const __vite__fileDeps=["assets/HomeView.vue-CcWnFK65.js","assets/story--eZPzd9h.js","assets/vendor-BCKkA27H.js","assets/StoryView.vue-BFx-CBXY.js","assets/MobileOverlay.vue2-BRmV4xb2.js","assets/BaseEmpty.vue-C0i8tRal.js","assets/state-BFrY_pEm.js"],__vite__mapDeps=i=>>__vite__fileDeps[i]); import { S as SvelteComponentDev, Q as init, R as safe_not_equal, U as dispatch_dev, V as validate_slots, W as element, X as space, Y as svg_element, Z as claim_element, _ as claim_space, $ as children, a0 as claim_svg_element, a1 as detach_dev, a2 as attr_dev, a3 as add_location, a4 as insert_hydration_dev, a5 as append_hydration_dev, a6 as listen_dev, a7 as noop, a8 as create_component, a9 as claim_component, aa as mount_component, ab as transition_in, ac as transition_out, ad as destroy_component, ae as createEventDispatcher, af as toggle_class, ag as set_input_value, ah as to_number, ai as run_all, aj as binding_callbacks, ak as flush, al as get_svelte_dataset, am as ensure_array_like_dev, an as add_render_callback, ao as select_option, ap as destroy_each, aq as select_value, ar as text, as as claim_text, at as set_data_dev, au as Logo_square, av as Logo_dark, aw as createRouter, ax as createWebHistory, ay as createWebHashHistory, az as useDark, aA as useToggle, k as watch, aB as markRaw, E as reactive, d as defineComponent, r as ref, aC as watchEffect, o as openBlock, q as createBlock, aD as mergeProps, aE as resolveDynamicComponent, h as createCommentVNode } from "./vendor-BCKkA27H.js"; const scriptRel = "modulepreload"; const assetsURL = function(dep) { return "/" + dep; }; const seen = {}; const __vitePreload = function preload(baseModule, deps, importerUrl) { let promise = Promise.resolve(); if (deps && deps.length > 0) { const links = document.getElementsByTagName("link"); const cspNonceMeta = document.querySelector("meta[property=csp-nonce]"); const cspNonce = (cspNonceMeta == null ? void 0 : cspNonceMeta.nonce) || (cspNonceMeta == null ? void 0 : cspNonceMeta.getAttribute("nonce")); promise = Promise.all( => { dep = assetsURL(dep); if (dep in seen) return; seen[dep] = true; const isCss = dep.endsWith(".css"); const cssSelector = isCss ? '[rel="stylesheet"]' : ""; const isBaseRelative = !!importerUrl; if (isBaseRelative) { for (let i = links.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const link2 = links[i]; if (link2.href === dep && (!isCss || link2.rel === "stylesheet")) { return; } } } else if (document.querySelector(`link[href="${dep}"]${cssSelector}`)) { return; } const link = document.createElement("link"); link.rel = isCss ? "stylesheet" : scriptRel; if (!isCss) { = "script"; link.crossOrigin = ""; } link.href = dep; if (cspNonce) { link.setAttribute("nonce", cspNonce); } document.head.appendChild(link); if (isCss) { return new Promise((res, rej) => { link.addEventListener("load", res); link.addEventListener("error", () => rej(new Error(`Unable to preload CSS for ${dep}`))); }); } })); } return promise.then(() => baseModule()).catch((err) => { const e = new Event("vite:preloadError", { cancelable: true }); e.payload = err; window.dispatchEvent(e); if (!e.defaultPrevented) { throw err; } }); }; const file$8 = "src/lib/elements/Checkbox.svelte"; function create_fragment$8(ctx) { let input; let t; let label; let svg; let path; let mounted; let dispose; const block = { c: function create() { input = element("input"); t = space(); label = element("label"); svg = svg_element("svg"); path = svg_element("path"); this.h(); }, l: function claim(nodes) { input = claim_element(nodes, "INPUT", { id: true, type: true, class: true }); t = claim_space(nodes); label = claim_element(nodes, "LABEL", { for: true, class: true }); var label_nodes = children(label); svg = claim_svg_element(label_nodes, "svg", { viewBox: true, fill: true, xmlns: true, class: true }); var svg_nodes = children(svg); path = claim_svg_element(svg_nodes, "path", { d: true, stroke: true, "stroke-width": true, "stroke-linecap": true, "stroke-linejoin": true }); children(path).forEach(detach_dev); svg_nodes.forEach(detach_dev); label_nodes.forEach(detach_dev); this.h(); }, h: function hydrate() { attr_dev( input, "id", /*id*/ ctx[1] ); attr_dev(input, "type", "checkbox"); attr_dev(input, "class", "s-TUFw0ou_zJq2"); add_location(input, file$8, 12, 0, 201); attr_dev(path, "d", "M2 7L7 12L17 2"); attr_dev(path, "stroke", "currentColor"); attr_dev(path, "stroke-width", "3"); attr_dev(path, "stroke-linecap", "round"); attr_dev(path, "stroke-linejoin", "round"); add_location(path, file$8, 15, 4, 349); attr_dev(svg, "viewBox", "0 0 19 14"); attr_dev(svg, "fill", "none"); attr_dev(svg, "xmlns", ""); attr_dev(svg, "class", "s-TUFw0ou_zJq2"); add_location(svg, file$8, 14, 2, 272); attr_dev( label, "for", /*id*/ ctx[1] ); attr_dev(label, "class", "s-TUFw0ou_zJq2"); add_location(label, file$8, 13, 0, 253); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_hydration_dev(target, input, anchor); input.checked = /*value*/ ctx[0]; insert_hydration_dev(target, t, anchor); insert_hydration_dev(target, label, anchor); append_hydration_dev(label, svg); append_hydration_dev(svg, path); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen_dev( input, "change", /*input_change_handler*/ ctx[2] ); mounted = true; } }, p: function update(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (dirty & /*id*/ 2) { attr_dev( input, "id", /*id*/ ctx2[1] ); } if (dirty & /*value*/ 1) { input.checked = /*value*/ ctx2[0]; } if (dirty & /*id*/ 2) { attr_dev( label, "for", /*id*/ ctx2[1] ); } }, i: noop, o: noop, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) { detach_dev(input); detach_dev(t); detach_dev(label); } mounted = false; dispose(); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment$, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance$8($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots("Checkbox", slots, []); let { value } = $$props; let { id } = $$props; $$self.$$.on_mount.push(function() { if (value === void 0 && !("value" in $$props || $$self.$$.bound[$$self.$$.props["value"]])) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'value'"); } if (id === void 0 && !("id" in $$props || $$self.$$.bound[$$self.$$.props["id"]])) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'id'"); } }); const writable_props = ["value", "id"]; Object.keys($$props).forEach((key) => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== "$$" && key !== "slot") console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); function input_change_handler() { value = this.checked; $$invalidate(0, value); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("value" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, value = $$props2.value); if ("id" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, id = $$; }; $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ value, id }); $$self.$inject_state = ($$props2) => { if ("value" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, value = $$props2.value); if ("id" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, id = $$; }; if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); } $$self.