import type { Graph, NodeRegistry, NodeType, RuntimeExecutor } from "@nodes/types"; export class MemoryRuntimeExecutor implements RuntimeExecutor { constructor(private registry: NodeRegistry) { } private getNodeTypes(graph: Graph) { const typeMap = new Map(); for (const node of graph.nodes) { if (!typeMap.has(node.type)) { const type = this.registry.getNode(node.type); if (type) { typeMap.set(node.type, type); } } } return typeMap; } private addMetaData(graph: Graph) { // First, lets check if all nodes have a type const typeMap = this.getNodeTypes(graph); const outputNode = graph.nodes.find(node => node.type.endsWith("/output")); if (!outputNode) { throw new Error("No output node found"); } outputNode.tmp = outputNode.tmp || {}; outputNode.tmp.depth = 0; const nodeMap = new Map( => [, node])); // loop through all edges and assign the parent and child nodes to each node for (const edge of graph.edges) { const [parentId, _parentOutput, childId, childInput] = edge; const parent = nodeMap.get(parentId); const child = nodeMap.get(childId); if (parent && child) { parent.tmp = parent.tmp || {}; parent.tmp.children = parent.tmp.children || []; parent.tmp.children.push(child); child.tmp = child.tmp || {}; child.tmp.parents = child.tmp.parents || []; child.tmp.parents.push(parent); child.tmp.inputNodes = child.tmp.inputNodes || {}; child.tmp.inputNodes[childInput] = parent; } } const nodes = [] // loop through all the nodes and assign each nodes its depth const stack = [outputNode]; while (stack.length) { const node = stack.pop(); if (node) { node.tmp = node.tmp || {}; node.tmp.type = typeMap.get(node.type); if (node?.tmp?.depth === undefined) { node.tmp.depth = 0; } if (node?.tmp?.parents !== undefined) { for (const parent of node.tmp.parents) { parent.tmp = parent.tmp || {}; if (parent.tmp?.depth === undefined) { parent.tmp.depth = node.tmp.depth + 1; stack.push(parent); } else { parent.tmp.depth = Math.max(parent.tmp.depth, node.tmp.depth + 1); } } } nodes.push(node); } } return [outputNode, nodes] as const; } execute(graph: Graph) { // Then we add some metadata to the graph const [outputNode, nodes] = this.addMetaData(graph); /* * Here we sort the nodes into buckets, which we then execute one by one * +-b2-+-b1-+---b0---+ * | | | | * | n3 | n2 | Output | * | n6 | n4 | Level | * | | n5 | | * | | | | * +----+----+--------+ */ // we execute the nodes from the bottom up const sortedNodes = nodes.sort((a, b) => (b.tmp?.depth || 0) - (a.tmp?.depth || 0)); // here we store the intermediate results of the nodes const results: Record = {}; for (const node of sortedNodes) { if (node?.tmp && node?.tmp?.type?.execute) { const inputs: Record = {}; for (const [key, input] of Object.entries(node.tmp.type.inputs || {})) { // check if the input is connected to another node const inputNode = node.tmp.inputNodes?.[key]; if (inputNode) { if (results[] === undefined) { throw new Error("Input node has no result"); } inputs[key] = results[]; continue; } // if the input is not connected to another node, we use the value from the node itself inputs[key] = node.props?.[key] ?? input?.value; } // execute the node and store the result results[] = node.tmp.type.execute(...Object.values(inputs)) as number; } } // return the result of the parent of the output node const res = results[] as string return res; } }