htw-flex htw-items-center htw-gap-1 htw-h-full htw-px-2 hover:htw-text-primary-500 htw-opacity-50 hover:htw-opacity-100 dark:hover:htw-text-primary-400 htw-text-gray-900 dark:htw-text-gray-100"
}, [
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:launch",
class: "htw-w-4 htw-h-4"
], 8, _hoisted_1$c)), [
[_directive_tooltip, "Open variant in new tab"]
const _sfc_main$c = {};
const _hoisted_1$b = { fill: "none" };
const _hoisted_2$6 = /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("pattern", {
id: "checkerboard",
width: "64",
height: "64",
patternUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
}, [
/* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("rect", {
x: "0",
y: "0",
width: "32",
height: "32",
fill: "currentColor"
/* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("rect", {
x: "32",
y: "32",
width: "32",
height: "32",
fill: "currentColor"
], -1);
const _hoisted_3$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("rect", {
x: "0",
y: "0",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
fill: "url(#checkerboard)"
}, null, -1);
const _hoisted_4$4 = [
function _sfc_render$1(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("svg", _hoisted_1$b, _hoisted_4$4);
const CheckerboardPattern = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$c, [["render", _sfc_render$1]]);
const _withScopeId$1 = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-d3ab4dd6"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n);
const _hoisted_1$a = { class: "htw-flex-none htw-flex htw-items-center" };
const _hoisted_2$5 = { class: "htw-truncate htw-flex-1" };
const _hoisted_3$4 = { class: "htw-flex-none htw-ml-auto htw-hidden group-hover:htw-flex htw-items-center" };
const _hoisted_4$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId$1(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("div", {
class: "htw-absolute htw-inset-0 htw-rounded bind-preview-bg",
"data-test-id": "responsive-preview-bg"
}, null, -1));
const _sfc_main$b = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "StoryVariantGridItem",
props: {
variant: {
type: Object,
required: true
story: {
type: Object,
required: true
emits: {
resize: (_width, _height) => true
setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) {
useCssVars((_ctx) => ({
"bd0f30ce": unref(variant).iconColor,
"8da98e9c": unref(settings).backgroundColor
const props = __props;
const emit = __emit;
const { variant } = toRefs(props);
const { isActive, targetRoute } = useCurrentVariantRoute(variant);
Object.assign(props.variant, {
previewReady: false
function onReady() {
Object.assign(props.variant, {
previewReady: true
const router = useRouter();
function selectVariant() {
const el = ref();
const { autoScroll } = useScrollOnActive(isActive, el);
useResizeObserver(el, () => {
if (props.variant.previewReady) {
emit("resize", el.value.clientWidth, el.value.clientHeight);
if (isActive.value) {
const settings = usePreviewSettingsStore().currentSettings;
const contrastColor = computed(() => getContrastColor(settings));
const autoApplyContrastColor = computed(() => !!histoireConfig.autoApplyContrastColor);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _component_RouterLink = resolveComponent("RouterLink");
const _directive_tooltip = resolveDirective("tooltip");
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
ref_key: "el",
ref: el,
class: "histoire-story-variant-grid-item htw-cursor-default htw-flex htw-flex-col htw-gap-y-1 htw-group"
}, [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1$a, [
withDirectives((openBlock(), createBlock(_component_RouterLink, {
to: unref(targetRoute),
class: normalizeClass(["htw-rounded htw-w-max htw-px-2 htw-py-0.5 htw-min-w-16 htw-cursor-pointer htw-flex htw-items-center htw-gap-1 htw-flex-shrink", {
"hover:htw-bg-gray-200 htw-text-gray-500 dark:hover:htw-bg-gray-800": !unref(isActive),
"htw-bg-primary-200 hover:htw-bg-primary-300 htw-text-primary-800 dark:htw-bg-primary-700 dark:hover:htw-bg-primary-800 dark:htw-text-primary-200": unref(isActive)
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: unref(variant).icon ?? "carbon:cube",
class: normalizeClass(["htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-opacity-50", {
"htw-text-gray-500": !unref(isActive) && !unref(variant).iconColor,
"bind-icon-color": !unref(isActive) && unref(variant).iconColor
}, null, 8, ["icon", "class"]),
createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_2$5, toDisplayString(unref(variant).title), 1)