$$.update = () => { if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*value*/ 1) { if (typeof value === "string") { $$invalidate(0, value = value === "true"); } else if (typeof value === "number") { $$invalidate(0, value = value === 1); } } }; return [value, id, input_change_handler]; } class Checkbox extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init(this, options, instance$8, create_fragment$8, safe_not_equal, { value: 0, id: 1 }); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "Checkbox", options, id: create_fragment$ }); } get value() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set value(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get id() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set id(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } } const file$7 = "src/lib/elements/Checkbox.story.svelte"; function create_default_slot$3(ctx) { let div; let checkbox; let current; checkbox = new Checkbox({ props: { checked: false }, $$inline: true }); const block = { c: function create() { div = element("div"); create_component(checkbox.$$.fragment); this.h(); }, l: function claim(nodes) { div = claim_element(nodes, "DIV", { class: true }); var div_nodes = children(div); claim_component(checkbox.$$.fragment, div_nodes); div_nodes.forEach(detach_dev); this.h(); }, h: function hydrate() { attr_dev(div, "class", "s-QRHVBdNdefmq"); add_location(div, file$7, 7, 2, 101); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_hydration_dev(target, div, anchor); mount_component(checkbox, div, null); current = true; }, p: noop, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(checkbox.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(checkbox.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) { detach_dev(div); } destroy_component(checkbox); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_default_slot$, type: "slot", source: "(5:0) ", ctx }); return block; } function create_fragment$7(ctx) { let hst_story; let current; hst_story = new /*Hst*/ ctx[0].Story({ props: { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot$3] }, $$scope: { ctx } }, $$inline: true }); const block = { c: function create() { create_component(hst_story.$$.fragment); }, l: function claim(nodes) { claim_component(hst_story.$$.fragment, nodes); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { mount_component(hst_story, target, anchor); current = true; }, p: function update(ctx2, [dirty]) { const hst_story_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*$$scope*/ 2) { hst_story_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } hst_story.$set(hst_story_changes); }, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(hst_story.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(hst_story.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { destroy_component(hst_story, detaching); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment$, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance$7($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots("Checkbox_story", slots, []); let { Hst } = $$props; $$self.$$.on_mount.push(function() { if (Hst === void 0 && !("Hst" in $$props || $$self.$$.bound[$$self.$$.props["Hst"]])) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'Hst'"); } }); const writable_props = ["Hst"]; Object.keys($$props).forEach((key) => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== "$$" && key !== "slot") console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("Hst" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, Hst = $$props2.Hst); }; $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ Hst, Checkbox }); $$self.$inject_state = ($$props2) => { if ("Hst" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, Hst = $$props2.Hst); }; if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); } return [Hst]; } class Checkbox_story extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init(this, options, instance$7, create_fragment$7, safe_not_equal, { Hst: 0 }); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "Checkbox_story", options, id: create_fragment$ }); } get Hst() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set Hst(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } } function getBoundingValue(_v) { const v = Math.abs(_v); let level = 1; const levels = [1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1e3]; for (const l of levels) { level = l; if (l >= v) break; } return _v >= 0 ? level : -level; } const file$6 = "src/lib/elements/Float.svelte"; function create_fragment$6(ctx) { let div; let span; let span_style_value; let t; let input; let input_style_value; let mounted; let dispose; const block = { c: function create() { div = element("div"); span = element("span"); t = space(); input = element("input"); this.h(); }, l: function claim(nodes) { div = claim_element(nodes, "DIV", { class: true }); var div_nodes = children(div); span = claim_element(div_nodes, "SPAN", { class: true, style: true }); children(span).forEach(detach_dev); t = claim_space(div_nodes); input = claim_element(div_nodes, "INPUT", { id: true, step: true, max: true, min: true, type: true, style: true, class: true }); div_nodes.forEach(detach_dev); this.h(); }, h: function hydrate() { attr_dev(span, "class", "overlay s-7bQ_kN4nOsTx"); attr_dev(span, "style", span_style_value = `width: ${/*value*/ (ctx[0] - /*min*/ ctx[1]) / /*max*/ (ctx[2] - /*min*/ ctx[1]) * 100}%`); add_location(span, file$6, 102, 2, 2040); attr_dev( input, "id", /*id*/ ctx[4] ); attr_dev( input, "step", /*step*/ ctx[3] ); attr_dev( input, "max", /*max*/ ctx[2] ); attr_dev( input, "min", /*min*/ ctx[1] ); attr_dev(input, "type", "number"); attr_dev(input, "style", input_style_value = `width:${/*width*/ ctx[7]};`); attr_dev(input, "class", "s-7bQ_kN4nOsTx"); add_location(input, file$6, 106, 2, 2134); attr_dev(div, "class", "component-wrapper s-7bQ_kN4nOsTx"); toggle_class( div, "is-down", /*isMouseDown*/ ctx[6] ); add_location(div, file$6, 101, 0, 1978); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_hydration_dev(target, div, anchor); append_hydration_dev(div, span); append_hydration_dev(div, t); append_hydration_dev(div, input); set_input_value( input, /*value*/ ctx[0] ); ctx[12](input); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen_dev( input, "input", /*input_input_handler*/ ctx[11] ), listen_dev( input, "keydown", /*handleKeyDown*/ ctx[10], false, false, false, false ), listen_dev( input, "mousedown", /*handleMouseDown*/ ctx[8], false, false, false, false ), listen_dev( input, "mouseup", /*handleMouseUp*/ ctx[9], false, false, false, false ) ]; mounted = true; } }, p: function update(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (dirty & /*value, min, max*/ 7 && span_style_value !== (span_style_value = `width: ${/*value*/ (ctx2[0] - /*min*/ ctx2[1]) / /*max*/ (ctx2[2] - /*min*/ ctx2[1]) * 100}%`)) { attr_dev(span, "style", span_style_value); } if (dirty & /*id*/ 16) { attr_dev( input, "id", /*id*/ ctx2[4] ); } if (dirty & /*step*/ 8) { attr_dev( input, "step", /*step*/ ctx2[3] ); } if (dirty & /*max*/ 4) { attr_dev( input, "max", /*max*/ ctx2[2] ); } if (dirty & /*min*/ 2) { attr_dev( input, "min", /*min*/ ctx2[1] ); } if (dirty & /*width*/ 128 && input_style_value !== (input_style_value = `width:${/*width*/ ctx2[7]};`)) { attr_dev(input, "style", input_style_value); } if (dirty & /*value*/ 1 && to_number(input.value) !