## ALIASIES ## # This function emits an OSC 1337 sequence to set a user var # associated with the current terminal pane. # It requires the `base64` utility to be available in the path. # This function is included in the wezterm shell integration script, but # is reproduced here for clarity __wezterm_set_user_var() { if hash base64 2>/dev/null ; then if [[ -z "${TMUX}" ]] ; then printf "\033]1337;SetUserVar=%s=%s\007" "$1" `echo -n "$2" | base64` else # # Note that you ALSO need to add "set -g allow-passthrough on" to your tmux.conf printf "\033Ptmux;\033\033]1337;SetUserVar=%s=%s\007\033\\" "$1" `echo -n "$2" | base64` fi fi } function _run_prog() { # set PROG to the program being run __wezterm_set_user_var "PROG" "$1" # arrange to clear it when it is done trap '__wezterm_set_user_var PROG ""' EXIT # and now run the corresponding command, taking care to avoid looping # with the alias definition command "$@" } alias -s {yml,yaml,ts,json,js,vim,rc}=nvim alias c="code ." alias ca="c -a" alias cr="c -r" alias yoink="curl" alias pls='sudo -E env "PATH=$PATH"' alias online="ping" alias vim="_run_prog nvim" alias v="_run_prog nvim" alias gcm="git commit -m " alias D="run dev" alias B="run build" alias T="run test" alias P="git push" alias p="git pull" alias lt="tree -L 2 --filelimit 150 --dirsfirst" alias captive="xdg-open http://$(ip --oneline route get | awk '{print $3}')" if docker compose &> /dev/null then alias dc="sudo docker compose" else alias dc="sudo docker-compose" fi alias d="sudo docker" alias t="tmux" alias nx="pnpm exec nx" alias pm="pnpm prisma" if type lsd &> /dev/null; then alias ls="lsd" fi if type bat &> /dev/null; then alias cat="bat" fi