_: 1
}, 8, ["to", "class"])), [
[_directive_tooltip, unref(variant).title]
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_3$4, [
createVNode(unref(Am), {
content: () => unref(getSourceCode)(__props.story, unref(variant))
}, null, 8, ["content"]),
createVNode(_sfc_main$d, {
variant: unref(variant),
story: __props.story
}, null, 8, ["variant", "story"])
createBaseVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["htw-border htw-bg-white dark:htw-bg-gray-700 htw-rounded htw-flex-1 htw-p-4 htw-relative", {
"htw-border-gray-100 dark:htw-border-gray-800": !unref(isActive),
"htw-border-primary-200 dark:htw-border-primary-900": unref(isActive)
"data-test-id": "sandbox-render",
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = withModifiers(($event) => selectVariant(), ["stop"])),
onKeyup: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => selectVariant())
}, [
unref(settings).checkerboard ? (openBlock(), createBlock(CheckerboardPattern, {
key: 0,
class: "htw-absolute htw-inset-0 htw-w-full htw-h-full htw-text-gray-500/20"
})) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createBaseVNode("div", {
class: "htw-relative htw-h-full",
style: normalizeStyle({
"--histoire-contrast-color": contrastColor.value,
"color": autoApplyContrastColor.value ? contrastColor.value : void 0
}, [
(openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$z, {
key: `${}-${unref(variant).id}`,
variant: unref(variant),
story: __props.story,
dir: unref(settings).textDirection,
class: normalizeClass({
[unref(histoireConfig).theme.darkClass]: unref(isDark)
}, null, 8, ["variant", "story", "dir", "class"]))
], 4)
], 34)
], 512);
const StoryVariantGridItem = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$b, [["__scopeId", "data-v-d3ab4dd6"]]);
const _hoisted_1$9 = { class: "histoire-story-variant-grid htw-flex htw-flex-col htw-items-stretch htw-h-full __histoire-pane-shadow-from-right" };
const _hoisted_2$4 = {
key: 0,
class: "htw-flex-none htw-flex htw-items-center htw-justify-end htw-h-8 htw-mx-2 htw-mt-1"
const _hoisted_3$3 = { class: "htw-flex htw-w-0 htw-flex-1 htw-mx-4" };
const margin = 16;
const gap = 16;
const _sfc_main$a = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "StoryVariantGrid",
setup(__props) {
const storyStore = useStoryStore();
const gridTemplateWidth = computed(() => {
if (storyStore.currentStory.layout.type !== "grid") {
const layoutWidth = storyStore.currentStory.layout.width;
if (!layoutWidth) {
return "200px";
if (typeof layoutWidth === "number") {
return `${layoutWidth}px`;
return layoutWidth;
const itemWidth = ref(16);
const maxItemHeight = ref(0);
const maxCount = ref(10);
const countPerRow = ref(0);
const visibleRows = ref(0);
const el = ref(null);
useResizeObserver(el, () => {
function updateMaxCount() {
if (!maxItemHeight.value)
const width = el.value.clientWidth - margin * 2;
const height = el.value.clientHeight;
const scrollTop = el.value.scrollTop;
countPerRow.value = Math.floor((width + gap) / (itemWidth.value + gap));
visibleRows.value = Math.ceil((height + scrollTop + gap) / (maxItemHeight.value + gap));
const newMaxCount = countPerRow.value * visibleRows.value;
if (maxCount.value < newMaxCount) {
maxCount.value = newMaxCount;
if (storyStore.currentVariant) {
const index = storyStore.currentStory.variants.indexOf(storyStore.currentVariant);
if (index + 1 > maxCount.value) {
maxCount.value = index + 1;
function onItemResize(w, h2) {
itemWidth.value = w;
if (maxItemHeight.value < h2) {
maxItemHeight.value = h2;
watch(() => storyStore.currentVariant, () => {
maxItemHeight.value = 0;
const gridEl = ref(null);
const gridColumnWidth = ref(1);
const viewWidth = ref(1);
function updateSize() {
if (!el.value)
viewWidth.value = el.value.clientWidth;
if (!gridEl.value)
if (gridTemplateWidth.value.endsWith("%")) {
gridColumnWidth.value = viewWidth.value * Number.parseInt(gridTemplateWidth.value) / 100 - gap;
} else {
gridColumnWidth.value = Number.parseInt(gridTemplateWidth.value);
onMounted(() => {
useResizeObserver(gridEl, () => {
const columnCount = computed(() => Math.min(storyStore.currentStory.variants.length, Math.floor((viewWidth.value + gap) / (gridColumnWidth.value + gap))));
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$9, [
!unref(isMobile) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$4, [
createCommentVNode("", true)
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createBaseVNode("div", {
ref_key: "el",
ref: el,
class: "htw-overflow-y-auto htw-flex htw-flex-1",