== /*value*/ ctx2[0]) { set_input_value( input, /*value*/ ctx2[0] ); } if (dirty & /*isMouseDown*/ 64) { toggle_class( div, "is-down", /*isMouseDown*/ ctx2[6] ); } }, i: noop, o: noop, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) { detach_dev(div); } ctx[12](null); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment$, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function strip(input) { return +parseFloat(input + "").toPrecision(2); } function instance$6($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let width; let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots("Float", slots, []); let { value = 0.5 } = $$props; let { step = 0.01 } = $$props; let { min = 0 } = $$props; let { max = 1 } = $$props; let { id = "" } = $$props; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); let inputEl; let oldValue; function handleChange() { if (value === oldValue) return; oldValue = value; dispatch("change", parseFloat(value + "")); } let isMouseDown = false; let downV = 0; let vx = 0; let rect; function handleMouseDown(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); inputEl.focus(); $$invalidate(6, isMouseDown = true); downV = value; rect = inputEl.getBoundingClientRect(); window.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove); window.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove); window.addEventListener("mouseup", handleMouseUp); = "ew-resize"; } function handleMouseUp() { $$invalidate(6, isMouseDown = false); if (downV === value) { inputEl.focus(); } setTimeout( () => { if (value >= 0) { $$invalidate(2, max = getBoundingValue(value)); $$invalidate(1, min = 0); } else { $$invalidate(1, min = getBoundingValue(value)); $$invalidate(2, max = 0); } }, 500 ); = "unset"; window.removeEventListener("mouseup", handleMouseUp); window.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove); } function handleKeyDown(ev) { if (ev.key === "Escape" || ev.key === "Enter") { handleMouseUp(); inputEl.blur(); } } function handleMouseMove(ev) { vx = (ev.clientX - rect.left) / rect.width; if (ev.ctrlKey) { let v = min + (max - min) * vx; $$invalidate(0, value = v); } else { $$invalidate(0, value = Math.max(Math.min(min + (max - min) * vx, max), min)); } } const writable_props = ["value", "step", "min", "max", "id"]; Object.keys($$props).forEach((key) => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== "$$" && key !== "slot") console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); function input_input_handler() { value = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(0, value); } function input_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { inputEl = $$value; $$invalidate(5, inputEl); }); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("value" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, value = $$props2.value); if ("step" in $$props2) $$invalidate(3, step = $$props2.step); if ("min" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, min = $$props2.min); if ("max" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, max = $$props2.max); if ("id" in $$props2) $$invalidate(4, id = $$; }; $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ createEventDispatcher, getBoundingValue, value, step, min, max, id, strip, dispatch, inputEl, oldValue, handleChange, isMouseDown, downV, vx, rect, handleMouseDown, handleMouseUp, handleKeyDown, handleMouseMove, width }); $$self.$inject_state = ($$props2) => { if ("value" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, value = $$props2.value); if ("step" in $$props2) $$invalidate(3, step = $$props2.step); if ("min" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, min = $$props2.min); if ("max" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, max = $$props2.max); if ("id" in $$props2) $$invalidate(4, id = $$; if ("inputEl" in $$props2) $$invalidate(5, inputEl = $$props2.inputEl); if ("oldValue" in $$props2) oldValue = $$props2.oldValue; if ("isMouseDown" in $$props2) $$invalidate(6, isMouseDown = $$props2.isMouseDown); if ("downV" in $$props2) downV = $$props2.downV; if ("vx" in $$props2) vx = $$props2.vx; if ("rect" in $$props2) rect = $$props2.rect; if ("width" in $$props2) $$invalidate(7, width = $$props2.width); }; if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); } $$self.$$.update = () => { if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*value*/ 1) { if ((value || 0).toString().length > 5) { $$invalidate(0, value = strip(value || 0)); } } if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*value*/ 1) { value !== void 0 && handleChange(); } if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*value*/ 1) { $$invalidate(7, width = Number.isFinite(value) ? Math.max(((value == null ? void 0 : value.toString().length) ?? 1) * 8, 50) + "px" : "20px"); } }; return [ value, min, max, step, id, inputEl, isMouseDown, width, handleMouseDown, handleMouseUp, handleKeyDown, input_input_handler, input_binding ]; } class Float extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init(this, options, instance$6, create_fragment$6, safe_not_equal, { value: 0, step: 3, min: 1, max: 2, id: 4 }); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "Float", options, id: create_fragment$ }); } get value() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set value(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get step() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set step(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get min() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set min(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get max() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set max(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get id() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set id(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } } const file$5 = "src/lib/elements/Float.story.svelte"; function create_default_slot$2(ctx) { let div; let float; let current; float = new Float({ props: { value: 0, min: 0, max: 6.9 }, $$inline: true }); const block = { c: function create() { div = element("div"); create_component(float.$$.fragment); this.h(); }, l: function claim(nodes) { div = claim_element(nodes, "DIV", { class: true }); var div_nodes = children(div); claim_component(float.$$.fragment, div_nodes); div_nodes.forEach(detach_dev); this.h(); }, h: function hydrate() { attr_dev(div, "class", "s-ixAoiIy-gyh_"); add_location(div, file$5, 7, 2, 95); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_hydration_dev(target, div, anchor); mount_component(float, div, null); current = true; }, p: noop, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(float.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(float.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) { detach_dev(div); } destroy_component(float); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_default_slot$, type: "slot", source: "(5:0) ", ctx }); return block; } function create_fragment$5(ctx) { let hst_story; let current; hst_story = new /*Hst*/ ctx[0].Story({ props: { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot$2] }, $$scope: { ctx } }, $$inline: true }); const block = { c: function create() { create_component(hst_story.$$.fragment); }, l: function claim(nodes) { claim_component(hst_story.$$.fragment, nodes); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { mount_component(hst_story, target, anchor); current = true; }, p: function update(ctx2, [dirty]) { const hst_story_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*$$scope*/ 2) { hst_story_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } hst_story.$set(hst_story_changes); }, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(hst_story.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(hst_story.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { destroy_component(hst_story, detaching); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment$, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance$5($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots("Float_story", slots, []); let { Hst } = $$props; $$self.$$.on_mount.push(function() { if (Hst === void 0 && !