local command_center = require("command_center") local noremap = {noremap = true} command_center.add({ { description = "Search inside current buffer", command = "Telescope current_buffer_fuzzy_find", keybindings = { "n", "fl", noremap }, }, { -- If no descirption is specified, command is used to replace descirption by default -- You can change this behavior in settigns command = "Telescope find_files", }, { -- If no keybindings specified, no keybindings will be displayed or registered description = "Find hidden files", command = "Telescope find_files hidden=true", }, { -- You can specify multiple keybindings for the same command ... description = "Show document symbols", command = "Telescope lsp_document_symbols", }, { description = "Show function signaure (hover)", command = "lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()", },{ description="(TS) Organize Imports", command = "OrganizeImports" } })