onScroll: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => updateMaxCount())
}, [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_3$3, [
createBaseVNode("div", {
class: "htw-m-auto",
style: normalizeStyle({
minHeight: `${unref(storyStore).currentStory.variants.length / countPerRow.value * (maxItemHeight.value + gap) - gap}px`
}, [
createBaseVNode("div", {
ref_key: "gridEl",
ref: gridEl,
class: "htw-grid htw-gap-4 htw-my-4",
style: normalizeStyle({
gridTemplateColumns: `repeat(${columnCount.value}, ${gridColumnWidth.value}px)`
}, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(storyStore).currentStory.variants.slice(0, maxCount.value), (variant, index) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(StoryVariantGridItem, {
key: index,
story: unref(storyStore).currentStory,
onResize: onItemResize
}, null, 8, ["variant", "story"]);
}), 128))
], 4)
], 4)
], 544)
const _hoisted_1$8 = { class: "histoire-toolbar-title htw-flex htw-items-center htw-gap-1 htw-text-gray-500 htw-flex-1 htw-truncate htw-min-w-0" };
const _sfc_main$9 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "ToolbarTitle",
props: {
variant: {}
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$8, [
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: _ctx.variant.icon ?? "carbon:cube",
class: normalizeClass(["htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-opacity-50", [
_ctx.variant.iconColor ? "bind-icon-color" : "htw-text-gray-500"
}, null, 8, ["icon", "class"]),
createBaseVNode("span", null, toDisplayString(_ctx.variant.title), 1)
const _hoisted_1$7 = { class: "htw-flex htw-flex-col htw-items-stretch" };
const _hoisted_2$3 = { class: "htw-flex htw-items-center htw-gap-2 htw-px-4 htw-py-3" };
const _hoisted_3$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("span", { class: "htw-opacity-50" }, "×", -1);
const _hoisted_4$2 = ["onClick"];
const _hoisted_5$2 = { class: "htw-ml-auto htw-opacity-70 htw-flex htw-gap-1" };
const _hoisted_6$1 = { key: 0 };
const _hoisted_7$1 = { key: 0 };
const _hoisted_8 = { key: 1 };
const _hoisted_9 = { key: 2 };
const _hoisted_10 = { key: 0 };
const _sfc_main$8 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "ToolbarResponsiveSize",
setup(__props) {
const settings = usePreviewSettingsStore().currentSettings;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
var _a;
const _component_VDropdown = resolveComponent("VDropdown");
const _directive_tooltip = resolveDirective("tooltip");
return openBlock(), createBlock(_component_VDropdown, {
placement: "bottom-end",
skidding: 6,
disabled: !((_a = unref(histoireConfig).responsivePresets) == null ? void 0 : _a.length),
class: "histoire-toolbar-responsive-size htw-h-full htw-flex-none"
}, {
popper: withCtx(({ hide }) => [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1$7, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$g, {
modelValue: unref(settings).rotate,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => unref(settings).rotate = $event)
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createTextVNode(" Rotate ")
_: 1
}, 8, ["modelValue"]),
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2$3, [
withDirectives(createBaseVNode("input", {
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => unref(settings).responsiveWidth = $event),
type: "number",
class: "htw-bg-transparent htw-border htw-border-gray-200 dark:htw-border-gray-850 htw-rounded htw-w-20 htw-opacity-50 focus:htw-opacity-100 htw-flex-1 htw-min-w-0",
step: "16",
placeholder: "Auto"
}, null, 512), [
void 0,
{ number: true }
[_directive_tooltip, "Responsive width (px)"]
withDirectives(createBaseVNode("input", {
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => unref(settings).responsiveHeight = $event),
type: "number",
class: "htw-bg-transparent htw-border htw-border-gray-200 dark:htw-border-gray-850 htw-rounded htw-w-20 htw-opacity-50 focus:htw-opacity-100 htw-flex-1 htw-min-w-0",
step: "16",
placeholder: "Auto"
}, null, 512), [
void 0,
{ number: true }
[_directive_tooltip, "Responsive height (px)"]
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(histoireConfig).responsivePresets, (preset, index) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("button", {
key: index,
class: normalizeClass(["htw-px-4 htw-py-3 htw-cursor-pointer htw-text-left htw-flex htw-gap-4", [
unref(settings).responsiveWidth === preset.width && unref(settings).responsiveHeight === preset.height ? "htw-bg-primary-500 hover:htw-bg-primary-600 htw-text-white dark:htw-text-black" : "htw-bg-transparent hover:htw-bg-primary-100 dark:hover:htw-bg-primary-700"