("Hst" in $$props || $$self.$$.bound[$$self.$$.props["Hst"]])) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'Hst'"); } }); const writable_props = ["Hst"]; Object.keys($$props).forEach((key) => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== "$$" && key !== "slot") console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("Hst" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, Hst = $$props2.Hst); }; $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ Hst, Float }); $$self.$inject_state = ($$props2) => { if ("Hst" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, Hst = $$props2.Hst); }; if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); } return [Hst]; } class Float_story extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init(this, options, instance$5, create_fragment$5, safe_not_equal, { Hst: 0 }); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "Float_story", options, id: create_fragment$ }); } get Hst() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set Hst(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } } const file$4 = "src/lib/elements/Integer.svelte"; function create_if_block(ctx) { let span; let span_style_value; const block = { c: function create() { span = element("span"); this.h(); }, l: function claim(nodes) { span = claim_element(nodes, "SPAN", { class: true, style: true }); children(span).forEach(detach_dev); this.h(); }, h: function hydrate() { attr_dev(span, "class", "overlay s-mdEAMJCfSFSg"); attr_dev(span, "style", span_style_value = `width: ${Math.min( /*value*/ (ctx[0] - /*min*/ ctx[1]) / /*max*/ (ctx[2] - /*min*/ ctx[1]), 1 ) * 100}%`); add_location(span, file$4, 89, 4, 1949); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_hydration_dev(target, span, anchor); }, p: function update(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*value, min, max*/ 7 && span_style_value !== (span_style_value = `width: ${Math.min( /*value*/ (ctx2[0] - /*min*/ ctx2[1]) / /*max*/ (ctx2[2] - /*min*/ ctx2[1]), 1 ) * 100}%`)) { attr_dev(span, "style", span_style_value); } }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) { detach_dev(span); } } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id:, type: "if", source: '(75:2) {#if typeof min !== \\"undefined\\" && typeof max !== \\"undefined\\"}', ctx }); return block; } function create_fragment$4(ctx) { let div; let t0; let button0; let textContent = "-"; let t2; let input; let input_style_value; let t3; let button1; let textContent_1 = "+"; let mounted; let dispose; let if_block = typeof /*min*/ ctx[1] !== "undefined" && typeof /*max*/ ctx[2] !== "undefined" && create_if_block(ctx); const block = { c: function create() { div = element("div"); if (if_block) if_block.c(); t0 = space(); button0 = element("button"); button0.textContent = textContent; t2 = space(); input = element("input"); t3 = space(); button1 = element("button"); button1.textContent = textContent_1; this.h(); }, l: function claim(nodes) { div = claim_element(nodes, "DIV", { class: true, role: true, tabindex: true, "aria-valuenow": true }); var div_nodes = children(div); if (if_block) if_block.l(div_nodes); t0 = claim_space(div_nodes); button0 = claim_element(div_nodes, "BUTTON", { class: true, ["data-svelte-h"]: true }); if (get_svelte_dataset(button0) !== "svelte-1bw2b1l") button0.textContent = textContent; t2 = claim_space(div_nodes); input = claim_element(div_nodes, "INPUT", { step: true, max: true, min: true, type: true, style: true, class: true }); t3 = claim_space(div_nodes); button1 = claim_element(div_nodes, "BUTTON", { class: true, ["data-svelte-h"]: true }); if (get_svelte_dataset(button1) !== "svelte-4ac98d") button1.textContent = textContent_1; div_nodes.forEach(detach_dev); this.h(); }, h: function hydrate() { attr_dev(button0, "class", "s-mdEAMJCfSFSg"); add_location(button0, file$4, 94, 2, 2068); attr_dev( input, "step", /*step*/ ctx[3] ); attr_dev( input, "max", /*max*/ ctx[2] ); attr_dev( input, "min", /*min*/ ctx[1] ); attr_dev(input, "type", "number"); attr_dev(input, "style", input_style_value = `width:${/*width*/ ctx[6]};`); attr_dev(input, "class", "s-mdEAMJCfSFSg"); add_location(input, file$4, 95, 2, 2126); attr_dev(button1, "class", "s-mdEAMJCfSFSg"); add_location(button1, file$4, 105, 2, 2259); attr_dev(div, "class", "component-wrapper s-mdEAMJCfSFSg"); attr_dev(div, "role", "slider"); attr_dev(div, "tabindex", "0"); attr_dev( div, "aria-valuenow", /*value*/ ctx[0] ); add_location(div, file$4, 79, 0, 1706); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_hydration_dev(target, div, anchor); if (if_block) if_block.m(div, null); append_hydration_dev(div, t0); append_hydration_dev(div, button0); append_hydration_dev(div, t2); append_hydration_dev(div, input); set_input_value( input, /*value*/ ctx[0] ); ctx[13](input); append_hydration_dev(div, t3); append_hydration_dev(div, button1); ctx[15](div); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen_dev( button0, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[11], false, false, false, false ), listen_dev( input, "input", /*input_input_handler*/ ctx[12] ), listen_dev( button1, "click", /*click_handler_1*/ ctx[14], false, false, false, false ), listen_dev( div, "mousedown", /*handleMouseDown*/ ctx[8], false, false, false, false ), listen_dev( div, "mouseup", /*handleMouseUp*/ ctx[9], false, false, false, false ) ]; mounted = true; } }, p: function update(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (typeof /*min*/ ctx2[1] !== "undefined" && typeof /*max*/ ctx2[2] !== "undefined") { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block = create_if_block(ctx2); if_block.c(); if_block.m(div, t0); } } else if (if_block) { if_block.d(1); if_block = null; } if (dirty & /*step*/ 8) { attr_dev( input, "step", /*step*/ ctx2[3] ); } if (dirty & /*max*/ 4) { attr_dev( input, "max", /*max*/ ctx2[2] ); } if (dirty & /*min*/ 2) { attr_dev( input, "min", /*min*/ ctx2[1] ); } if (dirty & /*width*/ 64 && input_style_value !== (input_style_value = `width:${/*width*/ ctx2[6]};`)) { attr_dev(input, "style", input_style_value); } if (dirty & /*value*/ 1 && to_number(input.value) !== /*value*/ ctx2[0]) { set_input_value( input, /*value*/ ctx2[0] ); } if (dirty & /*value*/ 1) { attr_dev( div, "aria-valuenow", /*value*/ ctx2[0] ); } }, i: noop, o: noop, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) { detach_dev(div); } if (if_block) if_block.d(); ctx[13](null); ctx[15](null); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment$, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance$4($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let width; let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots("Integer", slots, []); const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); let { min = void 0 } = $$props; let { max = void 0 } = $$props; let { step = 1 } = $$props; let { value = 0 } = $$props; let { id = "" } = $$props; if (!value) { value = 0; } let inputEl; let wrapper; let prev = -1; function update() { if (prev === value) return; prev = value; dispatch("change", parseFloat(value + "")); } function handleChange(change) { $$invalidate(0, value = Math.max(min ?? -Infinity, Math.min(+value + change, max ?? Infinity))); } let downX = 0; let downV = 0; let rect; function handleMouseDown(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); downV = value; downX = ev.clientX; rect = wrapper.getBoundingClientRect(); window.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove); window.