import { writable, type Writable } from "svelte/store"; import type { Graph, NodeRegistry as INodeRegistry, NodeType, Node } from "./types"; import { snapToGrid } from "./helpers"; const nodeTypes: NodeType[] = [ { id: "input/float", inputs: { "value": { type: "float" }, }, outputs: ["float"], }, { id: "math", inputs: { "a": { type: "float" }, "b": { type: "float" }, }, outputs: ["float"], }, ] export class NodeRegistry implements INodeRegistry { getNode(id: string): NodeType | undefined { return nodeTypes.find((nodeType) => === id); } } export class GraphManager { status: Writable<"loading" | "idle" | "error"> = writable("loading"); nodes: Node[] = []; edges: { from: string, to: string }[] = []; private constructor(private graph: Graph, private nodeRegistry: NodeRegistry = new NodeRegistry()) { } async load() { const nodes = this.graph.nodes; for (const node of nodes) { const nodeType = this.getNodeType(node.type); if (!nodeType) { console.error(`Node type not found: ${node.type}`); this.status.set("error"); return; } } this.nodes = this.graph.nodes; this.edges = this.graph.edges; this.status.set("idle"); } getNode(id: string) { return this.nodes.find((node) => === id); } public getNodeType(id: string): NodeType { return this.nodeRegistry.getNode(id)!; } public getEdges() { return this.edges .map((edge) => { const from = this.nodes.find((node) => === edge.from); const to = this.nodes.find((node) => ===; if (!from || !to) return; return [from, to] as const; }) .filter(Boolean) as unknown as [Node, Node][]; } static createEmptyGraph({ width = 20, height = 20 } = {}): GraphManager { const graph: Graph = { edges: [], nodes: [], }; const amount = width * height; for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++) { const x = i % width; const y = Math.floor(i / height); graph.nodes.push({ id: `${i.toString()}`, tmp: { visible: false, }, position: { x: x * 7.5, y: y * 10, }, props: i == 0 ? { value: 0 } : {}, type: i == 0 ? "input/float" : "math", }); graph.edges.push({ from: i.toString(), to: (i + 1).toString(), }); } return new GraphManager(graph); } }