onClick: ($event) => {
unref(settings).responsiveWidth = preset.width;
unref(settings).responsiveHeight = preset.height;
}, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString(preset.label) + " ", 1),
createBaseVNode("span", _hoisted_5$2, [
preset.width ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_6$1, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString(preset.width), 1),
!preset.height ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_7$1, "px")) : createCommentVNode("", true)
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
preset.width && preset.height ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_8, "x")) : createCommentVNode("", true),
preset.height ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_9, [
createTextVNode(toDisplayString(preset.height), 1),
!preset.width ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("span", _hoisted_10, "px")) : createCommentVNode("", true)
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 10, _hoisted_4$2);
}), 128))
default: withCtx(() => {
var _a2;
return [
withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["htw-flex htw-items-center htw-gap-1 htw-h-full htw-px-2 htw-group", {
"htw-cursor-pointer hover:htw-text-primary-500": (_a2 = unref(histoireConfig).responsivePresets) == null ? void 0 : _a2.length
}, [
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:devices",
class: "htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-opacity-50 group-hover:htw-opacity-100"
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:caret-down",
class: "htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-opacity-50 group-hover:htw-opacity-100"
], 2)), [
[_directive_tooltip, "Responsive sizes"]
_: 1
}, 8, ["disabled"]);
const _sfc_main$7 = {};
const _hoisted_1$6 = { class: "__histoire-hatched-pattern" };
function _sfc_render(_ctx, _cache) {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$6);
const HatchedPattern = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$7, [["render", _sfc_render], ["__scopeId", "data-v-91561117"]]);
const _withScopeId = (n) => (pushScopeId("data-v-9bc3d486"), n = n(), popScopeId(), n);
const _hoisted_1$5 = { class: "histoire-story-responsive-preview htw-w-full htw-h-full htw-flex-1 htw-rounded-lg htw-relative htw-overflow-hidden" };
const _hoisted_2$2 = {
key: 0,
class: "htw-absolute htw-inset-0 htw-w-full htw-h-full htw-bg-gray-100 dark:htw-bg-gray-750 htw-rounded-r-lg htw-border-l-2 htw-border-gray-500/10 dark:htw-border-gray-700/30 htw-overflow-hidden"
const _hoisted_3$1 = {
class: "bind-preview-bg htw-rounded-lg htw-h-full",
"data-test-id": "responsive-preview-bg"
const _hoisted_4$1 = { class: "htw-p-8 htw-h-full htw-relative" };
const _hoisted_5$1 = { class: "htw-w-full htw-h-full htw-relative" };
const _hoisted_6 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("div", { class: "htw-absolute htw-inset-0" }, null, -1));
const _hoisted_7 = /* @__PURE__ */ createStaticVNode('<div class="htw-absolute htw-top-5 htw-left-8 htw-h-2 htw-w-px htw-bg-gray-400/25" data-v-9bc3d486></div><div class="htw-absolute htw-top-5 htw-right-8 htw-h-2 htw-w-px htw-bg-gray-400/25" data-v-9bc3d486></div><div class="htw-absolute htw-bottom-5 htw-left-8 htw-h-2 htw-w-px htw-bg-gray-400/25" data-v-9bc3d486></div><div class="htw-absolute htw-bottom-5 htw-right-8 htw-h-2 htw-w-px htw-bg-gray-400/25" data-v-9bc3d486></div><div class="htw-absolute htw-left-5 htw-top-8 htw-w-2 htw-h-px htw-bg-gray-400/25" data-v-9bc3d486></div><div class="htw-absolute htw-left-5 htw-bottom-8 htw-w-2 htw-h-px htw-bg-gray-400/25" data-v-9bc3d486></div><div class="htw-absolute htw-right-5 htw-top-8 htw-w-2 htw-h-px htw-bg-gray-400/25" data-v-9bc3d486></div><div class="htw-absolute htw-right-5 htw-bottom-8 htw-w-2 htw-h-px htw-bg-gray-400/25" data-v-9bc3d486></div>', 8);
const _sfc_main$6 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "StoryResponsivePreview",
props: {
variant: {}
setup(__props) {
useCssVars((_ctx) => ({
"321f9a07": unref(settings).backgroundColor
const props = __props;
const settings = usePreviewSettingsStore().currentSettings;
const resizing = ref(false);
const onUnmountedCleanupFns = [];
onUnmounted(() => {
onUnmountedCleanupFns.forEach((fn) => fn());
function addWindowListener(event, listener) {
window.addEventListener(event, listener);
const removeListener = () => window.removeEventListener(event, listener);