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove); window.addEventListener("mouseup", handleMouseUp); = "ew-resize"; } function handleMouseUp() { if (downV === value) { inputEl.focus(); } else { inputEl.blur(); } = "unset"; window.removeEventListener("mouseup", handleMouseUp); window.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove); } function handleMouseMove(ev) { if (!ev.ctrlKey && typeof min === "number" && typeof max === "number") { const vx = (ev.clientX - rect.left) / rect.width; $$invalidate(0, value = Math.max(Math.min(Math.floor(min + (max - min) * vx), max), min)); } else { const vx = ev.clientX - downX; $$invalidate(0, value = downV + Math.floor(vx / 10)); } } const writable_props = ["min", "max", "step", "value", "id"]; Object.keys($$props).forEach((key) => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== "$$" && key !== "slot") console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); const click_handler = () => handleChange(-step); function input_input_handler() { value = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(0, value); } function input_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { inputEl = $$value; $$invalidate(4, inputEl); }); } const click_handler_1 = () => handleChange(+step); function div_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { wrapper = $$value; $$invalidate(5, wrapper); }); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("min" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, min = $$props2.min); if ("max" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, max = $$props2.max); if ("step" in $$props2) $$invalidate(3, step = $$props2.step); if ("value" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, value = $$props2.value); if ("id" in $$props2) $$invalidate(10, id = $$; }; $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ createEventDispatcher, dispatch, min, max, step, value, id, inputEl, wrapper, prev, update, handleChange, downX, downV, rect, handleMouseDown, handleMouseUp, handleMouseMove, width }); $$self.$inject_state = ($$props2) => { if ("min" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, min = $$props2.min); if ("max" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, max = $$props2.max); if ("step" in $$props2) $$invalidate(3, step = $$props2.step); if ("value" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, value = $$props2.value); if ("id" in $$props2) $$invalidate(10, id = $$; if ("inputEl" in $$props2) $$invalidate(4, inputEl = $$props2.inputEl); if ("wrapper" in $$props2) $$invalidate(5, wrapper = $$props2.wrapper); if ("prev" in $$props2) prev = $$props2.prev; if ("downX" in $$props2) downX = $$props2.downX; if ("downV" in $$props2) downV = $$props2.downV; if ("rect" in $$props2) rect = $$props2.rect; if ("width" in $$props2) $$invalidate(6, width = $$props2.width); }; if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); } $$self.$$.update = () => { if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*value*/ 1) { value !== void 0 && update(); } if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*value*/ 1) { $$invalidate(6, width = Number.isFinite(value) ? Math.max(((value == null ? void 0 : value.toString().length) ?? 1) * 8, 30) + "px" : "20px"); } }; return [ value, min, max, step, inputEl, wrapper, width, handleChange, handleMouseDown, handleMouseUp, id, click_handler, input_input_handler, input_binding, click_handler_1, div_binding ]; } class Integer extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init(this, options, instance$4, create_fragment$4, safe_not_equal, { min: 1, max: 2, step: 3, value: 0, id: 10 }); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "Integer", options, id: create_fragment$ }); } get min() { return this.$$.ctx[1]; } set min(min) { this.$$set({ min }); flush(); } get max() { return this.$$.ctx[2]; } set max(max) { this.$$set({ max }); flush(); } get step() { return this.$$.ctx[3]; } set step(step) { this.$$set({ step }); flush(); } get value() { return this.$$.ctx[0]; } set value(value) { this.$$set({ value }); flush(); } get id() { return this.$$.ctx[10]; } set id(id) { this.$$set({ id }); flush(); } } const file$3 = "src/lib/helpers/StorySettings.svelte"; function get_each_context$1(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[0] = list[i]; return child_ctx; } function create_each_block$1(ctx) { let option; const block = { c: function create() { option = element("option"); this.h(); }, l: function claim(nodes) { option = claim_element(nodes, "OPTION", {}); var option_nodes = children(option); option_nodes.forEach(detach_dev); this.h(); }, h: function hydrate() { option.__value = /*theme*/ ctx[0]; set_input_value(option, option.__value); add_location(option, file$3, 27, 4, 542); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_hydration_dev(target, option, anchor); }, p: noop, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) { detach_dev(option); } } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_each_block$, type: "each", source: "(25:2) {#each themes as theme}", ctx }); return block; } function create_fragment$3(ctx) { let select; let mounted; let dispose; let each_value = ensure_array_like_dev( /*themes*/ ctx[1] ); let each_blocks = []; for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$1(get_each_context$1(ctx, each_value, i)); } const block = { c: function create() { select = element("select"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } this.h(); }, l: function claim(nodes) { select = claim_element(nodes, "SELECT", {}); var select_nodes = children(select); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].l(select_nodes); } select_nodes.forEach(detach_dev); this.h(); }, h: function hydrate() { if ( /*theme*/ ctx[0] === void 0 ) add_render_callback(() => ( /*select_change_handler*/ ctx[2].call(select) )); add_location(select, file$3, 25, 0, 484); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_hydration_dev(target, select, anchor); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(select, null); } } select_option( select, /*theme*/ ctx[0], true ); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen_dev( select, "change", /*select_change_handler*/ ctx[2] ); mounted = true; } }, p: function update(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (dirty & /*themes*/ 2) { each_value = ensure_array_like_dev( /*themes*/ ctx2[1] ); let i; for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { const child_ctx = get_each_context$1(ctx2, each_value, i); if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); } else { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$1(child_ctx); each_blocks[i].c(); each_blocks[i].m(select, null); } } for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(1); } each_blocks.length = each_value.length; } if (dirty & /*theme, themes*/ 3) { select_option( select, /*theme*/ ctx2[0] ); } }, i: noop, o: noop, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) { detach_dev(select); } destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment$, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance$3($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots("StorySettings", slots, []); const themes = ["dark", "light", "catppuccin", "solarized", "high-contrast", "nord", "dracula"]; let theme = themes[0]; const writable_props = []; Object.keys($$props).forEach((key) => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== "$$" && key !== "slot") console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); function select_change_handler() { theme = select_value(this); $$invalidate(0, theme); $$invalidate(1, themes); } $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ themes, theme }); $$self.