return () => {
onUnmountedCleanupFns.splice(onUnmountedCleanupFns.indexOf(removeListener), 1);
function useDragger(el, value, min, max, axis) {
function onMouseDown(event) {
const start = axis === "x" ? event.clientX : event.clientY;
const startValue = value.value ?? (axis === "x" ? previewWrapper.value.clientWidth - 67 : previewWrapper.value.clientHeight - 70);
resizing.value = true;
const removeListeners = [
addWindowListener("mousemove", onMouseMove),
addWindowListener("mouseup", onMouseUp)
function onMouseMove(event2) {
const snapTarget = axis === "x" ? previewWrapper.value.clientWidth : previewWrapper.value.clientHeight;
const delta = (axis === "x" ? event2.clientX : event2.clientY) - start;
value.value = Math.max(min, Math.min(max, startValue + delta));
if (Math.abs(value.value - (snapTarget - 67)) < 16) {
value.value = null;
function onMouseUp() {
removeListeners.forEach((fn) => fn());
resizing.value = false;
useEventListener(el, "mousedown", onMouseDown);
function onTouchStart(event) {
const start = axis === "x" ? event.touches[0].clientX : event.touches[0].clientY;
const startValue = value.value;
resizing.value = true;
const removeListeners = [
addWindowListener("touchmove", onTouchMove),
addWindowListener("touchend", onTouchEnd),
addWindowListener("touchcancel", onTouchEnd)
function onTouchMove(event2) {
const delta = (axis === "x" ? event2.touches[0].clientX : event2.touches[0].clientY) - start;
value.value = Math.max(min, Math.min(max, startValue + delta));
function onTouchEnd() {
removeListeners.forEach((fn) => fn());
resizing.value = false;
useEventListener(el, "touchstart", onTouchStart);
const responsiveWidth = computed({
get: () => settings[settings.rotate ? "responsiveHeight" : "responsiveWidth"],
set: (value) => {
settings[settings.rotate ? "responsiveHeight" : "responsiveWidth"] = value;
const responsiveHeight = computed({
get: () => settings[settings.rotate ? "responsiveWidth" : "responsiveHeight"],
set: (value) => {
settings[settings.rotate ? "responsiveWidth" : "responsiveHeight"] = value;
const horizontalDragger = ref();
const verticalDragger = ref();
const cornerDragger = ref();
const previewWrapper = ref();
useDragger(horizontalDragger, responsiveWidth, 32, 2e4, "x");
useDragger(verticalDragger, responsiveHeight, 32, 2e4, "y");
useDragger(cornerDragger, responsiveWidth, 32, 2e4, "x");
useDragger(cornerDragger, responsiveHeight, 32, 2e4, "y");
const finalWidth = computed(() => settings.rotate ? settings.responsiveHeight : settings.responsiveWidth);
const finalHeight = computed(() => settings.rotate ? settings.responsiveWidth : settings.responsiveHeight);
const isResponsiveEnabled = computed(() => !props.variant.responsiveDisabled);
const sizeTooltip = computed(() => `${responsiveWidth.value ?? "Auto"} × ${responsiveHeight.value ?? "Auto"}`);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$5, [
isResponsiveEnabled.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$2, [
createVNode(HatchedPattern, { class: "htw-w-full htw-h-full htw-text-black/[1%] dark:htw-text-white/[1%]" })
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createBaseVNode("div", {
ref_key: "previewWrapper",
ref: previewWrapper,
class: "htw-h-full htw-overflow-auto htw-relative"
}, [
createBaseVNode("div", {
class: normalizeClass(["htw-overflow-hidden htw-bg-white dark:htw-bg-gray-700 htw-rounded-lg htw-relative", isResponsiveEnabled.value ? {
"htw-w-fit": !!finalWidth.value,
"htw-h-fit": !!finalHeight.value,
"htw-h-full": !finalHeight.value
} : "htw-h-full"])
}, [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_3$1, [
unref(settings).checkerboard ? (openBlock(), createBlock(CheckerboardPattern, {
key: 0,
class: "htw-absolute htw-inset-0 htw-w-full htw-h-full htw-text-gray-500/20"
})) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_4$1, [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_5$1, [
renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {
isResponsiveEnabled: isResponsiveEnabled.value,
finalWidth: finalWidth.value,
finalHeight: finalHeight.value,
resizing: resizing.value
}, void 0, true)
isResponsiveEnabled.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
ref_key: "horizontalDragger",
ref: horizontalDragger,
class: "htw-absolute htw-w-4 htw-top-0 htw-bottom-4 htw-right-0 hover:htw-bg-primary-500/30 htw-flex htw-items-center htw-justify-center htw-cursor-ew-resize htw-group hover:htw-text-primary-500"
}, [
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "mdi:drag-vertical-variant",
class: "htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-opacity-20 group-hover:htw-opacity-90"
])), [
void 0,
{ right: true }
withDirectives((openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
ref_key: "verticalDragger",
ref: verticalDragger,
class: "htw-absolute htw-h-4 htw-left-0 htw-right-4 htw-bottom-0 hover:htw-bg-primary-500/30 htw-flex htw-items-center htw-justify-center htw-cursor-ns-resize htw-group hover:htw-text-primary-500"
}, [
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "mdi:drag-horizontal-variant",
class: "htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-opacity-20 group-hover:htw-opacity-90"
])), [
void 0,
{ bottom: true }
withDirectives(createBaseVNode("div", {
ref_key: "cornerDragger",
ref: cornerDragger,
class: "htw-absolute htw-w-4 htw-h-4 htw-right-0 htw-bottom-0 hover:htw-bg-primary-500/30 htw-flex htw-items-center htw-justify-center htw-cursor-nwse-resize htw-group hover:htw-text-primary-500"
}, null, 512), [
void 0,
{ bottom: true }
], 64)) : createCommentVNode("", true)
], 2)
], 512)
const StoryResponsivePreview = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$6, [["__scopeId", "data-v-9bc3d486"]]);
const _sfc_main$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "StoryVariantSinglePreviewNative",
props: {
story: {},
variant: {}
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
Object.assign(props.variant, {
previewReady: false
function onReady() {
Object.assign(props.variant, {
previewReady: true
const settings = usePreviewSettingsStore().currentSettings;
const contrastColor = computed(() => getContrastColor(settings));
const autoApplyContrastColor = computed(() => !!histoireConfig.autoApplyContrastColor);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(StoryResponsivePreview, {
class: "histoire-story-variant-single-preview-native",
variant: _ctx.variant
}, {
default: withCtx(({ isResponsiveEnabled, finalWidth, finalHeight }) => [
createBaseVNode("div", {
style: normalizeStyle([
isResponsiveEnabled ? {
width: finalWidth ? `${finalWidth}px` : "100%",
height: finalHeight ? `${finalHeight}px` : "100%"
} : { width: "100%", height: "100%" },
"--histoire-contrast-color": contrastColor.value,
"color": autoApplyContrastColor.value ? contrastColor.value : void 0
class: "htw-relative",
"data-test-id": "sandbox-render"
}, [
(openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$z, {
key: `${}-${}`,
variant: _ctx.variant,
story: _ctx.story,
class: normalizeClass(["htw-h-full", {
[unref(histoireConfig).sandboxDarkClass]: unref(isDark),
// @TODO remove
[unref(histoireConfig).theme.darkClass]: unref(isDark)
dir: unref(settings).textDirection,
}, null, 8, ["variant", "story", "class", "dir"]))
], 4)
_: 1
}, 8, ["variant"]);
const _hoisted_1$4 = ["src"];
const _sfc_main$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "StoryVariantSinglePreviewRemote",
props: {
story: {},
variant: {}
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const settings = usePreviewSettingsStore().currentSettings;
const iframe = ref();
function syncState() {
if (iframe.value && props.variant.previewReady) {
state: toRawDeep(props.variant.state, true)
let synced = false;
watch(() => props.variant.state, () => {
if (synced) {
synced = false;
}, {
deep: true,
immediate: true
Object.assign(props.variant, {
previewReady: false
useEventListener(window, "message", (event) => {
switch ( {
function updateVariantState(state) {
synced = true;
applyState(props.variant.state, state);
function logEvent(event) {
const eventsStore = useEventsStore();
function setPreviewReady() {
Object.assign(props.variant, {
previewReady: true
const sandboxUrl = computed(() => {
return getSandboxUrl(props.story, props.variant);
const isIframeLoaded = ref(false);
watch(sandboxUrl, () => {
isIframeLoaded.value = false;
Object.assign(props.variant, {
previewReady: false
function syncSettings() {
if (iframe.value) {
settings: toRaw(settings)
watch(() => settings, () => {
}, {
deep: true,
immediate: true
function onIframeLoad() {
isIframeLoaded.value = true;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(StoryResponsivePreview, {
class: "histoire-story-variant-single-preview-remote",
variant: _ctx.variant
}, {
default: withCtx(({ isResponsiveEnabled, finalWidth, finalHeight, resizing }) => [
createBaseVNode("iframe", {
ref_key: "iframe",
ref: iframe,
src: sandboxUrl.value,
class: normalizeClass(["htw-w-full htw-h-full htw-relative", {
"htw-invisible": !isIframeLoaded.value,