$inject_state = ($$props2) => { if ("theme" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, theme = $$props2.theme); }; if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); } $$self.$$.update = () => { if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*theme*/ 1) { if (theme) { const classes = document.body.classList; const newClassName = `theme-${theme}`; for (const className of classes) { if (className.startsWith("theme-") && className !== newClassName) { classes.remove(className); } } document.body.classList.add(newClassName); } } }; return [theme, themes, select_change_handler]; } class StorySettings extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init(this, options, instance$3, create_fragment$3, safe_not_equal, {}); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "StorySettings", options, id: create_fragment$ }); } } const file$2 = "src/lib/elements/Integer.story.svelte"; function create_default_slot$1(ctx) { let div; let integer; let current; integer = new Integer({ props: { value: 5, min: 0, max: 42 }, $$inline: true }); const block = { c: function create() { div = element("div"); create_component(integer.$$.fragment); this.h(); }, l: function claim(nodes) { div = claim_element(nodes, "DIV", { class: true }); var div_nodes = children(div); claim_component(integer.$$.fragment, div_nodes); div_nodes.forEach(detach_dev); this.h(); }, h: function hydrate() { attr_dev(div, "class", "s-c5uIg08NK9i-"); add_location(div, file$2, 8, 2, 160); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_hydration_dev(target, div, anchor); mount_component(integer, div, null); current = true; }, p: noop, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(integer.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(integer.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) { detach_dev(div); } destroy_component(integer); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_default_slot$, type: "slot", source: "(6:0) ", ctx }); return block; } function create_controls_slot(ctx) { let storysettings; let current; storysettings = new StorySettings({ $$inline: true }); const block = { c: function create() { create_component(storysettings.$$.fragment); }, l: function claim(nodes) { claim_component(storysettings.$$.fragment, nodes); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { mount_component(storysettings, target, anchor); current = true; }, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(storysettings.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(storysettings.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { destroy_component(storysettings, detaching); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id:, type: "slot", source: '(10:3) ', ctx }); return block; } function create_fragment$2(ctx) { let hst_story; let current; hst_story = new /*Hst*/ ctx[0].Story({ props: { $$slots: { controls: [create_controls_slot], default: [create_default_slot$1] }, $$scope: { ctx } }, $$inline: true }); const block = { c: function create() { create_component(hst_story.$$.fragment); }, l: function claim(nodes) { claim_component(hst_story.$$.fragment, nodes); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { mount_component(hst_story, target, anchor); current = true; }, p: function update(ctx2, [dirty]) { const hst_story_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*$$scope*/ 2) { hst_story_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } hst_story.$set(hst_story_changes); }, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(hst_story.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(hst_story.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { destroy_component(hst_story, detaching); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment$, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance$2($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots("Integer_story", slots, []); let { Hst } = $$props; $$self.$$.on_mount.push(function() { if (Hst === void 0 && !("Hst" in $$props || $$self.$$.bound[$$self.$$.props["Hst"]])) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'Hst'"); } }); const writable_props = ["Hst"]; Object.keys($$props).forEach((key) => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== "$$" && key !== "slot") console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("Hst" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, Hst = $$props2.Hst); }; $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ Hst, Integer, StorySettings }); $$self.$inject_state = ($$props2) => { if ("Hst" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, Hst = $$props2.Hst); }; if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); } return [Hst]; } class Integer_story extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init(this, options, instance$2, create_fragment$2, safe_not_equal, { Hst: 0 }); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "Integer_story", options, id: create_fragment$ }); } get Hst() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set Hst(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } } const file$1 = "src/lib/elements/Select.svelte"; function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[4] = list[i]; child_ctx[6] = i; return child_ctx; } function create_each_block(ctx) { let option; let t_value = ( /*label*/ ctx[4] + "" ); let t; const block = { c: function create() { option = element("option"); t = text(t_value); this.h(); }, l: function claim(nodes) { option = claim_element(nodes, "OPTION", {}); var option_nodes = children(option); t = claim_text(option_nodes, t_value); option_nodes.forEach(detach_dev); this.h(); }, h: function hydrate() { option.__value = /*i*/ ctx[6]; set_input_value(option, option.__value); add_location(option, file$1, 8, 4, 150); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_hydration_dev(target, option, anchor); append_hydration_dev(option, t); }, p: function update(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*options*/ 2 && t_value !== (t_value = /*label*/ ctx2[4] + "")) set_data_dev(t, t_value); }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) { detach_dev(option); } } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id:, type: "each", source: "(7:2) {#each options as label, i}", ctx }); return block; } function create_fragment$1(ctx) { let select; let mounted; let dispose; let each_value = ensure_array_like_dev( /*options*/ ctx[1] ); let each_blocks = []; for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i)); } const block = { c: function create() { select = element("select"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } this.h(); }, l: function claim(nodes) { select = claim_element(nodes, "SELECT", { id: true, class: true }); var select_nodes = children(select); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].l(select_nodes); } select_nodes.forEach(detach_dev); this.h(); }, h: function hydrate() { attr_dev( select, "id", /*id*/ ctx[2] ); attr_dev(select, "class", "s-NKPjzx4oHzNZ"); if ( /*value*/ ctx[0] === void 0 ) add_render_callback(() => ( /*select_change_handler*/ ctx[3].call(select) )); add_location(select, file$1, 6, 0, 91); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_hydration_dev(target, select, anchor); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].m(select, null); } } select_option( select, /*value*/ ctx[0], true ); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen_dev( select, "change", /*select_change_handler*/ ctx[3] ); mounted = true; } }, p: function update(ctx2, [dirty]) { if (dirty & /*options*/ 2) { each_value = ensure_array_like_dev( /*options*/ ctx2[1] ); let i; for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx2, each_value, i); if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); } else { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx); each_blocks[i].c(); each_blocks[i].m(select, null); } } for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(1); } each_blocks.length = each_value.length; } if (dirty & /*id*/ 4) { attr_dev( select, "id", /*id*/ ctx2[2] ); } if (dirty & /*value*/ 1) { select_option( select, /*value*/ ctx2[0] ); } }, i: noop, o: noop, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) { detach_dev(select); } destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment$, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance$1($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots("Select", slots, []); let { options = [] } = $$props; let { value = 0 } = $$props; let { id } = $$props; $$self.