"htw-pointer-events-none": resizing
style: normalizeStyle(isResponsiveEnabled ? {
width: finalWidth ? `${finalWidth}px` : null,
height: finalHeight ? `${finalHeight}px` : null
} : void 0),
"data-test-id": "preview-iframe",
onLoad: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => onIframeLoad())
}, null, 46, _hoisted_1$4)
_: 1
}, 8, ["variant"]);
const _hoisted_1$3 = {
class: "histoire-story-variant-single-view htw-h-full htw-flex htw-flex-col",
"data-test-id": "story-variant-single-view"
const _hoisted_2$1 = {
key: 0,
class: "htw-flex-none htw-flex htw-items-center htw-h-8 -htw-mt-1"
const _sfc_main$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "StoryVariantSingleView",
props: {
variant: {},
story: {}
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
var _b;
return openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$3, [
!unref(isMobile) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2$1, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$9, { variant: _ctx.variant }, null, 8, ["variant"]),
!_ctx.variant.responsiveDisabled ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$8, { key: 0 })) : createCommentVNode("", true),
createVNode(_sfc_main$d, {
variant: _ctx.variant,
story: _ctx.story
}, null, 8, ["variant", "story"]),
createCommentVNode("", true)
])) : createCommentVNode("", true),
((_b = _ctx.story.layout) == null ? void 0 : _b.iframe) === false ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$5, {
key: 1,
story: _ctx.story,
variant: _ctx.variant
}, null, 8, ["story", "variant"])) : (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$4, {
key: 2,
story: _ctx.story,
variant: _ctx.variant
}, null, 8, ["story", "variant"]))
const _hoisted_1$2 = {
key: 0,
class: "histoire-story-variant-single htw-p-2 htw-h-full __histoire-pane-shadow-from-right"
const _hoisted_2 = {
key: 0,
class: "htw-divide-y htw-divide-gray-100 dark:htw-divide-gray-800 htw-h-full htw-flex htw-flex-col"
const _hoisted_3 = {
key: 0,
class: "htw-p-2 htw-h-full"
const _hoisted_4 = { class: "htw-h-full htw-overflow-y-auto" };
const _hoisted_5 = {
key: 0,
class: "htw-p-2 htw-h-full __histoire-pane-shadow-from-right"
const _sfc_main$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "StoryVariantSingle",
emits: {
openVariantMenu: () => true
setup(__props) {
useCssVars((_ctx) => {
var _a;
return {
"02b8e3da": (_a = variant.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.iconColor
const storyStore = useStoryStore();
const hasSingleVariant = computed(() => {
var _a;
return ((_a = storyStore.currentStory) == null ? void 0 : _a.variants.length) === 1;
const variant = computed(() => storyStore.currentVariant);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return hasSingleVariant.value && variant.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$2, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$3, {
variant: variant.value,
story: unref(storyStore).currentStory
}, null, 8, ["variant", "story"])
])) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
unref(isMobile) ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2, [
createBaseVNode("a", {
class: "htw-px-6 htw-h-12 hover:htw-text-primary-500 dark:hover:htw-text-primary-400 htw-cursor-pointer htw-flex htw-gap-2 htw-flex-wrap htw-w-full htw-items-center htw-flex-none",
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("openVariantMenu"))
}, [
variant.value ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 0 }, [
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: variant.value.icon ?? "carbon:cube",
class: normalizeClass(["htw-w-5 htw-h-5 htw-flex-none", {
"htw-text-gray-500": !variant.value.iconColor,
"bind-icon-color": variant.value.iconColor
}, null, 8, ["icon", "class"]),
createTextVNode(" " + toDisplayString(variant.value.title), 1)
], 64)) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
createTextVNode(" Select a variant... ")
], 64)),
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:chevron-sort",
class: "htw-w-5 htw-h-5 htw-shrink-0 htw-ml-auto"
unref(storyStore).currentVariant ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_3, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$3, {
variant: unref(storyStore).currentVariant,
story: unref(storyStore).currentStory
}, null, 8, ["variant", "story"])
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
])) : (openBlock(), createBlock(BaseSplitPane, {
key: 1,
"save-id": "story-single-main-split",
min: 5,
max: 40,
"default-split": 17
}, {