$$.on_mount.push(function() { if (id === void 0 && !("id" in $$props || $$self.$$.bound[$$self.$$.props["id"]])) { console.warn(" was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); function select_change_handler() { value = select_value(this); $$invalidate(0, value); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("options" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, options = $$props2.options); if ("value" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, value = $$props2.value); if ("id" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, id = $$; }; $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ options, value, id }); $$self.$inject_state = ($$props2) => { if ("options" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, options = $$props2.options); if ("value" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, value = $$props2.value); if ("id" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, id = $$; }; if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); } return [value, options, id, select_change_handler]; } class Select extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init(this, options, instance$1, create_fragment$1, safe_not_equal, { options: 1, value: 0, id: 2 }); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "Select", options, id: create_fragment$ }); } get options() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get value() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get id() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } } const file = "src/lib/elements/Select.story.svelte"; function create_default_slot(ctx) { let div; let select; let current; select = new Select({ props: { value: "banana", options: ["strawberry", "apple", "banana"] }, $$inline: true }); const block = { c: function create() { div = element("div"); create_component(select.$$.fragment); this.h(); }, l: function claim(nodes) { div = claim_element(nodes, "DIV", { class: true }); var div_nodes = children(div); claim_component(select.$$.fragment, div_nodes); div_nodes.forEach(detach_dev); this.h(); }, h: function hydrate() { attr_dev(div, "class", "s-fW0cLvH8hir4"); add_location(div, file, 7, 2, 97); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_hydration_dev(target, div, anchor); mount_component(select, div, null); current = true; }, p: noop, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(select.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(select.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) { detach_dev(div); } destroy_component(select); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id:, type: "slot", source: "(5:0) ", ctx }); return block; } function create_fragment(ctx) { let hst_story; let current; hst_story = new /*Hst*/ ctx[0].Story({ props: { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot] }, $$scope: { ctx } }, $$inline: true }); const block = { c: function create() { create_component(hst_story.$$.fragment); }, l: function claim(nodes) { claim_component(hst_story.$$.fragment, nodes); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { mount_component(hst_story, target, anchor); current = true; }, p: function update(ctx2, [dirty]) { const hst_story_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*$$scope*/ 2) { hst_story_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } hst_story.$set(hst_story_changes); }, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(hst_story.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(hst_story.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { destroy_component(hst_story, detaching); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id:, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots("Select_story", slots, []); let { Hst } = $$props; $$self.$$.on_mount.push(function() { if (Hst === void 0 && !("Hst" in $$props || $$self.$$.bound[$$self.$$.props["Hst"]])) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'Hst'"); } }); const writable_props = ["Hst"]; Object.keys($$props).forEach((key) => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== "$$" && key !== "slot") console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("Hst" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, Hst = $$props2.Hst); }; $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ Hst, Select }); $$self.$inject_state = ($$props2) => { if ("Hst" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, Hst = $$props2.Hst); }; if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); } return [Hst]; } class Select_story extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init(this, options, instance, create_fragment, safe_not_equal, { Hst: 0 }); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "Select_story", options, id: }); } get Hst() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set Hst(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } } let files = [ { "id": "src-lib-elements-checkbox-story-svelte", "path": ["Checkbox"], "filePath": "src/lib/elements/Checkbox.story.svelte", "story": { "id": "src-lib-elements-checkbox-story-svelte", "title": "Checkbox", "group": null, "layout": { "type": "single", "iframe": true }, "icon": null, "iconColor": null, "docsOnly": false, "variants": [{ "id": "_default", "title": "default" }] }, "supportPluginId": "svelte4", "index": 0, component: Checkbox_story, source: () => __vitePreload(() => import("./__resolved__virtual_story-source_src-lib-elements-checkbox-story-svelte-BdydEysz.js"), true ? [] : void 0) }, { "id": "src-lib-elements-float-story-svelte", "path": ["Float"], "filePath": "src/lib/elements/Float.story.svelte", "story": { "id": "src-lib-elements-float-story-svelte", "title": "Float", "group": null, "layout": { "type": "single", "iframe": true }, "icon": null, "iconColor": null, "docsOnly": false, "variants": [{ "id": "_default", "title": "default" }] }, "supportPluginId": "svelte4", "index": 1, component: Float_story, source: () => __vitePreload(() => import("./__resolved__virtual_story-source_src-lib-elements-float-story-svelte-DXuET9ZY.js"), true ? [] : void 0) }, { "id": "src-lib-elements-integer-story-svelte", "path": ["Integer"], "filePath": "src/lib/elements/Integer.story.svelte", "story": { "id": "src-lib-elements-integer-story-svelte", "title": "Integer", "group": null, "layout": { "type": "single", "iframe": true }, "icon": null, "iconColor": null, "docsOnly": false, "variants": [{ "id": "_default", "title": "default" }] }, "supportPluginId": "svelte4", "index": 