first: withCtx(() => [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_4, [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(storyStore).currentStory.variants, (v, index) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(StoryVariantListItem, {
key: index,
variant: v
}, null, 8, ["variant"]);
}), 128))
last: withCtx(() => [
unref(storyStore).currentVariant ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_5, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$3, {
variant: unref(storyStore).currentVariant,
story: unref(storyStore).currentStory
}, null, 8, ["variant", "story"])
])) : createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 1
], 64));
const StoryVariantSingle = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$2, [["__scopeId", "data-v-abf83c04"]]);
const _hoisted_1$1 = { class: "histoire-story-viewer htw-bg-gray-50 htw-h-full dark:htw-bg-gray-750" };
const _sfc_main$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "StoryViewer",
setup(__props) {
useCssVars((_ctx) => {
var _a;
return {
"597bf4c4": (_a = variant.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.iconColor
const storyStore = useStoryStore();
const variant = computed(() => storyStore.currentVariant);
const isMenuOpened = ref(false);
function closeMenu() {
isMenuOpened.value = false;
watch(variant, () => {
isMenuOpened.value = false;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return openBlock(), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1$1, [
unref(storyStore).currentStory.layout.type === "grid" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$a, { key: 0 })) : unref(storyStore).currentStory.layout.type === "single" ? (openBlock(), createBlock(StoryVariantSingle, {
key: 1,
onOpenVariantMenu: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => isMenuOpened.value = true)
})) : createCommentVNode("", true)
createVNode(_sfc_main$A, {
title: "Select a variant",
opened: isMenuOpened.value,
onClose: closeMenu
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(storyStore).currentStory.variants, (v, index) => {
return openBlock(), createBlock(StoryVariantListItem, {
key: index,
variant: v
}, null, 8, ["variant"]);
}), 128))
_: 1
}, 8, ["opened"])
], 64);
const StoryViewer = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$1, [["__scopeId", "data-v-a5a2e343"]]);
const _hoisted_1 = {
key: 1,
class: "histoire-story-view histoire-with-story htw-h-full"
const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "StoryView",
setup(__props) {
const storyStore = useStoryStore();
const router = useRouter();
const route = useRoute();
watch(() => storyStore.currentVariant, (value) => {
if (value) {
storyStore.currentStory.lastSelectedVariant = value;
}, {
immediate: true
watch(() => [storyStore.currentStory, storyStore.currentVariant], () => {
var _a, _b;
if (!storyStore.currentVariant) {
if ((_a = storyStore.currentStory) == null ? void 0 : _a.lastSelectedVariant) {
if (((_b = storyStore.currentStory) == null ? void 0 : _b.variants.length) === 1) {
}, {
immediate: true
function setVariant(variantId) {
query: {
const docsOnlyScroller = ref(null);
function scrollDocsToTop() {
var _a;
(_a = docsOnlyScroller.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.scrollTo(0, 0);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return !unref(storyStore).currentStory ? (openBlock(), createBlock(BaseEmpty, {
key: 0,
class: "histoire-story-view histoire-no-story"
}, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createVNode(unref(Icon), {
icon: "carbon:software-resource-resource",
class: "htw-w-16 htw-h-16 htw-opacity-50"
_: 1
})) : (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1, [
unref(storyStore).currentStory.docsOnly ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", {
key: 0,
ref_key: "docsOnlyScroller",
ref: docsOnlyScroller,
class: "htw-h-full htw-overflow-auto"
}, [
createVNode(_sfc_main$r, {
story: unref(storyStore).currentStory,
standalone: "",
class: "md:htw-p-12 htw-w-full md:htw-max-w-[600px] lg:htw-max-w-[800px] xl:htw-max-w-[900px]",
onScrollTop: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => scrollDocsToTop())
}, null, 8, ["story"])
], 512)) : unref(isMobile) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(StoryViewer, { key: 1 })) : (openBlock(), createBlock(BaseSplitPane, {
key: 2,
"save-id": "story-main",
min: 30,
max: 95,
"default-split": 75,
class: "htw-h-full"
}, {
first: withCtx(() => [
last: withCtx(() => [
_: 1
export {
_sfc_main as default