2, component: Integer_story, source: () => __vitePreload(() => import("./__resolved__virtual_story-source_src-lib-elements-integer-story-svelte-IirIfVMy.js"), true ? [] : void 0) }, { "id": "src-lib-elements-select-story-svelte", "path": ["Select"], "filePath": "src/lib/elements/Select.story.svelte", "story": { "id": "src-lib-elements-select-story-svelte", "title": "Select", "group": null, "layout": { "type": "single", "iframe": true }, "icon": null, "iconColor": null, "docsOnly": false, "variants": [{ "id": "_default", "title": "default" }] }, "supportPluginId": "svelte4", "index": 3, component: Select_story, source: () => __vitePreload(() => import("./__resolved__virtual_story-source_src-lib-elements-select-story-svelte-BRO43j7_.js"), true ? [] : void 0) } ]; let tree = [{ "title": "Checkbox", "index": 0 }, { "title": "Float", "index": 1 }, { "title": "Integer", "index": 2 }, { "title": "Select", "index": 3 }]; const config = { "plugins": [{ "name": "builtin:tailwind-tokens" }, { "name": "builtin:vanilla-support", "supportPlugin": { "id": "vanilla", "moduleName": "/home/max/Projects/nodes/node_modules/.pnpm/histoire@0.17.17_@types+node@20.12.7_sass@1.75.0_vite@5.2.9_@types+node@20.12.7_sass@1.75.0_/node_modules/histoire/dist/node/builtin-plugins/vanilla-support", "setupFn": "setupVanilla" } }, { "name": "@histoire/plugin-svelte", "supportPlugin": { "id": "svelte4", "moduleName": "@histoire/plugin-svelte", "setupFn": ["setupSvelte3", "setupSvelte4"] }, "commands": [{ "id": "histoire:plugin-svelte:generate-story", "label": "Generate Svelte 3 story from component", "icon": "", "searchText": "generate create", "clientSetupFile": "@histoire/plugin-svelte/dist/commands/generate-story.client.js" }] }], "outDir": "/home/max/Projects/nodes/packages/ui/.histoire/dist", "storyMatch": ["**/*.story.vue", "**/*.story.svelte"], "storyIgnored": ["**/node_modules/**", "**/dist/**"], "supportMatch": [{ "id": "vanilla", "patterns": ["**/*.js"], "pluginIds": ["vanilla"] }, { "id": "svelte", "patterns": ["**/*.svelte"], "pluginIds": ["svelte4"] }], "tree": { "file": "title", "order": "asc" }, "theme": { "title": "Histoire", "colors": { "primary": { "50": "#fff7ed", "100": "#ffedd5", "200": "#fed7aa", "300": "#fdba74", "400": "#fb923c", "500": "#f97316", "600": "#ea580c", "700": "#c2410c", "800": "#9a3412", "900": "#7c2d12" }, "gray": { "50": "#fafafa", "100": "#f4f4f5", "200": "#e4e4e7", "300": "#d4d4d8", "400": "#a1a1aa", "500": "#71717a", "600": "#52525b", "700": "#3f3f46", "750": "#323238", "800": "#27272a", "850": "#1f1f21", "900": "#18181b", "950": "#101012" } }, "defaultColorScheme": "auto", "storeColorScheme": true, "darkClass": "dark", "logo": { "square": "@histoire/plugin-svelte/assets/histoire-svelte.svg", "light": "@histoire/plugin-svelte/assets/histoire-svelte-text.svg", "dark": "@histoire/plugin-svelte/assets/histoire-svelte-text.svg" } }, "responsivePresets": [{ "label": "Mobile (Small)", "width": 320, "height": 560 }, { "label": "Mobile (Medium)", "width": 360, "height": 640 }, { "label": "Mobile (Large)", "width": 414, "height": 896 }, { "label": "Tablet", "width": 768, "height": 1024 }, { "label": "Laptop (Small)", "width": 1024, "height": null }, { "label": "Laptop (Large)", "width": 1366, "height": null }, { "label": "Desktop", "width": 1920, "height": null }, { "label": "4K", "width": 3840, "height": null }], "backgroundPresets": [{ "label": "Transparent", "color": "transparent", "contrastColor": "#333" }, { "label": "White", "color": "#fff", "contrastColor": "#333" }, { "label": "Light gray", "color": "#aaa", "contrastColor": "#000" }, { "label": "Dark gray", "color": "#333", "contrastColor": "#fff" }, { "label": "Black", "color": "#000", "contrastColor": "#eee" }], "sandboxDarkClass": "dark", "routerMode": "history", "build": { "excludeFromVendorsChunk": [] }, "viteIgnorePlugins": ["vite-plugin-sveltekit-compile"], "setupFile": "/src/histoire.setup.ts" }; const logos = { square: Logo_square, light: Logo_dark, dark: Logo_dark }; const histoireConfig = config; const customLogos = logos; const base = "/"; function createRouterHistory() { switch (histoireConfig.routerMode) { case "hash": return createWebHashHistory(base); case "history": default: return createWebHistory(base); } } const router = createRouter({ history: createRouterHistory(), routes: [ { path: "/", name: "home", component: () => __vitePreload(() => import("./HomeView.vue-CcWnFK65.js"), true ? __vite__mapDeps([0,1,2]) : void 0) }, { path: "/story/:storyId", name: "story", component: () => __vitePreload(() => import("./StoryView.vue-BFx-CBXY.js"), true ? __vite__mapDeps([3,2,1,4,5,6]) : void 0) } ] }); const isDark = useDark({ valueDark: "htw-dark", initialValue: histoireConfig.theme.defaultColorScheme, storageKey: "histoire-color-scheme", storage: histoireConfig.theme.storeColorScheme ? localStorage : sessionStorage }); const toggleDark = useToggle(isDark); function applyDarkToControls() { var _a; (_a = window.__hst_controls_dark) == null ? void 0 : _a.forEach((ref2) => { ref2.value = isDark.value; }); } watch(isDark, () => { applyDarkToControls(); }, { immediate: true }); window.__hst_controls_dark_ready = () => { applyDarkToControls(); }; const copiedFromExistingVariant = [ "state", "slots", "source", "responsiveDisabled", "autoPropsDisabled", "setupApp", "configReady", "previewReady" ]; function mapFile(file2, existingFile) { let result; if (existingFile) { result = existingFile; for (const key in file2) { if (key === "story") { result.story = { ...result.story, ...file2.story, file: markRaw(result), variants: => mapVariant(v, existingFile.story.variants.find((item) => === }; } else if (key !== "component") { result[key] = file2[key]; } } } else { result = { ...file2, component: markRaw(file2.component), story: { ...file2.story, title: file2.story.title, file: markRaw(file2), variants: => mapVariant(v)), slots: () => ({}) } }; } return result; } function mapVariant(variant, existingVariant) { let result; if (existingVariant) { result = existingVariant; for (const key in variant) { if (!copiedFromExistingVariant.includes(key)) { result[key] = variant[key]; } } } else { result = { ...variant, state: reactive({ _hPropState: {}, _hPropDefs: {} }), setupApp: null, slots: () => ({}), previewReady: false }; } return result; } const clientSupportPlugins = { "vanilla": () => __vitePreload(() => import("./vendor-BCKkA27H.js").then((n) => n.b7), true ? [] : void 0), "svelte4": () => __vitePreload(() => import("./vendor-BCKkA27H.js").then((n) => n.b8), true ? [] : void 0) }; const __default__ = { inheritAttrs: false }; const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ ...__default__, __name: "GenericMountStory", props: { story: {} }, setup(__props) { const props = __props; const mountComponent = ref(null); watchEffect(async () => { var _a; const clientPlugin = clientSupportPlugins[(_a = props.story.file) == null ? void 0 : _a.supportPluginId]; if (clientPlugin) { const pluginModule = await clientPlugin(); mountComponent.value = markRaw(pluginModule.MountStory); } }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { return mountComponent.value ? (openBlock(), createBlock(resolveDynamicComponent(mountComponent.value), mergeProps({ key: 0, class: "histoire-generic-mount-story", story: _ctx.story }, _ctx.$attrs), null, 16, ["story"])) : createCommentVNode("", true); }; } }); export { __vitePreload as _, tree as a, _sfc_main as b, customLogos as c, clientSupportPlugins as d, base as e, files as f, histoireConfig as h, isDark as i, mapFile as m, router as r, toggleDark as t };